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- Constant Blame in Relationships IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-07-09 17:38:35
Constant Blame in Relationships
When a relationship is going bad or has problems, partners tend to blame each other for not loving them the way they want to be loved or not giving priority to them. When one receives criticism from their partner, it can sometimes be taken as they dont love them anymore. Instead of expressing how they feel, they put the immediate blame on the other.

The most important thing one can do in this situation is force themselves from blaming and judging and open up. Becoming vulnerable and expressing needs and feelings gives the other person a chance to correct and obtain new information. Vulnerability and courage are important aspects to have in a relationship.

By showing emotions and expressing needs, one can build strong intimacy. When a partner looks at a broken relationship as a mirrored image of oneself, there can be much more to gain and learn from it rather than blaming it all on the other person. It is easy to constantly blame the other person for everything that goes wrong in the relationship, but just expect them to blame you as well since you might as well be causing your partner to act a certain way.

You can look at your own feelings and see how your partner acts based on them and focus on how you can act differently to make your partner act differently. This involves great self control and is a difficult task to do, but as mentioned above, vulnerability and courage are the most important attributes needed in a healthy relationship.
- FRIEND IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-07-09 11:17:29
Sue and Jane have been bosom friends since their college days.
Everyone knows that John's only a fair-weather friend.
IgorKXXL   2011-07-09 11:18:49
Кто еще что может предложить, кроме:
- How Do You Really Seduce a Woman? IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-06-30 23:31:59
How Do You Really Seduce a Woman?
What is the key to pick up any woman you meet? You probably would guess or have probably been told that it is to just be yourself and be confident, right? Although this is the typical clich#233; answer you would expect to hear, this is just a bunch of bologna. However, there is some element of truth in that response, but the art of seduction nowadays requires much more than just those two simple things.

It is one thing to be confident in yourself, but it is a totally different thing to be confident in your interests, meaning, are you truly interested in the woman you are trying to pick up? Even if you are only interested in a one night stand, you should be genuinely interested in the girl you have your mind and heart set on (or even some other body part). Genuine interest is the most important thing to have and this has nothing to do with being yourself.

Now lying is usually not a moral thing to do as we are all taught from childhood, but if your goal is pure seduction, then lying is your best weapon. Again, being yourself wont work so well because you might be a very honest person, often too honest. Lying doesnt have to mean that you tell every girl you meet that you are an astronaut or a CIA agent, but it could simply mean just stretching the truth a bit. For example, you can tell the girl that last month you climbed Mount McKinley. If a long term relationship is what you are looking for, then lying might not be your best bet.

In that case, just strike up an interesting conversation. Brush up on the latest sports and news headlines before you go out and you can show that you are intelligent and knowledgeable. Maintain eye contact and make the woman feel like they are the only one in the room. Engaging in deep conversations and showing genuine interest can do more for you than just relaxing, feeling confident, and letting things flow.

Have you ever seduced someone without any difficulty? What were your techniques? Have you ever been seduced by someone you found to be so smooth or did someone fail miserably at attempting to seduce you? If it isnt too personal, share us your stories below. Dont worry, you can always sign up anonymously so no one can trace back who you really are and cross check your story!
- students feel that just by being in the native land the IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-06-27 07:25:49
students feel that just by being in the native land the
Hi, Im Randall. As I work with international students, I often find that they have misperceptions of what language and culture are all about. In other words, sometimes students feel that just by being in the native land [or] the native culture that theyre actually going to learn the language, and too often I find students that have been here for a short period of time or for a long period of time, and they havent made progress because, in part, they spend so much of their time interacting with people from their own culture.

The other thing is is that just by living in a dormitory, at a university in the United States does not necessarily mean youll make friends because many of these students already have their own friendships, and uh, nothing against you or anyone, but it just happens that students already have things established. . . they already have their own lives.

And, uh, one other thing. . . uh, many students dont realize that by just being in the country it doesnt guarantee that theyll learn a lot about the culture. Uh, many people might ask me, for example, uh, about, uh, the United States, and even though Ive lived here for many, many years, there are a lot of things I dont know because language learning and [learning] culture take a long time to do [to master and learn].
- Stop Asking a Guy Awkward Questions IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-06-25 22:26:03
Stop Asking a Guy Awkward Questions
Even the most confident men start sweating and getting nervous when women ask those crazy and awkward questions that make any man feel uncomfortable. There are questions that you just dont want to and should stop asking guys, especially the ones you are interested in. Even if you get a positive answer, you still will not be happy and satisfied with his response. You might also set him up to lie which is never a good thing.

The first question, how old do you think I am? This is one of the worst questions you can ask a guy because now he has all of the pressure on his shoulder. If he guesses too high, than he loses the potential date. If he guesses too low, then although you might want to hear that you look younger, he is still not comfortable with the fact that he had to guess your age. If he guesses it correctly, then you might still be unhappy with the answer and guess. Just tell him your age without having him guess.

Do I look fat in this outfit is another dreadful question. If you want an honest answer, ask your friends and not a guy you are interested in. A guy will never tell you that you look fat in an outfit.

Asking about an ex is never a good idea either. Questions like was sex better with your ex than with me are just a horrible way to start a conversation with someone you just started hitting it off with. If you feel that he is not enjoying the sex as much as you would want him to, try to make new and interesting ways to improve the sex life with him instead of constantly bringing up the past.

Speaking of comparison questions, asking questions such as which one of my friends would you rather have sex with or do you think she is prettier than me is just asking for an awkward moment. I mean, do you actually want him to say "well, yeah she is prettier than you" or "yeah I really want to have sex with your best friend"? You will come off as insecure and create all kinds of awkwardness by asking these questions. Just imagine if he asked you something like that.
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-06-15 07:00:46
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
По вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21.
м. Таганская.
Желающие присоединиться - записывайтесь в теме, в ССС или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
IgorKXXL   2011-06-22 23:14:59
О чем общаемся?
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
Кто то языковый барьер предодолеть. Кто то что бы разобраться в своей жизненной ситуации. Часто, для того, что бы продолжать расти. Для того, что бы общаться с интересными людьми.
- Controlling Inner Voices IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-06-04 07:10:55
Controlling Inner Voices
When we know how to control and what is in our inner voices, we are able to control our behavior and separate ourselves from it to show who we truly are. Inner voices can at times define who we are and make us think about people a certain way. The inner critics inside our minds play an important role in shaping what kind of person we really are.

It is unfortunate that our inner voice is so well integrated into our thinking that it affects the way we act, think, and also facilitates how we are treated by others. People may think of us as timid and unfriendly if we decide to just be quiet and shut ourselves out from a crowd. We sometimes dont take notice how powerful our inner voice can be socially and personally.

This inner voice inside of all of us can sometimes prevent us from obtaining our goals in life and increase self criticism. Recognizing our inner voice is important as it helps us understand our behavior and how we make bad choices.

Overreactions are also a big effect from the inner voice. By learning what triggers it and what kind of behavior is attributed from our inner voices, we can take actions against our inner voice and learn to be vulnerable in a relationship or even apologizing for hurtful words that were said in an argument.

Taking control of our inner voice will improve our relationships and friendships as well as decrease the chances of arguments. It is essential that we fight for our freedom of using our own mind and not let an inner voice control our lives and relationships. We can make conscious and great decisions on our own without letting an inner voice get the worst out of us and let us make bad choices.
- Incredible English Четверг, 9 Июня в 18:30 IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-06-04 07:14:15
Incredible English Четверг, 9 Июня в 18:30
Incredible English

Starbucks на Покровке 5, второй этаж, Четверг, 9 Июня в 18:30

Cheers, everyone!

