Архив форума домика "Английский клуб"

(файл создан: 2013-08-14)

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- Murder case against 13-Year-Old Cristian Fernandez IgorKXXL (7 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-25 21:10:44
Murder case against 13-Year-Old Cristian Fernandez
!Ссылки Запрещены!preme Court ruling banning sentences of life without parole for juveniles makes it impossible for them to advise Fernandez since the Florida Legislature has not changed state law. Prosecutors say they never said they would seek a mandatory life sentence they say the old Florida law that called for a 25-year-to-life sentence could apply.

Mitch Stone, a Jacksonville defense attorney who is familiar with the case, said Corey and her prosecutors are in a tough position.

"I know they're good people and good lawyers," he said. "But if a resolution short of trial doesn't occur, this case is on a collision course to sending Cristian Fernandez to life in prison. That's why this is one of those very difficult cases. It's hard to understand what the appropriate measure is."
IgorKXXL   2013-02-25 21:12:06
Чудо сайт считает что я ссылку разместил((
Пожизненное без возможности обжалования в 13 лет

Очень тяжело как-то однозначно судить о Кристиане, но хочу рассказать Вам его историю. Кристиан Фернандез (Cristian Fernandez) из США может сесть в тюрьму пожизненно уже в 13 лет, за жестокое убийство и изнасилования. Тем самым он станет самым молодым человеком, который будет сидеть пожизненно, без возможности обжалования приговора.

Такую историю, как жизнь Кристиана не сочинит даже Хичкок, но для Кристиана его жизнь превратилась в постоянный фильм ужасов.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-25 21:13:21
спросить у Яндекса по имени подростка - такое выпадает, жесть((
Убийства невинных российских мальчиков выглядят невинным недоразумением
IgorKXXL   2013-02-25 21:25:57
а у нас вот так бывает
Воспитатель в детсаде помогает мальчику натянуть ботинки...
Он попросил помочь, и здесь было над чем повозиться: ботинки застряли где-то на полпути, и ни туда, ни сюда...
Когда воспитательница, наконец, натянула второй ботинок, пот с неё лил градом. Она готова была рыдать, когда этот мелкий выдал:
-А они не на той ноге!.
Действительно, правый ботинок был на левой ноге, а левый на правой... Снять ботинки было не легче, чем надеть...
Воспиталка еле сдерживала себя, натягивая правый ботинок теперь уже на правую ногу.
И тут пацан объявляет:
-Это не мои ботинки!
Она с силой прикусила язык, чтобы не наорать ему в рожу "ЧТО ТЫ РАНЬШЕ МОЛЧАЛ-ТО???!!!" И снова она полчаса маялась, пытаясь стянуть эти ужасные ботинки. Когда ей это всё же удалось, он сказал: -Это ботинки моего брата. Мама заставила меня носить их.
Воспиталка уже не знала, смеяться ей или плакать. Собрав последние силы и терпение, она всё же натянула ботинки снова и спросила:
-А где твои варежки?
На что мальчик ответил:
-Я запихал их в носки ботинок...
Суд над воспитательницей начнётся на следующей неделе...
Witch   2013-02-25 22:03:19
я бы с вами согласилась, но хотелось бы уточнить, о каких убийствах невинных российских мальчиков вы говорите..
IgorKXXL   2013-02-26 06:23:54
Я имел в виду усыновленных. Но сравнение это не требует обсуждения, так как все в разных плоскостях.
Просто уровень жестокости в семье этого Cristian Fernandez меня лично потряс
Witch   2013-02-26 08:35:04
Ну если
учитывать, что абсолютное большинство убийств усыновленных, существует исключительно в воспаленном воображении депутатов и лично г. Астахова, то тогда - тем более.

Кстати, последний случай и вовсе оказался откровенным враньем. Нет ни одного реального факта для того, чтобы подозревать приемных родителей Максима Кузьмина в жестоком обращении с мальчиками.
- С праздником нас, дорогие Защитники! IgorKXXL (5 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-23 09:17:37
С праздником нас, дорогие Защитники!
Вот прочел пост:"Женская роль. Мужская роль В семейных отношениях."

Добрый день, Selena, мне бы хотелось прояснить для себя некоторые моменты, которые уже мы с Вами поднимали в процессе обсуждения моих проблем, но я не смогла их для себя оформить в единую мысль и накопила несколько вопросов.