Программа стандартная:
1. знакомимся (спид-митинг),
2. 1. веселимся (игры, общение и прочий балаган),
2. 2. если не веселимся, см. п. 2. 1.
Встречаемся уже на месте

Ведущий встречи: Юра Кашницкий (7-915-302-88-34)
- Incredible English IgorKXXL (5 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-28 11:04:33
Incredible English
Incredible English

Дом на дереве, покровка, 25, Суббота, 28 Мая в 16:00

хееей гайз! зис стафф хэппенс эген!

Итак! снова английская встреча, и снова в Доме на дереве.
Мы встречаемся, чтобы снова поговорить по-английски

все стандартно:
- знакомимся (спид-митингс)
- играемся (если нас на это хватит)
- общаемся
- гуляемся (по центру таки)

Единственное исключение! ВЗнос за эту встречу составляет 100 рублей. Встреча Алохи, как водится, останется бесплатной. 100 рублей - плата Дому на дереве. Кто был в прошлый раз, тот, я думаю, поддержит ребят - организаторов дома. Для тех, кто не был - информация:

и, конечно, вы всегда можете принести с собой что-нибудь очень вкусное, угостить кого-нибудь, скушать что-нибудь, что принесет твой друг и попить чайку.
Как дойти?
М. Чистые пруды. Выходите к прудам и доходите до конца парка, вам нужно пересечение с Покровкой, поворачиваете налево, видете КОФЕ БИН и ШОКОЛАДНИЦУ, за ними будет арка, сворачивайте в нее и вверх по винтовой лестнице.
Если же вы были на наших предыдущих встречах в старбаксе на покровке, то можно дойти и от м. Китай-город, вверх по Маросейке, потом по Покровке и также в арку и наверх по винтовой лестнице.
вас познакомится с новыми людьми, пообщатьс со старыми в настоящей домашней обстановке.

До встречи!

Ведущий встречи: Гривнова Ка (8-916-300-03-61)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-28 11:05:02
Я иде
Можно связаться со мной 8 926 997 49 39
IgorKXXL   2011-05-29 07:36:35
Сходили. Наших трое. Всего человек 50
Несколько пионерская, но довольно прикольная тусовка. Формат диктует высокий темп речи.
У участников и у многих участников и у ведущей замечательный английский. Интересные, контактные люди. Доброжелательная атмосфера.
Просто Баудикка   2011-06-01 04:52:14
А можно вас попросить мне в личку буркнуть, если будете еще собирать в течение лета?
IgorKXXL   2011-06-01 22:31:32
Мы собираемся регулярно
По вторникам и четвергам. Желающие могут записаться в день встречи по тел. 8 926 997 49 39
- А good dentist kuskilda (1 сбщ)
kuskilda   2011-05-26 12:12:29
А good dentist
A guy and a girl meet at a bar.

They get along so well that they decide to go to the

girl's Place. A few drinks later, the guy takes off his shirt and

then washes his hands. He then takes of his trousers and

washes his hands again.

The girl has been watching him and

says, "You must be a dentist."

The guy, surprised, says

"Yes... how did you figure that out?"

"Easy," she replied, "you keep washing your


One thing led to another and they make love.

After they have done, the girl says, "You must be a

good dentist."

The guy, now with a boosted ego says, "Sure, I'm

a good dentist, How did you figure that out?"

"Didn't feel a thing!" she replied.
- Russian Justice Witch (8 сбщ)
Witch   2011-05-25 11:10:06
Russian Justice
Оригинал на сайте The New York Times

Russian Justice

By the time you read this column, you may already know the fate of Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky and Platon L. Lebedev.
Moscow, after all, is eight hours ahead of New York, and lets be honest here: Its not going to take the Moscow City Court very long to conclude that the two men deserve another seven years in prison - on top of the eight theyve already served - on laughably trumped-up charges. Chances are, the three-judge panel knew going in how it planned to rule. Thats the way it works in Russia when somebody crosses the countrys ruling plutocrats. They get sent to Siberia on phony charges.

In China, when the countrys rulers want to get rid of a troublesome dissident, they just lock him up. There is not a lot of pretense. But Russia wants the world to believe that it abides by the rule of law. "It has a Constitution, courts, judges and established procedures," said Pavel Ivlev, one of Khodorkovskys lawyers.

But, Ivlev adds, "You also have the reality that everything is controlled by Putin and his friends." So when someone starts making trouble for Russias premier, Vladimir Putin, and his corrupt cronies, things play out a little differently. An "investigation" is begun, which leads to a series of criminal charges, which, in turn, leads to a lengthy trial. The illusion of justice is created. But the ending never varies: The defendants wind up in prison for crimes they never committed.

No one illustrates this better than Khodorkovsky, who in less than a decade has gone from being Russias richest man - an oligarch among oligarchs - to being its most prominent political prisoner. The founder of Yukos, the countrys best-run oil producer, Khodorkovsky undoubtedly played fast and loose in building the company in the early 1990s.
Witch   2011-05-25 11:10:52
The plutocrats
had no problem with that. But then Khodorkovsky did two things that made him intolerable. He began transforming Yukos into a legitimate company that played by the rules of Western capitalism. Worse, he began to challenge Putin - and put up money to back opposition parties.

Yukos was taken from Khodorkovsky and the shareholders in a bogus transaction, and handed to Rosneft, a more pliable oil company run by executives aligned with Putins cronies. Khodorkovsky and Lebedev, his longtime business partner, were arrested, convicted of trumped-up tax fraud charges and sentenced to eight years in prison that began in 2003.

In prison, Khodorkovsky became, if anything, even more of a threat to Putin than he had been when he was running Yukos. His imprisonment came to symbolize the stench emanating from Russias corrupt ruling class, the impunity with which it lined its own pockets, and its utter disregard for the rule of law. The Russian public, which originally viewed Khodorkovsky as a rich crook who had gotten his due, began to see him as a martyr.

Not surprisingly, as their sentence neared its conclusion, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev became the targets of a new investigation. Which led to new charges and another trial. The crime they were accused of was absurd on its face: They were alleged to have stolen every drop of Yukos oil between 1998 and 2003. But never mind. During the trial, Putin declared that Khodorkovsky should be sent back to prison. Late last December, the two men were once again found guilty - though not before Khodorkovsky gave an eloquent speech that cemented his role as the modern heir to the great Russian dissidents of the past.

"It is hard to live in prison, and I do not want to die here," he said. "But, if I have to, I will have no hesitation. What I believe in is worth dying for." When he finished speaking, the crowd in the courtroom yelled "Freedom" while the judge declared the trial over.
Witch   2011-05-25 11:11:38
The Moscow City
Court, where Tuesdays hearing is taking place, is Russias equivalent of the court of appeals. This hearing is no more real than anything else in this case. Not long after the original trial judge read his verdict, one of his aides said publicly that he had been under constant pressure from his superiors to find the two men guilty. And who were these superiors? The judges of the Moscow City Court - the very ones who are now sitting in judgment today.

And so it goes.

Soon, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev will be safely back in Siberia. The plutocrats can then turn their attention to a new nemesis, Alexei Navalny. An outspoken lawyer, Navalny has devoted the past few years to exposing corruption at Russian big state-owned companies, even posting fraudulent contracts on his blogs. In some cases, deals have been scotched as a result of his efforts.
Recently, prosecutors opened an investigation into Navalny, claiming that he may have tricked a state-run company into paying an inflated price while serving as a consultant to a regional governor. Its preposterous, of course, not that that matters in modern Russia.
Hes up next.

Joe Nocera
Аноним [1]   2011-05-25 12:20:34
и все те же люди поливали ходора и лебедевым всевозможным дерьмом, когда в 98 банк МЕНАТЕП накернился, не вернув иностранерам синдицированные кредиты и не расплатившись по форвардам... ппц.
Witch   2011-05-25 13:05:52
Could you
tell me, please, why neither the first court nor the second one incriminated the defendants any episode of the MENATEP? May be because the MENATEP - one of the very few banks completely paid off with their debts which have arisen because of the 98 year default in which they precisely weren't guilty?
Besides, the matter in question is not so much about Khodorkovsky and Lebedev, but about us. All of us, as a matter of fact, are hostages of this justice. Degradation of judicial system is the total price of the chosen way to settle accounts with Khodorkovsky.
Аноним [1]   2011-05-25 14:01:33
For your
kind information the best offer made by MENATEP at the time was 2c per dollar, but nothing was eventually paid back - not a single penny! MDM and Alfa paid back almost in full, Unexim bought back their debt at 15-25% of par, even Rossiysky Kredit paid around 10%, but not MENATEP... and I'm talking about foreign lenders not Russian private depositors.

MENATEP's lenders gave up to search for MENATEP's assets stripped by Mssrs Kh and L to banks like Trust (former DIB) by the time when Yukos came up in its full blaze... therefore no suits were filed...

my comment is generally about double standards they use when judging us... justice service the power anywhere in the world... they just do that smarter - that comes with age, I believe... we're halfway there)
Witch   2011-05-25 14:33:12
it oddly that there is no clames from foreign lenders you reference?
Аноним [1]   2011-05-26 15:19:05
I said - all claimslawsuits were filed back in 1998-2000...
- Global Corporate Volunteering Research Project IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-24 22:03:44
Global Corporate Volunteering Research Project
Семинар "Корпоративное волонтерство в мире: межстрановые сравнения". Докладчик - Кенн Аллен

Рабочий язык английский (с синхронным переводом).
Даты проведения: 25 мая 2011, 15:00, Москва

25 мая состоится семинар Центра исследований гражданского общества и некоммерческого сектора НИУ ВШЭ.

С докладом "Корпоративное волонтерство в мире: межстрановые сравнения" Кенн Аллен, президент Консалтинговой группы по вопросам гражданского общества (Civil Society Consulting Group LLC), широко известный специалист в области изучения добровольчества и его роли в развитии гражданского общества.

Кенн Аллен является руководителем Глобального исследовательского проекта корпоративного волонтерства (Global Corporate Volunteering Research Project), реализуемого Глобальным Советом по корпоративному волонтерству (Global Corporate Volunteer Council) и Международной ассоциацией добровольческих усилий (International Association of Volunteer Effort).

Доклад Кенна Аллена будет включать следующие вопросы:
данные о развитии корпоративного волонтерства в международной перспективе;
оценки вклада корпоративного добровольчества в развитие гражданских инициатив населения;
характеристики межсекторного взаимодействия коммерческих компаний с НКО при реализации программ корпоративного волонтерства;
оценку эффективности организации корпоративного добровольчества.

Руководитель семинара - Якобсон Лев Ильич, доктор экономических наук, профессор, первый проректор НИУ ВШЭ, научный руководитель Центра исследований гражданского общества и некоммерческого сектора.

Рабочий язык английский (с синхронным переводом).

Приглашаются все желающие.

Время начала: 15:00

Условия участия: Бесплатно. При необходимости заказа пропуска в здание НИУ ВШЭ просьба сообщить о своем участии по телефону: (495) 623-88-03 (Прасолова Оксана Олеговна)

Куда идти: метро лу; ул. Мясницкая, 20, ауд. 101.
- If you add a little... IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-24 21:46:26
If you add a little...
Ну вы в курсе...))
Общаемся по-английски, как обычно, по вторникам и четвергам.
м. Таганская-Марксистская. В кафе МуМу. По прежнему с 19 до 21.
Записывайтесь по тел. 8 926 997 49 39 Игорь.
IgorKXXL   2011-05-24 21:47:48
If you add a little
If you add a little, to a little and do this often, soon the little will become great.
- English Club by Skype Дживан Мукти (2 сбщ)
Charisma   2011-05-18 15:40:07
English Club by Skype
Could it possible to organize an online Skype meeting to chat English with each other? How many active participants attending this Forum (DoMiK) ?
IgorKXXL   2011-05-24 21:49:33
Приноси нетбук
на наши живые встречи, сделаем телемост с американцами или с британцами.
- How Do I Get over a Break-up? IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-16 07:22:37
How Do I Get over a Break-up?
January is a popular month for couples to split up and start a fresh clean slate in the New Year once the holidays are gone. You might have just broken up with your ex or maybe they broke up with you. Either way, break-ups are not so easy. Whether youve been together for a few weeks or a few years, the emotional impact can sometimes feel overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help you move on to a better relationship.

Take a break for yourself. Take some time off from dating for a while and focus on yourself. We always want to replace the one we just lost but try to stay away from those one night stands and rebounds.

Recognize why the break up happened. Were you too busy in your schedule to give the relationship enough time? Was it communication issues? Did you just naturally grow apart? If you recognize and accept why the break up occurred, you can improve on it and act differently in the next relationship.

Dont blame your ex for everything. There are two people in a relationship, not one. Try not to blame your ex for everything that went wrong in the relationship. Admit your own faults and try to improve yourself so the next relationship will be even better.

Rediscover yourself. Take up a new hobby that youve always been interested in. Travel to a place youve always wanted to go. Take a day trip to a spa or a night out with the guys or girls. Try to rediscover who you are again.

Have a bright outlook to the future. It is often easier to give into the feelings of sadness instead of looking for opportunities to go forward in your life throughout the day. Be patient and have faith in the process.
- The meeting aint over until the fat lady sings. IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-15 21:49:12
The meeting aint over until the fat lady sings.
Каково значение и происхождение идеомы? Кто знает?
Charisma   2011-05-16 17:38:57
Google knows.
!Ссылки Запрещены!mentators do often say the phrase to remind people that its the final result that matters, often in a spirit of reassurance to the supporters of the losing team. It has been suggested that it was the brainchild of the San Antonio TV sports editor Dan Cook, who famously used it during a televised basketball game in May 1978. Its probably not one of Yogi Berras phrases, though it has the same sense and much of the style of his "It aint over till its over".

But we now know that Cook didnt invent it. Fred Shapiro has found and published an example in the Yale Book of Quotations which appeared in the Dallas Morning News on 10 March 1976. This is the full quote:

Despite his obvious allegiance to the Red Raiders, Texas Tech sports information director Ralph Carpenter was the picture of professional objectivity when the Aggies rallied for a 72-72 tie late in the SWC tournament finals. "Hey, Ralph," said Bill Morgan (Southwest Conference information director), "this... is going to be a tight one after all." "Right," said Ralph. "The opera aint over until the fat lady sings."

In the same newspaper on 26 November 2006, Steve Blow followed up the discovery by contacting Mr Morgan about the incident: "Bill vividly remembers the comment and the uproar it caused throughout the press box. He always assumed it was coined on the spot. Oh, yeah, it was vintage Carpenter. He was one of the worlds funniest guys, said Bill, a contender for that title himself."

These comparatively recent sports associations disguise the fact that it is actually a rather older expression, which occurs in several forms: It aint over till the fat lady sings, The opera isnt over until the fat lady sings, or Church aint out till the fat lady sings.

This last version appears in a 1976 booklet by Fabia Rue Smith and Charles Rayford Smith entitled Southern Words and Sayings. Ralph Keyes wrote a book with the title Nice Guys Finish Seventh in 1992 in which he says that several informants recalled hearing the expression for decades before it suddenly became nationally known in 1978. The use of church here suggests that its origin didnt lie either in opera or sport. It may even be a proverbial Southern expression.
- New York: Downtown IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-11 21:16:52
New York: Downtown
Кинопрограмма "Нью-Йорк: Даунтаун"

Даты проведения: 12 мая 2011, Москва

Центр современной культуры "Гараж" запускает программу кинопоказов Garage SCREEN.

Первым проектом станет цикл из 16 документальных картин "Нью-Йорк: Даунтаун", приуроченный к выставке New York Minute.