В какой-то из тем Вы написали мне: женская роль давать любовь. Одновременно, Вы писали роль мужчины отдавать, роль женщины принимать и не нужно брать на себя роль мужскую. Вот я никак не могу совместить для себя эти понятия :)

Что меня смущает? Почему женщине не стоит отдавать? И чего отдавать не стоит? Касается ли это подарков, писем, звонков? Почему женщина не должна писать, говорить о чем-то, дарить подарки или я не правильно понимаю все это? :) И в то же время она должна отдавать свою любовь ему.. т. е., все-таки, ОТДАВАТЬ :)

Еще один момент смущает мне кажется, я не умею принимать. И поэтому мне не дарят подарков даже тогда, когда очень этого хотят :) А если и дарят, то смущаясь немного. Откровенно говоря, я больше люблю дарить подарки, чем получать.. получать, действительно, как-то неловко.. даже не знаю, почему. И я осознаю, что человеку приятно дарить и я порчу ему удовольствие, но заставить себя искренне ощутить радость от получения подарка не получается.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-23 09:19:12
что англоговорящие думают про это? Есть у кого англоязычная статья на эту тему?
Braino   2013-02-23 10:07:04
попытался понять ап чом вся эта хрень. нифига нипонил.
Жора   2013-02-23 10:23:50
как говорьйат русские
у всех налито???- тогда гоу ))) присоединяюсь к поздравлениям!
Witch   2013-02-23 16:24:05
С праздником вас,
Дорогие защитники))
- From american moter diary Witch (7 сбщ)
Witch   2013-02-22 17:39:39
From american moter diary
Pennies For A Princess

With the recent death of another Russian born child adopted into America, I think it is important for the Russian people to see what the lives of most children adopted in America is like. There is always going to be an exception - to everything, no matter where you go. However, most of the people around the world who adopt children love and care for them on a daily basis as I hope this video shows me doing with Polina. The cases of the now 20 children who have died after being adopted by American parents from Russian are all tragedies. I don't know the details of every case. What I do know are the details of many families I am friends with in person and through social media who love their children very much just like we do Polina. They take them to therapies, to parks, to church and to play dates with friends. We fight for the rights of our children here in America so that they can have the best life with the most possibilities - the very reason we brought them here. I hope that when Russians think of American families that adopt children, they realize that 99. 97% of the 60, 000 children adopted into American homes are healthy and doing well.
Witch   2013-02-22 17:41:11
I'm very
saddened by the case of Max Shatto. I trust that the justice system will find the truth in the case and that Max's younger brother, also adopted from Russia, is in the safe care of those who are not under investigation in this suspicious case. I can not blame the Russian officials for wanting to follow this case and be involved - we would want the same as Americans. I don't know if Max Shatto was abused and I pray that he was not. I do not know the details of that case and leave it to our justice system to find the truth.

Child abuse is not unique to one country and has many different forms. If we are all honest with each other, we will admit that children all over the world are abused daily. Some of those are in American families, rather by birth or adoption. Some of those are in orphanages in other countries. Some of them are living on the streets in all different countries of the world, including the USA. World leaders need not to point fingers at each other, or say that one of us is better than the others. We need to love and care for ALL children and stop ignoring the fact that this does, in fact, happen in our own back yards. Children are a gift from God and are to be valued. It is my prayer that world leaders will put the welfare of children above all else and work together to find solutions to this epidemic. Please join me in that prayer!
IgorKXXL   2013-02-23 00:57:18
Ты за красных или за белых? Какое твое мнение?
Witch   2013-02-23 02:01:37
Я однозначно
Против этого закона. Мне было очень стыдно за него, перед автором вот этого дневника, Кендрой, у которой суд по усыновлению был перед самым его принятием и целый месяц она жила как в аду, не зная, сумеет ли забрать девочку, которую они с мужем успели полюбить и которая успела полюбить их.
Страшно представить, что было бы, если бы малышку с ними разлучили.

Только полные моральные уроды прикрываются детьми, да еще - самыми обездоленными.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-23 09:04:55
На войне как на войне!
Кажется, что идет война и наши этот бой проиграли.
Braino   2013-02-23 12:24:13
i think
all this @adopted children problems@ are absolutely minor comparing to huge systemic problems existing in russia. and max's and dima's cases are speculatively used for distraction, 'tis just a smoke curtain.

speaking of @lost war@, we have lost it long since, i guess some 150 years back.
Witch   2013-02-23 16:40:04
The horror is behind this smoke screen are quite specific human heart's blood and destinies.
For instance, like Kendra's and her adopted daughter Polina
Look at this video