Программу подготовила Ольга Борисова, куратор Garage SCREEN.

Консультант программы: Дарио Бержезио.

При поддержке посольства США в Москве, в рамках мероприятий двусторонней президентской комиссии Медведева - Обамы.

Кураторы предлагают взглянуть на главных героев Нью-Йорка 19501980-х годов, героев, изменивших ход истории искусства и культуры в целом, без которых достижения сегодняшнего Нью-Йорка были бы невозможны.

Знаменитые писатели-бунтари битники, перевернувшие представление о литературе и навсегда изменившие образ писателя, - Уильям Берроуз, Джек Керуак, Аллен Гинзберг; американские гении Рой Лихтенштейн, Джаспер Джонс и Кит Хэринг, Жан-Мишель Баскиа, Энди Уорхол, а также Сальвадор Дали, побывавший в Нью-Йорке и превративший свой визит в подлинный перформанс, - все эти уникальные фигуры раскроются в новых ракурсах благодаря прямоте документального кино. Также кинопрограмма познакомит с менее известным, но не менее значимым персонажем нью-йоркского андерграунда - режиссером и художником Джеком Смитом.

Откроет кинопрограмму премьерный в России показ фильма "Уильям Берроуз. Человек внутри" (2010), который представит сам автор Йони Лейзер.

Большинство фильмов будут показаны в Москве впервые. Все фильмы демонстрируются на английском языке с русскими субтитрами.

15 мая, 15:00. КУЧА-МАЛА "Документальное кино: правда и правдоподобие, искусство и индустрия"

Есть ощущение, что внимание к документальному кино растет. Но каково его будущее, если почти нет проката? Какие истории и кому хотят рассказать документалисты? Об этом, а также о границах жанра, методологии съемки и востребованности правды пойдет разговор. Встреча пройдет в формате "куча-мала": участники заранее готовят ответы на одинаковый список вопросов, а затем обсуждают наиболее спорные и противоречивые мнения. Модератор - Мария Привалова.

15 мая, 18:30. ПОГАДАЙ НА РОМАШКЕ. 1959. США. Реж. Роберт Франк, Альфред Лесли. 30 мин.

"Погадай на ромашке" - короткометражный фильм, снятый по мотивам третьего действия пьесы Джека Керуака "Поколение бит". Этот фильм стал символом поколения во многом благодаря тому, что легендарные представители бит-культуры - поэт Аллен Гинзберг, художник Лари Риверс, музыкант Дэвид Амрам - играют в нем самих себя. Роберт Франк (р. 1924, Швейцария) - классик документальной фотографии, кинорежиссер и оператор.

Альфред Лесли (р. 1927, США) - художник-реалист, фотограф, кинорежиссер.

Фильм Роберта Франка предоставлен Музеем изобразительных искусств, Хьюстон.

15 мая, 19:00. УИЛЬЯМ БЕРРОУЗ: ЧЕЛОВЕК ВНУТРИ. 2010. США. Реж. Йони Лейзер. 74 мин.

Фильм рассказывает о жизни Уильяма Берроуза, легендарного писателя и американской иконы поколения битников. Он был одним из первых, кто в 1950-е годы поднял вопрос о гомосексуализме и наркомании в литературе. В дальнейшем Берроуз был провозглашен крестным отцом поколения "бит", и его личность повлияла на последующие поколения художников.

Йони Лейзер (р. 1985, США) - режиссер, "Уильям Берроуз: человек внутри" - его первый полнометражный фильм.

15 мая, 21:30. ИСТОЧНИК. 1999. США. Реж. Чак Уоркмен. 91 мин.

Фильм исследует поколение "бит" с момента встречи Гинзберга и Керуака в 1944 году в Колумбийском университете до смерти Гинзберга и Берроуза в 1997 году. Джонни Депп, Денис Хоппер и Джон Туртурро читают произведения этих писателей. В фильме присутствуют интервью писателя Кена Кизи, гитариста Джерри Гарсии, композитора Филипа Гласса, звучит музыка Боба Дилана.

Чак Уоркмэн (р. 1945, США) - режиссер.

16 мая, 20:00. ДАЛИ В НЬЮ-ЙОРКЕ. 1965. США. Реж. Джек Бонд. 57 мин.

"Дали в Нью-Йорке" - это редкая находка для всех, кто любит кино и театр сюрреалистической вселенной Дали. Режиссер Джек Бонд и Сальвадор Дали встретились на Рождество 1965 года для создания развлекательного фильма. На протяжении двух недель Дали придумывал необычные сцены с гипсовыми слепками, тысячей муравьев и миллионом долларовых купюр.

Джек Бонд (р. 1939, Великобритания) - режиссер и продюсер.

17 мая, 20:00. ЖАН-МИШЕЛЬ БАСКИА: ЛУЧЕЗАРНОЕ ДИТЯ. 2010. США. Реж. Тамра Дэвис. 93 мин.

Жан-Мишель Баскиа был символом культуры "даунтаун" и стрит-арта. В основе фильма - эксклюзивное интервью, которое режиссер картины и подруга Баскиа взяла у художника более двадцати лет назад. Документальный фильм повествует о стремительном взлете и падении молодого художника, который в 1970-е годы расписывал стены граффити в криминальном Нью-Йорке. В 1981 году он впервые начал писать картины, в 1983 году он уже стал художником со статусом рок-звезды, а в 1988 году умер от передозировки наркотиков.

Тамра Дэвис (р. 1962, США) - режиссер кино, телевидения и музыкальных видео.

Фильм предоставлен кинокомпанией "LeopART".

18 мая, 20:00. ВСЕЛЕННАЯ КИТА ХЭРИНГА. 2008. США Реж. Кристина Клаусен. 90 мин.

"Вселенная Кита Хэринга" - это очень личный портрет всемирно известного художника, главным правилом которого было: "Искусство должно быть для всех!". Фильм подробно освещает его жизнь и творчество. В нем использованы интервью друзей Хэринга - Йоко Оно, Мадонны, Энди Уорхола и других.

Кристина Клаусен - режиссер-документалист.

19 мая, 11:00. ДЖАСПЕР ДЖОНС. 1993. США. Реж: Рик Техада-Флорес. 60 мин.

C момента его первой выставки в 1958 году он стал настоящей сенсаций в мире искусства. Фильм режиссера Рика Техада-Флореса построен на основе интервью как с современниками Джаспера Джонса, так и с ним самим. Фильм позволяет взглянуть на жизнь и карьеру художника, узнать об источниках его вдохновения.

Рик Техада-Флорес - режиссер кино и телевидения.

19 мая, 12:00. РОЙ ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН. 1990. США. Реж. Крис Хант. 51 мин.

В 1960-е годы Лихтенштейн наделал немало шума в мире искусства благодаря персонажам своих картин - блондинкам, супергероям и Микки Маусу. В 1964 году New York Times назвала его "худшим художником Америки". Но вскоре он стал величайшей иконой поп-арта наряду с Энди Уорхолом. Автор фильма Крис Хант встретился с художником в его нью-йоркской студии.

Крис Хант - режиссер-документалист.

20 мая, 19:00. ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИЕ ОБ ЭНДИ УОРХОЛЕ. 1963. США. Реж. Йонас Мекас

НАГРАЖДЕНИЕ УОРХОЛА. 1963. США. Реж. Йонас Мекас. 12 мин.
В 1964 году журнал Film Culture присудил Энди Уорхолу ежегодную награду "Независимый фильм". Но Уорхол отказался от публичного награждения. Поэтому режиссер Йонас Мекас решил сделать фильм на уорхоловской "Фабрике". Позднее фильм показали на вручении вместо появления Энди Уорхола. В съемке были задействованы близкие друзья художника и использована музыка группы The Supremes.
СЦЕНЫ ИЗ ЖИЗНИ. 19631990. США. Реж. Йонас Мекас. 35 мин.
Йонас Мекас известен своими кинодневниками. В этом фильме, вышедшем в 1990 году, он запечатлел не только звезду поп-арта Энди Уорхола, но также и социальный и культурный ажиотаж, разгоревшийся вокруг его личности. В проекте принимали участие многие близкие друзья художника.

Йонас Мекас (р. 1922, Литва) - авангардный режиссер, писатель и куратор.

20 мая, 20:00. 13 САМЫХ КРАСИВЫХ... ПЕСЕН ДЛЯ КИНОПРОБ УОРХОЛА. 19641966. США. Реж. Энди Уорхол. 60 мин.

Фильм представляет собой тринадцать классических черно-белых видеопортретов Энди Уорхола с участием Нико, Лу Рида, Эдди Седжвик, Денниса Хоппера и других. В этих видеофильмах, снятых между 1964 и 1966 годами на "Фабрике" Уорхола в Нью-Йорке, использованы саундтреки Дина Уорхэма и Бритты Филипс.

Энди Уорхол (19281987, США) - художник, продюсер, дизайнер, писатель, режиссер.

20 мая, 21:30. СУПЕРЗВЕЗДА: ЖИЗНЬ И ВРЕМЕНА ЭНДИ УОРХОЛА. 1990. США. Реж. Чак Уоркмэн. 87 мин.

Взгляд на жизнь и творчество поп-иконы и художника Энди Уорхола, начиная с его детства в Питсбурге до его смерти после неудачной операции. Уорхол изобрел понятие "суперзвезды" и сам ею стал, повлияв на восприятие обществом этого культурного феномена. Его семья, друзья, агент, куратор, владельцы галерей, актеры и многие другие рассказывают истории о нем и размышляют о его искусстве.

Чак Уоркмэн (р. 1945, США) - режиссер.

21 мая, 18:00. АРЕНА. РОБЕРТ МЭППЛТОРП. 1988. США. Реж. Найджел Финч. 79 мин.

Документальный фильм представляет собой биографический очерк об одном из самых скандальных американских фотографов Роберте Мэпплторпе. В картину включены интервью с самим Мэпплторпом, критиком и писателем Эдмундом Уайтом, а также с несколькими моделями художника. Фильм был подготовлен к открытию персональной выставки фотографа в Национальной портретной галерее в Лондоне.

Найджел Финч (19491995, Великобритания) - режиссер кино и телевидения.

Не рекомендуется к просмотру лицам до 16 лет.

21 мая, 20:00. ДЖЕК СМИТ И РАЗРУШЕНИЕ АТЛАНТИДЫ. 2007. США. Реж. Мэри Джордан. 95 мин.

Джек Смит - возможно, самый значимый художник нью-йоркской арт-сцены за последние пятьдесят лет. Он одновременно и крестный отец перформанса, и фотограф-новатор. Его утопические идеи и художественные процессы повлияли на последующие поколения, включая таких художников, как Энди Уорхол, Федерико Феллини, Дэвид Линч, Мэтью Барни. Этот документальный фильм, снятый Марией Джордан, - дань уважения нью-йоркскому антигерою и настоящему королю андерграунда.

Мэри Джордан (р. 1969) - режиссер-документалист, фотограф и перформер.

Не рекомендуется к просмотру лицам до 16 лет.

21 мая, 22:00. СВЯЩЕННЫЙ ТРЭШ. 1998. США. Реж. Стив Игер. 105 мин.

Фильм рассказывает о жизни балтиморского режиссера Джона Уотерса. Картина представляет собой видеонарезку, включающую интервью с Уотерсом 1972 года, а также отрывки из его первых фильмов и последние интервью с его родителями, братом, актерами, командой, кинокритиками.

Стив Игер (р. 1948, США) - независимый кинорежиссер.

Не рекомендуется к просмотру лицам до 16 лет.

22 мая, 18:00. СЛОВА ДЛЯ УМИРАЮЩЕГО. 1990. США. Реж. Роб Нилсон. 80 мин.

Этот документальный фильм запечатлел процесс записи одноименного альбома Джона Кейла - бывшего участника группы The Velvet Underground. Первая часть фильма была снята в Москве. Перестройка предоставила Кейлу возможность сотрудничества с оркестром Гостелерадио и представителями русской рок-сцены. Фильм включает неизвестные видео русских рокеров, таких как "Бригада C", "Звуки Му" и других.

Роб Нильсон (р. 1939, США) - американский режиссер, обладатель множества наград.

22 мая, 20. 00. ПРОЕКТ: БИОГРАФИЯ НИЖНЕГО ИСТ-САЙДА. 1999. США. Реж. Пенни Аркейд, Стив Цехентнер. 3 серии. 60 мин.

Фильм был создан в 1999 году известной театральной актрисой и перформером Пенни Аркейд и видеопродюсером Стивом Цехентнером. Это история богемной культуры Нью-Йорка с 1950-х годов до наших дней. Серии включают в себя биографии Тейлора Мида - писателя, перформера, звезду уорхоловской "Фабрики", Джудит Малины - актрисы, писателя, режиссера и одного из создателей The Living Theatre, и Йонаса Мекаса - режиссера, писателя и куратора, создателя авангардного кино.

Пенни Аркейд (р. 1953, США) - режиссер, писатель, актриса, классик перформанса.

Условия участия: Бесплатно. ВХОД СВОБОДНЫЙ. Количество мест ограничено, просьба приходить заранее.

Куда идти: метро Новослободская; Центр современной культуры "Гараж". ул. Образцова, д. 19А. Маршрутное такси 119 от метро (остановка на ул. Сущевской) до остановки "Арт-центр ГАРАЖ"

Контакты: Справки по телефону: +7 (495) 645-05-20
Nikanor   2011-05-13 21:24:25
привет, Игорь
Похоже, это интересно.
- What Makes Someone Good-Looking? IgorKXXL (5 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-09 22:06:09
What Makes Someone Good-Looking?
What is it about our partners that make us so attracted to them? Is it their symmetrical features? Perhaps they even look like you a bit. Its fascinating to study the psychology of human attraction and what makes us attracted to our partners. What is it about human attraction that makes us find certain people good to look at?
IgorKXXL   2011-05-09 22:06:58
One thing is that we love symmetry
One thing is that we love symmetry and symmetrical features. Symmetry symbolizes good genes and health development. These kinds of people are also prone to produce offspring which are immune to gene manipulations.

Women like a powerful, protective man with a larger jaw. When a woman is during her menstruation, she tends to be more attractive to a man who will give her beautiful and healthy children and take care of them and her. This means that she will be attracted to a man who is powerful and who is dominant and behaves maturely. Women are generally also attracted to men with larger jaws as this shows that he has more testosterone.
IgorKXXL   2011-05-09 22:07:52
Men, on the other hand
Men, on the other hand, are attracted to women with prominent eyes and an hourglass shape. The waist to hip ratio counts as being more attractive than the weight, with a 0. 7 ratio being the most attractive. Having this "hourglass" shape shows the man she is capable of reproduction. Women who have shorter chins and foreheads mean they have more estrogen, making their eyes more prominent. This makes the eye shapes a more attractive feature that men find in women.
IgorKXXL   2011-05-09 22:10:58
Men like to have their jokes laughed at,
women like to a guy who can tell funny jokes.
That being said, a woman is generally attracted to a man that has a great sense of humor and can make her laugh. Men like women that will actually laugh at his jokes. Also, the younger the person, the more attractive they are. According to a --- study, men found girls at the age of 15 more attractive than 19 year old women. Humans are naturally attracted to those who retain their juvenile features and smooth skin as adults.
IgorKXXL   2011-05-09 22:11:31
There are
There are some other theories about how we are attracted to people, one being reciprocal liking, meaning that we like someone just because they like us back and that makes us feel good and attracted to them. Also, you might be surprised to find out that people tend to be attracted to true, romantic love more than sex. However, those women who are on birth control pills wind up being more attractive to men who find these kinds of women in control of their hormones. This can also be a turn off as men might also want a woman who is fertile. Another theory is a positive association attraction, which means that a woman mind find a man attractive when doing something like helping out at a charity organization but might not find him so attractive when playing baseball.