http двоеточие слэш слэш www точка svoboda точка org слэш media слэш video слэш 24907554 точка html
- Удивительные возможности нашего разума IgorKXXL (6 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-20 00:52:55
Удивительные возможности нашего разума
А ЭТА Ф4ЗА ПОК43Ы8437, К4КИ3 У9И8И73ЛЬНЫ3 83ЩИ М0Ж37 93Л47Ь Н4Ш Р43УМ! 8П3Ч47ЛЯЮЩИ3
83ЩИ! СР4Ч4Л4 Э70 6ЫЛ0 7РУ9Н0, Н0 С3ЙЧ4С Н4 Э70Й С7Р0К3 84Ш Р43УМ ЧИ7437 Э70
4870М47ИЧ3СКИ, Н3 349УМЫ84ЯСЬ 06 Э70М.
Lilas   2013-02-20 01:09:23
Забавно что вытворяет!
Объяснения будут?
Aurette на метле   2013-02-20 10:45:36
Весьма! )))
Контекст, видимо, помогает предвосхищать, что будет дальше.
Странник   2013-02-20 22:51:51
Вот так примерно я читал литературу по специальности на английском - слово знаю, два - догадаюсь, а далее - по контексту... ))) И даже понимал смысл. в общем. )))
IgorKXXL   2013-02-23 00:58:29
так и английский учится. Бери книгу и читай)))
Lilas   2013-02-23 10:24:20
так на китайском - разговаривают.
пыталась я год учить язык - не смогла. Но что понравилось - все в основном оп контексту - очень просто строятся предложения.
- Настоящим французам Witch (3 сбщ)
Witch   2013-02-19 13:38:28
Настоящим французам
Вынос мозга категорически противопоказан. ОНи этого не выносят.
Знакомьтесь - Жан. Прошу беречь и лелеять
IgorKXXL   2013-02-20 00:41:04
с пропиской))
Ты спик или не спик? Чем ты отличаешься от других?
Lilas   2013-02-20 01:15:22
прочла анкету
Француз в 3, а в 4 - кто?
- Which way? Aurette (15 сбщ)
Aurette на метле   2013-02-16 21:58:29
Which way?
How to please the grammar maniacs :)) (?)
Two fifths of my study IS assigned to the library
Two fifths of my study ARE assigned to the library
IgorKXXL   2013-02-17 12:43:52
Это только
Вич и Странник помочь могут)))
Witch   2013-02-17 14:48:27
На самом деле
Все очень просто..

Two fifths

Число-то - множественное. Так как же глагол может быть в единственном числе?)) Сказуемое всегда согласуется с подлежащим)
Braino   2013-02-18 12:30:31
i oppose
two fifths is a share, a part (of something).

so it should be understood as:

a share (two fifths) of my study IS assigned to the library. and it is IS, not ARE.
Braino   2013-02-18 12:31:26
scissors (pl.) IS on my table (not ARE).
Braino   2013-02-18 17:25:15
several scissors ARE on my table.

Witch   2013-02-18 17:47:00
From TheFreeDictionary

1. scissors (used with a sing. or pl. verb) A cutting implement consisting of two blades joined by a swivel pin that allows the cutting edges to be opened and closed.
2. scissors (used with a sing. verb) Sports
a. Any of various gymnastic exercises or jumps in which the movement of the legs suggests the opening and closing of scissors.
b. A scissors hold.

From Wikipedia
Scissors are hand-operated cutting instruments. They consist of a pair of metal blades pivoted so that the sharpened edges slide against each other when the handles (bows) opposite to the pivot are closed. Scissors are used for cutting various thin materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, thin plastic, cloth, rope, and wire. Scissors can also be used to cut hair and food. Scissors and shears are functionally equivalent, but larger implements tend to be called shears.
Braino   2013-02-18 17:48:55
thanks a lot! now i know what scissors is!
Witch   2013-02-18 17:54:12
Еще раз.

Scissors ARE hand-operated cutting instruments

scissors (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
Braino   2013-02-18 18:04:35
ну и чо?
и я ап том жеж. шт russian language and in english both one can find some situations that allow double usage. i guess "two fifths" is just such a case. you and i have demonstrated different interpretations that justify both.
Witch   2013-02-18 18:10:55
В русском языке то же самое
Две пятых моих трудов находЯтся...
Две пятых моих трудов находИтся..

Просто, когда не знаешь, как делать - делай по правилам..
IgorKXXL   2013-02-19 00:45:26
шо я сижу при вас?
Таки блеснули)), уважаю!
Aurette на метле   2013-02-20 10:41:06
А мона?
А мона я типеря пиривод присавакуплю?
Мысль-то была такая: "Две пятых моего кабинета (ДА!) отведено под библиотеку"
Braino   2013-02-20 13:05:59
дык вроде
не о переводе реч шло
Witch   2013-02-20 15:42:40
А при чем тут перевод? Вы просили перевести?
Вы можете написать