We tend to be attracted to people we see regularly as well. Those that we bump into often on the streets or see someone everyday in class or at work can often become a potential hookup. We also like those who are similar to us. Those with a similar genetic makeup tend to be more attractive to us and studies show that it is more likely to wind up being married to them longer and staying away from child abuse. A final reason and possibility of a cause of attraction between people is we want a mate that will resemble our parents. Girls will want to find a man who will resemble their father and boys will want to find a woman who will be like their mother. Even if they look like our parents it might cause some attraction.
- If you add a little IgorKXXL (3 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-02 20:56:28
If you add a little
If you add a little, to a little and do this often, soon the little will become great.
IgorKXXL   2011-05-02 21:02:53
хороший эпиграф к нашим разговорным встречам
по вторникам и четвергам.
Кто все еще "собирается" принять участие и те кто делает это время от времени:
just do it more often, soon the little will become great.
По прежнему с 19 до 21. От upper intermediate
Записывайтесь по тел. 8 926 997 49 39 Игорь.
IgorKXXL   2011-05-10 06:30:52
Место встречи,
Место, как обычно, м. Таганская-Марксистская. В кафе МуМу.
- How to Be Attractive IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-05-02 20:48:59
How to Be Attractive
Initial attraction comes from personal appearance. Men tend to be more visual in regards to appearance while women tend to respond more to emotions. Appearance becomes less important as the relationship grows and the couple becomes closer to each other. However, appearance is still an importance down the road of a relationship, especially weight gain.

It seems that men dont have a problem at all with growing a beer belly, but they do have a problem with seeing one on their partner. Personal grooming on the other hand is something that women tend to have issues with in their partners.

The best way to prevent weight gaining is for you and your partner (yes, both of you) to join a fitness club and health center and schedule times to exercise and work out which are both convenient for you. You will be able to motivate and encourage each other. It is a bit harder not to go when your partner is insisting on you to join them. With time, you both can trim your body the way you both want it to be and the long term effect will improve your health tremendously.

A big issue that women also tend to have with guys is the way they dress. If you are a man and dont know how to pick out your clothes, then let your partner pick them out for you to buy. Let her dress you up and choose what you will wear when going out.

But the main thing is that you feel attractive. If you dress and look attractive, then you will feel attractive and it will show in your attitude. Your demeanor will change and your appearance will instantly show off to your partner. The most dominant power of your attractiveness is how you perceive your own self. If you are confident and well groomed, you will be then perceived as attractive to others.
Дмитрий   2011-05-02 21:36:14
Эти идиоты
всё перевернули с ног на голову.
- Are Emotional Affairs Cheating? IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-30 12:34:14
Are Emotional Affairs Cheating?
Many people believe that if there is no sex involved, then it is not an affair. However, if a partner is searching for someone else to replace feelings or fill in feelings that are lacking in their current relationship, this is also an affair that is considered an "emotional affair".

Emotional affairs dont involve much romance or even any sex at all but they are still a serious issue in a relationship. Sometimes, emotional affairs are worse than physical affairs. A partner could have sex with someone else and it is over, done with. Emotional affairs carry on and leaves feelings which are not only difficult to uncover but also difficult to get away. The longer though that an emotional affairs continues, the more likely it will turn into a relationship or even physical affair.

So what are the signs of an emotional affair taking place? If your partner keeps your conversations in private, such as leaving the room when they get a phone call, or if they talk to their secret person and tell them things they wouldnt tell even you, then they might be involved in an emotional affair. If they feel guilty about spending time with them or if they avoid telling you how much time they actually spend with them, then they might be caught in an affair unwillingly.

To avoid an emotional affair, have rational talks and discussions with your partner especially when something bothers you. Keep assessing and maintain a healthy relationship or marriage and this will completely eliminate potential emotional affairs. If you are lacking something in a relationship and are afraid you might be involved in an emotional affair, just talk to your partner about what is missing and work it out.
- Great Party Games in English (May 1, 7) IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-29 07:05:06
Great Party Games in English (May 1, 7)
Welcome to come and play games in English!

Thats the best way to practice English, meet old and make new friends.

Many people, many games, much fun!

For those of you who want to lead such kind of activities (and get well paid for that...) itll be a great chance to impress us with Your English, drive and charisma! ;)

Timetable (May 1, 7)

"Short Games" session

When: Sunday, May 1, 15:15 17:15

Where: "Ultra" (1 Zabelina Str., m. Kitay-Gorod)

What: "Mafia" other great party board games

How much: 300 rubles per capita

"CASHFLOW" session

When: Saturday, May 7, 12:10 18:10

Where: The place will be set after at least 6 participants have prepaid

What: "CASHFLOW" 101 202

How much: 700 rubles per capita. The deadline for the prepayment is May 1, 17:15

"Diplomacy" session

When: Saturday, May 7, 12:10 18:10

Where: The place will be set after at least 7 participants have prepaid

What: "Diplomacy" game

How much: 700 rubles per capita. The deadline for the prepayment is May 1, 17:15

Please, come 10-15 minutes earlier not to waste time for setting up!

The places were gathering in are doing the best to please us...

So, - come hungry and thirsty! The food and drinksre great! ;)

If You do really prefer to not receive this reminder just inform me Youll be immediately removed from the mailing list!

I enjoyed writing to You. I will be honored to hear from You.


Tel: +7 (963) 7120857
- A Blind Date IgorKXXL (5 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-29 07:07:38
A Blind Date
After being with her all evening, the man couldn't take another minute with his blind date. Earlier, he had secretly arranged to have a friend call him to the phone so he would have an excuse to leave if something like this happened.

When he returned to the table, he lowered his eyes, put on a grim expression and said, "I have some bad news. My grandfather just died."

"Thank heavens," his date replied. "If yours hadn't, mine would have had to!"
IgorKXXL   2011-04-29 07:08:32
Кто готов рискнуть?
Свидание в слепую)) Давай попробуем?
nom de guerre   2011-04-29 11:03:24
По молодости ездила на "Слепой лесной семинар" - вот уж точно blind fun )
Аноним [1]   2011-04-29 15:02:01
англофилы, что, никто royal wedding не смотрит?
IgorKXXL   2011-04-30 08:23:52
nom de guerre
Что такое "Слепой лесной семинар"? Расскажи подробнее
- Вот у нас какой геройский именинник сегодня! IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-27 20:58:27
Вот у нас какой геройский именинник сегодня!
Памятник, не человек! Герой! Позравляем Андрея))
- 28 апреля общаемся с американцами в живую IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-27 20:51:37
28 апреля общаемся с американцами в живую
Формат встречи свободная дискусия, на этот раз без топика. За столом до 6 человек.
Живые, настоящие американцы. Муж с женой. Их двое, стало быть столов 2. Нас, стало быть, максимум 10. Шестеро уже есть.
Встреча с 19 до 21. М. Таганская-Марксистская. Уровень от upper intermediate
Разговоры бесплатно. Заказываем себе любимому чай или сок в кафе, что бы администрация была счастлива)
Записаться для участия обязательно 8 926 997 49 39 Игорь.
PS. "Просто послушать", к сожалению, нельзя. Вам пользы не будет, а участникам будете мешать. Включайте Southern California Public Radio и слушайте на здоровье. Если будет сложно найти - спрашивайте, брошу ссылку.
IgorKXXL   2011-04-30 12:30:18
Два стола. Две дискуссии. Оч доброжелательные, открытые к общению люди.
Продолжение следует...
Предложения по приглашению на наши встречи иностранных гостей, разовых или постоянных, принимаются с благодарностью.
- встречи English Games IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-27 06:57:49
встречи English Games
Настольные игры на английском языке в кафе "Август"

Один из самых демократичных и веселых английских разговорных клубов. На него приходят участники с разным уровнем языка, но большинство игроков обладают высоким уровнем английского. Мы садимся плотными группами за несколько столиков, играем в самые разные игры, передаем игры от стола к столу, пересаживаемся за понравившийся столик. Всегда много новых людей, интересные знакомства и беседы.

В среду вы имеете возможность принести любую игру из вашей коллекции и пригласить желающих в нее сыграть.

По средам, 19. 00-21. 30
Запись по тел. 8-985-994-37-39 или по электронной почте!Ссылки Запрещены!
Адрес: кафе Август, м. Чеховская, Б. Дмитровка, д. 32, стр. 4.
IgorKXXL   2011-04-27 06:58:30
Мне лично формат
английского дискуссионного клуба, в котором мы встречаемся, кажется более продуктивным.
Однако игры достаточно увлекательные и уровень участников достаточно высокий.
Рекомендую сходить если есть возможность по времени.
- Меньше правил, больше практики! (С) IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-25 06:22:14
Меньше правил, больше практики! (С)
Человек хочет научиться общаться на английском. Или... играть на пианино. Он прекрасно знает музыкальную теорию, расположение всех нот на инструменте и их и звучание. Иногда он подходит к инструменту, чтобы опробовать теорию на практике, а затем вновь возвращается к теории.

И вот проходит какое-то время, он садится за инструмент, чтобы сыграть что-нибудь... Получится ли у него хоть что-то сыграть? Конечно, нет. Но если бы он постоянно тренировался, мастерство его уже через несколько месяцев выросло бы очень заметно.

Чтобы овладеть навыком, надо практиковаться. Никакая теория этого заменить не в силах.

Это применимо и к изучению английского языка. Если Вы в процессе обучения английскому языку изучаете в основном грамматические правила, то не ожидайте, что в будущем ни с того, ни с сего Вы свободно заговорите на английском.

- Jokes Странник (3 сбщ)
Странник   2011-04-25 14:47:51
Now I understand what marketing is:

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. You approach her and tell her: "I am very good in bed". That is Direct Marketing.

You are at a party with a group of friends and you see a very pretty girl. One of your friends approaches her and tells her: "That guy over there is very good in bed". That is Advertising.

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. You ask for her phone number. The following day you call her and tell her: "I am very good in bed". That is Telemarketing.

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. You recognize her, you approach her and refresh her memory by telling her: "Do you remember how good I am in bed?" That is Customer Relationship Management.

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. You get up, fix your tie, pour her a drink, open the door for her, pick up her bag when it falls and you tell her: "I am very good in bed". That is Public Relations.

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. She approaches you and tells you: "I heard you are very good in bed". That is BRANDING!!
Странник   2011-04-25 15:01:12
three envelopes
A fellow had just been hired as the new CEO of a large high tech corporation. The CEO who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes. "Open these if you run up against a problem you don't think you can solve," he said.

Well, things went along pretty smoothly, but six months later, sales took a downturn and he was really catching a lot of heat. About at his wits's end, he remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, "Blame your predecessor."

The new CEO called a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO. Satisfied with his comments, the press -- and Wall Street -- responded positively, sales began to pick up and the problem was soon behind him.

About a year later, the company was again experiencing a slight dip in sales, combined with serious product problems. Having learned from his previous experience, the CEO quickly opened the second envelope. The message read, "Reorganize." This he did, and the company quickly rebounded.

After several consecutive profitable quarters, the company once again fell on difficult times. The CEO went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope.

The message said, "Prepare three envelopes."

A customer sent an order to a distributor for a large amount of goods totaling a great deal of money.

The distributor noticed that the previous bill hadn't been paid. The collections manager left a voice-mail for them saying, "We can't ship your new order until you pay for the last one."

The next day the collections manager received a collect phone call, "Please cancel the order. We can't wait that long."

A man was being interviewed for a job.

"Were you in the service?" ask the interviewer.

"Yes, I was a marine," responded the applicant.

"Did you see any active duty?"

"I was in Vietnam for 2 years and I have a partial disability."

"May I ask what happened?"

"Well, I had a grenade go off between my legs and I lost both testicles."

"You're hired. You can start Monday at 10 am."

"When does everyone else start? I don't want any preferential treatment because of my disability."

"Everyone else starts at 7 am but I might as well be honest with you. Nothing gets done between 7 and 10. We just sit around scratching our balls trying to decide what to do first."
IgorKXXL   2011-05-04 06:59:04
Первая особенно глянулась. Скопировал и сохранил)
- Types of Women to Avoid IgorKXXL (6 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-24 17:04:46
Types of Women to Avoid
Everyone already knows that they probably wont have a romantic long lasting relationship with a woman who is a stripper, for example. But besides this more obvious type of women, there are a lot of women whose character can hardly be compatible with yours, so just think twice if you are really ready to build up a long term relationship with them.
IgorKXXL   2011-04-24 17:06:06
The Control Freak
This type of woman attempts to control every aspect of your life. It might start with picking out a shirt for you to ordering your dinner and telling you what to do and eat as well as what friends you can see and when you can see them. Sooner or later you will find misery in your life being involved with a control freak. Worst of all, if you speak up and express your discomfort or refuse her demands, she will deny sex as a punishment.
IgorKXXL   2011-04-24 17:07:18
This type of woman is pretty self explanatory. She shows up unannounced to your work and says she was just in your neighborhood. She checks your phone messages, text messages, emails, computer files, may even hide in your bushes at night. This type of girl will lead a relationship with her waiting on the porch for you to come home every night.
IgorKXXL   2011-04-24 17:07:44
When talking to a desperate girl, you can hear her constantly complain how she is the last one of her friends or family to get married and how she thought she would have been married 15 years ago. She thinks of you as her last hope. Although it is difficult to avoid a desperate girl, you shouldnt let someone pressure you in or make you feel bad to get married to her. You should get to know the person first before she traps you at the alter and you are stuck in a miserable marriage.
IgorKXXL   2011-04-24 17:08:18
You will spot an insecure girl rather later after a few dates. She will seem nice and more attractive than usual. Once you start dating, you will get calls from her every hour or so regarding your whereabouts. She isnt calling to hear your voice, she wants to know your exact position, who you are with, what you are doing, and constantly in need of hearing that she is attractive.
IgorKXXL   2011-04-24 17:08:51
Rushed Wedding
Much like the desperate types, those who see themselves as a bride already want to immediately find their own personal Prince Charming. She will tell you she loves you by the end of the first date and the second date will consist of visiting her parents, find out how many kids you will have, and looking at houses already. She has already picked out her wedding dress and has her dream wedding in mind. These kinds of women dont know the reality of the situation and it is best to avoid otherwise she will be nagging you every day of your life.
- Types of Men to Avoid IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-24 17:01:21
Types of Men to Avoid
There are many different types of women to avoid dating but it doesnt mean that men are perfect either. For women out there dating and looking for Mr. Right, there are quite a few types of men that can be classified as Mr. Wrong very fast.

Mothers Boy
If he talks to his mother more than once a week or gets upset if you do things, like cooking or cleaning, differently than his mother used to do it, chances are he is a mamas boy and you dont want to be part of that. There is only room for one special woman in his life and it is definitely not you.

Sometimes we find ourselves falling for the type that still can bring his childhood or his college days back even though he is well in his 30s, but eventually you will get tired of being second choice after his XBOX or going out for bowling dates instead of romantic dinners. If he has a bedroom decorated with marijuana leaves and Bob Marley posers or most of his stories start off with "when I was in high school" or "one time when I was totally wasted", then you might want to find someone a bit more mature.