Two fifths of my study IS assigned to the library

Two fifths of my study ARE assigned to the library
и в принципе, и так и так будет правильно.
Хотя, если речь идет о части, то is, наверное, будет логичнее.
- Предсмертный стих IgorKXXL (4 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-16 18:17:31
Предсмертный стих
Этот старик находился в доме престарелых последние дни своей жизни.
После смерти, все считали, что он ушел из жизни не оставив в ней ценного следа.
Когда медсестры начали разбирать его скудные пожитки, наткнулись на интересное стихотворение, которое поразило работников своим содержанием и смыслом.
Одна из сотрудниц взяла копию в Мельбурн.
C тех пор, его стихотворение появилось в в Рождественских журналах по всей стране, а также в журналах для психологов.
И этот старик, который нищим ушел из жизни в Богом забытом городке в Австралии, теперь взрывает интернет глубиной своей души.
(Привожу оригинал, Яндекс, знает перевод, если что...)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-16 18:18:07
Cranky Old Man
What do you see nurses? . . . . . . What do you see?
What are you thinking. . . when you're looking at me?
A cranky old man, . . . . . . not very wise,
Uncertain of habit. . . . . . . . . . with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food. . . ... . . and makes no reply.
When you say in a loud voice. .'I do wish you'd try!'
Who seems not to notice. . . the things that you do.
And forever is losing. . . . . . . . . A sock or shoe?
Who, resisting or not. . . . . . lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding. . . . The long day to fill?
Is that what you're thinking?. . Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse. . you're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am. . . . .. As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, . . . . . as I eat at your will.
I'm a small child of Ten. . with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters. . . . . . . who love one another
A young boy of Sixteen. . . .. with wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now. . .. . . a lover he'll meet.
A groom soon at Twenty. . . .. my heart gives a leap.
Remembering, the vows. . . . . that I promised to keep.
At Twenty-Five, now. . . . . I have young of my own.
Who need me to guide. . . And a secure happy home.
A man of Thirty. . . . . . . My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other. . .. With ties that should last.
At Forty, my young sons.. . have grown and are gone,
But my woman is beside me. . to see I don't mourn.
At Fifty, once more, . . . . . Babies play 'round my knee,
Again, we know children. . . . My loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me. . . . My wife is now dead.
I look at the future. . . . . . . I shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing.. . . young of their own.
And I think of the years. . . And the love that I've known.
I'm now an old man. . . . . . .. and nature is cruel.
It's jest to make old age. . . . . . . look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles. . .. . grace and vigour, depart.
There is now a stone. . . where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass. A young man still dwells,
And now and again. . . . . my battered heart swells
I remember the joys. . . . . . . I remember the pain.
And I'm loving and living. . . . . . . life over again.
I think of the years, all too few. . .. gone too fast.
And accept the stark fact. . . that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people. . . . . . . . . open and see.
Not a cranky old man. . .
Look closer. . . . see. . . . . ME!!
Aurette на метле   2013-02-16 21:55:55
Which Way?
How to be grammatically correct (?)
Two fifths of my study IS assigned to the library OR
Two fifths of my study ARE assigned to the library
IgorKXXL   2013-02-17 12:37:34
Перевод по просьбам трудящихся:
Что ты видишь медсестра? Что ты видишь?
Что ты думаешь, когда смотришь на меня?
Капризный старик, глуповат...
С непонятными укладом жизни, с отсутствующими глазами?

Переводящий попусту еду?
Когда ты кричишь "Давай старайся!"
И кажется тебе, что он не замечает, что ты делаешь.
Вечно теряющий носки или туфли?

Ни на чем не настаивающий,
но позволяющий тебе делать с ним все что угодно?
День которого нечем заполнить,
кроме как купанием и кормлением?

Вот что ты думаешь? Это ты видишь? Открой глаза, медсестра. Ты не смотришь на меня. Я скажу тебе, кто я.

Даже сидя здесь тихо,
подчиняясь вашему распределению,
питаясь по вашему желанию.
Я все еще мальчик десятилетний, живущий с отцом и матерью,
Братьями и сестрами и мы все любим друг друга.

Молодой юноша шестнадцати лет, с крыльями на ногах
Мечтающий встретить любовь свой жизни на днях.
Жених, которому скоро 20 и у которого выпрыгивает сердце,
Помнящий клятвы, которые обещал исполнить.

А сейчас мне двадцать пять и у меня есть свой малыш.
Который нуждается в моем руководстве, охране и доме.
Человек, которому тридцать! Мой малыш быстро вырос,
Мы связаны друг с другом нерушимыми узами.

А в сорок мои сыновья выросли и покинули дом.
Но моя женщина рядом со мной и она не дает мне горевать.
И вот в пятьдесят снова малыши играют у моих ног,
Опять мы с детьми, моя любимая и я.

Темнота сгустилась надо мной моя жена мертва.
Я смотрю в будущее и вздрагиваю от ужаса.

Теперь я живу ради детей и ради их детей.
И я думаю о годах... о любви, которая у меня была.
Теперь я старик... и жизнь жестокая вещь.
Издеваясь, заставляет старость выглядеть глупо.

Тело дряхлеет и разваливается, величие и сила уходят.
И теперь на том месте камень, где однажды было сердце.
Но внутри этой дряхлой оболочки все еще живет молодой человек,
И снова и снова сердце от стуков пульсирует

Я помню всю радость, я помню всю боль.
И я люблю и живу! В этой жизни как прежде.
Я думаю о годах, которых было так мало
и которые пролетели так быстро.

И я соглашаюсь с упрямым фактом,
что ничто не может продолжаться вечно.
Так откройте глаза ваши, люди!
Откройте и посмотрите. Не капризный старик!
Посмотрите внимательней и увидите МЕНЯ!
- Mother gives on an iPhone along with 18-point contract IgorKXXL (5 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-16 14:30:41
Mother gives on an iPhone along with 18-point contract
'I will always know the password': mother gives son an iPhone for Christmas along with 18-point contract
Blogger Janell Burley Hofmann found fame in the US when she gave a her son Gregory an iPhone for Christmas. It came with a few conditions... 18 to be precise.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-16 14:31:14
Dear Gregory
Merry Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. Hot Damn! You are a good and responsible 13-year-old boy and you deserve this gift. But with the acceptance of this present comes rules and regulations. Please read through the following contract. I hope that you understand it is my job to raise you into a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world and coexist with technology, not be ruled by it. Failure to comply with the following list will result in termination of your iPhone ownership.

I love you madly and look forward to sharing several million text messages with you in the days to come.

iPhone with a catch... part of the 18-point contract. Photo: Good Morning America

1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren't I the greatest?

2. I will always know the password.

3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads "Mom" or "Dad." Not ever.

4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30 pm every school night and every weekend night at 9:00 pm It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30 am. If you would not make a call to someone's land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected.

5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It's a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration.

6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs. Mow a lawn, babysit, stash some birthday money. It will happen, you should be prepared.

7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire.

8. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.

9. Do not text, email, or say anything to someone that you would not say out loud with their parents in the room. Censor yourself.

10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about anything, ask a person -- preferably me or your father.

11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that.

12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else's private parts. Don't laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenagecollegeadult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear - including a bad reputation.

13. Don't take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.

14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO (fear of missing out).

15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons.

16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then.

17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling.

18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You and I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.

It is my hope that you can agree to these terms. Most of the lessons listed here do not just apply to the iPhone, but to life. You are growing up in a fast and ever changing world. It is exciting and enticing. Keep it simple every chance you get. Trust your powerful mind and giant heart above any machine. I love you. I hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-16 14:33:23
Добрая мама))
Хотя идея хороша!
Braino   2013-02-18 12:34:43
i'd say
screw the control freaks.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-19 00:47:04
но как доброжелательно и изобретательно!
- Валентинки IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-15 06:42:02
Всем жильцам)) Любите друг друга)
- А комментировать лучше по английски)) IgorKXXL (4 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-13 06:50:24
А комментировать лучше по английски))
Если женщина понимает, что женская привлекательность #8722; это не только лицо, грудь и ягодицы. И даже не общие взгляды и духовное родство #8722; понятия, которыми так любит манипулировать эмансипированная женщина. Женская привлекательность #8722; это умение зарядить собой воздух. Гармонизировать мир хотя бы в пределах отдельно взятого дома. Не насиловать мужскую и женскую природу, а дать своему избраннику то, без чего он не может чувствовать себя счастливым мужчиной: уважение, легкое доминирование, покой. И без истерики требовать от него всего того, без чего не может быть счастлива ни одна женщина в мире, как бы она себя ни позиционировала. Это чувство защищенности и все, что из него вытекает #8722; нежность, щедрость, верность.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-13 06:50:48
наступит вам счастье!
Aurette на метле   2013-02-13 09:09:40
If a man understands that his aggressive self-conceit is close to some inferiority complex... He will stop deprecating each and every female on his way... He will feel much better!
Braino   2013-02-15 10:21:54
wtf is it? so often said, this word doesn't really carries any sense, it seems.
- Would you not date or marry somene because of their IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-11 22:31:23
Would you not date or marry somene because of their
Would you not date or marry someone because of their awful family?
IgorKXXL   2013-02-11 22:41:50
When I say
When I say "I understand", it doesn't mean I agree. It doesn't mean I understand. It doesn't even mean I'm listening to you."
- Детские вопросы для обсуждения: IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-10 23:56:09
Детские вопросы для обсуждения:
What's your most favorite part of your body?
What eye color do you find sexiest?
- 12 февраля Психологич. аспекты изучения английского IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-07 20:50:35
12 февраля Психологич. аспекты изучения английского
Как психологические аспекты влияют на изучение английского языка. Почему бесполезно учить слова, если Вы хотите свободно говорить по - английски.
Как реально научиться говорить по-английски в 2-4 раза быстрее, чем на любых курсах или с репетитором? Почему нельзя овладеть языком за месяц? Почему бесполезно учить слова, если Вы хотите свободно говорить по- английски? Вы получите ответы на эти и другие вопросы на бесплатном вебинаре.
На вебинаре вы узнаете, почему огромное количество людей потратили много времени на изучение английского языка, но абсолютное большинство изучающих так и не научились грамотно излагать мысли вслух.
Вебинар предназначен для тех, кто изучал язык, но испытывает трудности в устной речи и понимании на слух, и для тех, кто только собирается овладеть английским и хочет это сделать, как можно быстрее и с минимальными затратами.
Многие учат английский в школе, в ВУЗе, на курсах, но всё равно не могут говорить. Уже перепробовали диски, разные методики, учили слова, даже съездили для обучения в Англию. А заметных улучшений нет.
Мы протестировали более 20000 человек, изучающих английский язык разными способами и методами, и пришли к неутешительному выводу: ни одна из известных методик НЕ обучает говорить.
А если разговорный английский очень нужен? Что делать человеку в такой ситуации?
Именно этому и посвящён наш вебинар!