Alcoholic, drug addictions, online poker or gambling problems, even workaholics will not be a good choice to build a strong relationship. If he cant get through his day without his vice or if he seems defensive if you challenge him for his addiction, he will start to behave erratically and become undependable. He will choose his addiction over you any day.

You might have had amazing dates with him and he might have even won over your dads approval, but you have observed him shouting and screaming at the waitress, kicked his dog, and go into a total rage over small things like maybe being bumped on the streets by accident by someone. If he is over the top charming when meeting your friends and family but then acts differently when you are alone together, these are signs of an aggressive man. He can easily be provoked into rage and is a potential abuser.

Bad Boy
Of course you have feel for a bad boy or two in your college days and dating casually, but is he really the kind of a guy you want to build a potential long lasting relationship with? Bad boys are set on breaking rules and have no respect for authority. They thrive on making those closest to them fear them. You cant change a person or control them so why cause all the stress and headache by hanging on to a relationship with someone who is nothing but trouble?
- Sports Fishing in Florida IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-23 11:07:13
Sports Fishing in Florida
While sports fishing off the Florida coast, a tourist capsized his boat. He could swim, but his fear of alligators kept him clinging to the overturned craft. Spotting and old beachcomber standing on the shore, the tourist shouted, "Are there any gators around here?!"

"Naw," the man hollered back, "they ain't been around for years!"

"Feeling safe, the tourist started swimming leisurely toward the shore.

About halfway there he asked the guy,"How'd you get rid of the gators?"

"We didn't do nothin'," the beachcomber said.

"The sharks got 'em."
- Ярмарка 2 - приходите. Будут английские книги Nikanor (2 сбщ)
Nikanor   2011-04-20 00:35:18
Ярмарка 2 - приходите. Будут английские книги
Друзья, кто не смог прийти на ярмарку в Август в марте - приходите 24 апреля, в воскресенье, с 13 до 17. Кроме всего другого, что там вам может очень понравиться, там будет много новых английских книг по смешным ценам - подарок от издательства. Я прошлый раз ушла вся в книгах. А кроме того, приятно осознавать, что покупая книги ты помогаешь ребенку. Еще обещается аукцион расписанных тарелок от веро4ки Полозковой, Ленор Гаралик и других талантливых теток от литературы. И пироги с чаем. В очень уютном интерьере. Зову.
Nikanor   2011-04-22 16:20:44
не только на английском!
На ярмарке книги будут не только на английском, но и на немецком, русском и других языках.
Напоминаю, кафе Август, Светлое воскресенье, с 13 до 17.
- Европейский день языков IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-18 06:25:06
Европейский день языков
В мире отмечаются сотни профессиональных праздников: день шахтера, учителя, металлурга и т. п. Существует ли какой-нибудь праздник у любителей изучения иностранных языков? Оказывается, да. Это Европейский день языков, который приходится на 26 сентября.

Это день был провозглашен праздничным для любителей языков в 2001 году Советом Европы. Основная цель праздника стимулировать интерес к изучению иностранных языков. В этот день транслируются специальные программы, проводятся соответствующие мероприятия и т. д. Организаторы всеми силами хотят подстегнуть людей к изучению хотя бы одного иностранного языка, так как современный открытый мир немыслим без межкультурного общения.
- Уроки мирового финансового кризиса IgorKXXL (4 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-16 08:30:03
Уроки мирового финансового кризиса
Уроки мирового финансового кризиса (Лекция будет на английском языке, а вопросы можно будет задать по-русски.)

Британский Совет приглашает на лекцию "Уроки мирового финансового кризиса", которую прочитает доктор Анастасия Несветайлова, преподаватель международной политической экономики из лондонского Университета Сити (City University London)

В университете обучаются более 18 тысяч студентов из более 150 стран мира, что делает его действительно интернациональным учебным заведением, расположенном в одном из самых интернациональных городов мира. Сегодня в этом университете учатся более 200 студентов из России. Благодаря высоким рейтингам трудоустройства выпускников, City University London входит в пять процентов лучших университетов мира, а дипломы университета высоко ценятся работодателями.

На лекции будут освещены следующие темы:
Природа и геополитика глобального кредитного кризиса
Кризис экономической парадигмы и структура управления
Предпосылки финансовой стабильности в будущем
Альтернативные точки зрения на финансовую стабильность в мире
Сегодняшнее состояние дел в международной финансовой архитектуре
Уроки прошлого и признаки будущих финансовых кризисов

Если вы студент, аспирант, научный работник или политик, эта лекция будет вам интересна. После лекции у вас будет возможность задать вопросы. Лекция будет на английском языке, а вопросы можно будет задать по-русски.

Участие в мероприятие бесплатное. Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь по тел. (495) 287 1839 или по эл. почте: eduk догадайтесь, какой значок здесь поставить britishcouncil. догадайтесь какие две нерусские буквы здесь поставить после точки))

Ждем Вас на лекции City University London 19 апреля 2011 года в 18. 00 по адресу : Москва, улица Николоямская 1, ВГБИЛ, Британский Совет.
IgorKXXL   2011-04-16 08:31:01
Если бы в 19
то и сам бы пошел послушать.
Olga   2011-04-19 13:28:13
Что же так рано! Хотя бы часиков в 7 =(
IgorKXXL   2011-04-20 22:01:09
и не говори)) Британский совет. У них все не вовремя((
28 на наши встречи придут 2 американца. Начало в 19 часов. Приходи.
- Idioms about dating IgorKXXL (3 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-04-16 08:20:20
Idioms about dating
Весна набирает обороты! С каждым днем солнце греет все теплее, дразня нас наступлением лета. Самое время сходить на свидание!
IgorKXXL   2011-04-16 08:20:44
Idioms about dating
Sweep someone off their feet (досл. смести кого-либо с ног)

Чувствовали ли Вы когда-нибудь, когда какое-либо чувство "налетало" на вас и "сбивало с ног"? Именно о таком состоянии идет речь в этой идиоме.

The woman was swept off her feet when she met the young man at the party.
У женщины подкосились ноги, когда она встретила молодого человека на вечеринке.
Only have eyes for (досл. положить глаз только на... )

Другими словами, быть заинтересованным только в одном человеке.

He's dropped all his old friends, now that he has eyes only for Susie.
Он отстранился от всех старых друзей, сейчас он заинтересован только Сьюзи.
Go Dutch (досл. Идти по-голандски )

Платить в складчину, вносить свою долю за угощение наравне с другими участниками компании.


We can go Dutch to the dinner if you want.
Мы можем пообедать при том, что каждый заплатит сам за себя, если хочешь.
Pick up the tab (досл. подбирать чек)

"Платить по счёту", то есть брать все расходы на себя.

In the old days, the man would pick up the tab, but nowadays nobody is quite sure.
Раньше мужчина всегда платил по счету, но сегодня в этом никто не может быть уверен.
A match made in heaven (досл. пара созданная на небесах)

Так говорят о паре, которая идеально подходит друг другу.

They are so good together, they are a match made in heaven.
Они так хорошо подходят друг другу, эта пара, созданная на небесах.
To love someone to bits (досл. любить каждую частичку кого-л.)

Когда Вы любите очень сильно, то вы любите всего человека, так и каждую его частичку. Другими словами, Вы любите очень сильно.

You are my muse, I love you to bits.
Ты моя муза, я люблю каждую частичку тебя.
Love is blind (досл. любовь слепа)

"Любовь слепа" - выражение, которое широко используется и в русском языке.

Love is blind, we love each other despite our imperfections.
Любовь слепа, мы любим друг друга, не смотря на наши недостатки.
Null   2011-04-16 15:55:36
есть еще выражение
to be chuffed to bits, which means to be thrilled by something, to be extremely pleased by something
E. g. You look so good! I'm chuffed to bits by your new haircut!


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