Вы узнаете:
1 Почему в мире НЕТ ни одного человека, выучившего английский за 1 месяц,
но люди ведутся на подобные обещания.
2 Почему заучив тысячи слов, и освоив грамматику, человек не может говорить.
3 Почему метод изучения, который подходит Васе Пупкину, не подходит для Пети Иванова.
4 Сколько действительно нужно времени, чтобы реально заговорить по-английски
5 Что нужно делать, чтобы научиться говорить (формулировать мысли вслух)
6 Есть ли способ научиться говорить, не выходя из дома?

А хотите узнать, как один человек путешествовал самостоятельно по Америке, зная всего одну фразу? И, что это за фраза?
Вебинар ведёт: Елена Ермакова
Елена Ермакова - создатель курса Универсальный Английский.
Преподаватель с Высшим лингвистическим и педагогическим образованием.
Выпускники её Курсов - успешные люди за рубежом:
Руководитель Отдела NАСА (The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics)
Дизайнер - аниматор PIXAR (Pixar Animation Studios)
Учёные ПИЯФ (Петербургский институт ядерной физики им. Б. П. Константинова), проводящие исследования за границей
Отличительная черта её системы обучения от всех существующих методик-
100% выпускников (за 12 лет работы курсов) умеют грамотно говорить в нормальном темпе, не задумываясь над грамматикой и выбором слова.
При этом они потратили в 2-4 раза меньше времени, чем те, кто добился такого же уровня на других курсах или с репетитором, и в 8 раз меньше тех, кто занимался сам, как мог.
Мы предложим реальную альтернативу и расскажем, что нужно делать, чтобы заговорить. Покажем результаты конкретных людей.
Вы получите:
Бесплатный доступ к обучающему материалу прямо на вебинаре...
Вебинар состоится 12 февраля в 20 часов по Московскому времени
IgorKXXL   2013-02-07 20:51:32
и сам вебинар
Яндекс вам в помощь))
Если не помогает - пишите ССС, помогу зарегиться.
- А вот День рождения... IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-07 21:56:24
А вот День рождения...
у Алены. Хорошего праздника!
Гармоничной жизни))
- Inspirational Quotes IgorKXXL (8 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 23:16:04
Inspirational Quotes
The mind is like a parachute. It doesnt work unless its open.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 23:22:59
Herman Zapp
People are so afraid that something might happen. To them, fear is so much more important than their dream. Dont be afraid that something will happen, be afraid that nothing will happen.
Braino   2013-02-07 08:32:38
first quote
is by Frank Zappa. pls do not forget mention the author.


"Interviewer: 'So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?'
Frank Zappa: 'You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?"
Braino   2013-02-07 08:34:49
another one
"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."

Frank Zappa
IgorKXXL   2013-02-07 20:33:17
Robert Schuller
See the invisible. Believe the incredible. Attempt the impossible!
IgorKXXL   2013-02-07 20:33:45
Спасибо за Frank Zappa
Не знал)) Дерзкий чел)
Braino   2013-02-08 08:34:04
look up the net for his quotes. there's much more and veeerry insririing.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-10 23:50:29
надеюсь, что inspiring
А поговорить?
Таки твое мнение интересно.
- White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha? IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 07:16:53
White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha?
White chocolate mocha coffee is a variation of mocha coffee. White chocolate is much smoother than either milk or dark chocolate, so it imparts a smoother flavor to mocha coffee blends. You can add more sugar to this delicious beverage if you want it sweeter, and more white chocolate if you want it even richer.
- Who we are? IgorKXXL (19 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-04 07:09:19
Who we are?
По утрам я слушаю:
Southern California Public Radio (SCPR), member-supported public media network that operates 89. 3 KPCC-FM in Los Angeles and Orange County, 89. 1 KUOR-FM in the Inland Empire and 90. 3 KVLA in the Coachella Valley. Through web site.
А ты?
Witch   2013-02-04 13:39:27
А я
предпочитаю "Эхо Москвы"))
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 06:30:51
Они уже по английски вещают?
Еще "Russia Today" иногда.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 06:31:32
именно эхо москвы? Чем тебе нравится?
Witch   2013-02-06 15:01:12
Да нет)
Пока только на русском)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 22:06:17
ты английский задвинула в дальний ящик?
Braino   2013-02-07 09:52:55
is rather the same as TV1 only wo half-assed movies and talk-shows. so what's the use of listening to the same bullshit?
IgorKXXL   2013-02-07 20:35:20
смешать америкосов с RT любопытный коктейль получается)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-07 20:36:06
Ты то сам, Braino
что нибудь слушаешь?
Braino   2013-02-08 08:36:26
Echo for news. speaking of music, i don't like any particuular station in general. have a lot of records of my choice to listen.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-10 23:53:10
for example?
Что ты последнее, например, слушал?
Braino   2013-02-11 08:46:51
Project Two - Live at Niorthhampton, MA
(Fripp - Gunn - Belew)

i like to perceive music by full albums, not like a mixture of songs.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-11 21:54:39
а в библиотеку выложить
найдется что нибудь подходящего формата?
Braino   2013-02-11 23:39:15
can i upoad full album of songs up to 10' long? and it doesn't make sense since all this music is available at youtube.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-12 21:29:41
Угу, youtube,
только местными правилами ссылки таки запрещены.
Можешь одну тему выложить, а не весь альбом?
Было бы любопытно обсудить.
Braino   2013-02-13 10:11:13
with misic of that kind, you gotta either listen to full album or forget it.
Witch   2013-02-13 16:57:19
Dear Braino
Would you mind to settle down in the lodge? then your posts would be visible at once)
Braino   2013-02-14 00:19:34
thanks. i don't mind but i come over here rarely so there's no point.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-14 06:32:25
Рад видеть твои посты, хоть и редко)
- funny story IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-02 09:04:20
funny story
Why do men want to marry virgins?
They can't stand criticism

What's the difference between a Northern fairy tale and a Southern fairy tale?
A Northern fairy tale begins, "Once upon a time..."
A Southern fairytale begins, "Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit..."

What's the new and politically correct name for Lesbian?
IgorKXXL   2013-02-02 09:09:44
Why is the book "Women Who Love Too Much" a disappointment for many men?
No phone numbers
- Есть желающие:?) Екатерина (16 сбщ)
Екатерина   2013-01-29 12:20:39
Есть желающие:?)
Хотела бы найти людей заинтересованных изучать английский по выходным дням или в будни после 20-30. Уровень elementary, не хватает разговорной практики. Самое лучшее собрать порядка 5-ти человек, похожего уровня и найти англоязычного преподавателя, подобрать удобное место для занятий, как вариант открылось достаточное количество антикафе, где стоимость вполне приемлема. Организацию готова взять на себя.
IgorKXXL   2013-01-29 22:50:38
Замечательная инициатива.
Мы на работе такое организовали для itntermediate. Хорошо работает.
1-2 человек можем взять к себе. М. Новогиреево.
Екатерина   2013-01-30 11:43:11
У меня на работе такое не получится, нет такой необходимости в обучении персонала. Это актуально только для меня, поэтому ищу таких же желающих)) Была бы готова присоединиться, но это подразумевает рабочее время, а ткой возможности у меня нет
IgorKXXL   2013-01-30 23:02:40
с 18-15, 1. 5 часа
Екатерина   2013-01-31 00:19:38
У меня рабочий день до 20-00)) Поэтому в будни только с 20-30 и выходные..
IgorKXXL   2013-02-01 19:33:19
Остается только самой организовать))
Екатерина   2013-02-04 11:09:57
Я готова организовать, вопрос в группе))
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 06:33:26
основная часть организационной работы состоит в том, что бы найти "сообщников"
Сначала сформулировать что и где будет проходить, а потом стучать в разные двери и найдутся.
Екатерина   2013-02-06 11:50:33
Пока я одна и могу ориентироваться что и где только на себя, когда уже не один человек возникают разногласия, кому то неудобно это станция, другой не готова платить столько. Для меня оптимально время занятий с 20-45 до 21 в будни и в выходные начиная с 12. На Новослободской есть хорошее кафе TimeTerria, час там стоит 108 рублей.
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 21:20:49
занятие 15 минут будет? Или там ошибочка закралась?
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 21:23:01
К стати, Катя,
мои знакомые по голосовому тренингу ищут такое место, где была бы отдельная комната человек на 10 и что бы там в полный голос петь можно было.
Может ли быть в твоем TimeTerria такая комната?
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 21:25:11
Главное, что бы у тебя с собой разногласий небыло))
Ты же для себя любимой организовываешь! Представь что все идеально сложилось и все получилось. Опиши: где, когда, как это будет, когда примерно начнется. Как только сделаешь - я сделаю рассылку по домику. Может кто и захочет))
Екатерина   2013-02-07 11:31:09
думаю все понимают что ошибочка, 22-00:) Я понялава Вас Игорь, сделаю)
Екатерина   2013-02-07 11:32:45
1510 рубчас, от 1 до 14 человек (1960 рублей первый час)
Буду там только в понедельник и тогда смогу точно узнать)
IgorKXXL   2013-02-07 20:37:21
жду полное описание)
Romashka   2013-06-06 04:01:45
у меня есть подходящее место и желающие, пишите в личку, обсудим)
- Noisy sex woman admits Asbo breach IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-01-28 21:49:47
Noisy sex woman admits Asbo breach
A woman who was given an anti-social behaviour order banning her from making loud noises during sex has admitted breaching the order.
Caroline and Steve Cartwright's love-making was described as "murder" and "unnatural" at Newcastle Crown Court.
Neighbours, the local postman and a woman taking her child to school complained about the noise. Cartwright, 48, from Washington on Wearside, pleaded guilty to three counts of breaching the Asbo.
She will be sentenced on 18 January.
At an earlier hearing, next door neighbour Rachel O'Connor told the court she was frequently late for work because she overslept having been awake most of the night because of the noise.
In November, Cartwright appealed against a noise abatement notice imposed in 2007, as well as the subsequent Asbo, which banned the couple from "shouting, screaming or vocalisation at such a level as to be a statutory nuisance".
Her bid was rejected by Recorder Jeremy Freedman, who said: "It certainly was intrusive and constituted a statutory nuisance.
It was clearly of a very disturbing nature and it was also compounded by the duration - this was not a one-off, it went on for hours at a time.
It is further compounded by the frequency of the episode, virtually every night."
Sunderland City Council told the court they had recorded noise levels of up to 47 decibels using equipment installed at Cartwright's neighbour's house.
World Health Organisation guidelines state that 30 decibels is enough to cause sleep disturbance.
IgorKXXL   2013-01-28 21:51:00
Может кто словарь дома забыл))
1. Asbo [эзбоу] - An Anti-Social Behaviour Order or ASBO in the United Kingdom and in the republic of Ireland is a civil order made against a person who has been shown to have engaged in anti-social behaviour. Breaking an ASBO can render up to five years imprisonment.
2. order - приказ; распоряжение; указ; предписание.
3. lovemaking - sexual play and activity between lovers, esp including sexual intercourse.
4. love-making - физическая близость, секс.
5. unnatural - неестественный, ненормальный; чудовищный.
6. admit - допускать, соглашаться; (admit to) признавать (вину) ; признаваться, сознаваться.
7. Crown Court - Суд короны (уголовное отделение Высокого суда правосудия); crown court - коронный суд (в 1972 заменил суд квартальных сессий).
8. sentence - приговор, осуждение, обвинительное заключение.
9. noise - шум, гам, грохот; гвалт, гудение, гул; неприятный звук.
10. couple - пара, два, двое; пара (муж и жена, жених и невеста).
11. abatement - уменьшение; ослабление; прекращение; устранение; отмена.
12. notice - юр. предупреждение; уведомление; предупреждать; уведомлять.
13. impose - юр. налагать; устанавливать, назначать.
14. statutory - установленный, предписанный (законом).
15. nuisance - "ньюснс", помеха, неудобство; нарушение покоя, вред, источник вреда.
16. Recorder - Recorder of London - судья, управомоченный Центральным уголовным судом выполнять отдельные поручения по делам, находящимся в производстве другого суда.
17. one-off - амер. one-shot - одноразовый, происходящий только один; единичный, единственный в своём роде; нечто, происходящее только один раз.
18. disturbing - беспокоящий, волнующий; возмущающий, нарушающий.
19. episode - событие, происшествие, случай, эпизод!Ссылки Запрещены!nderland - Сандерленд (город в Англии).
21. city council - городской совет, муниципалитет.
22. guidelines - нормативы; руководящие принципы; руководящие документы.
- Obama's 2013 inaugural address IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 10:24:09
Obama's 2013 inaugural address
THE PRESIDENT: Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:
Each time we gather to inaugurate a President we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional - what makes us American - is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Today we continue a never-ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, theyve never been self-executing; that while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by His people here on Earth. (Applause.) The patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob. They gave to us a republic, a government of, and by, and for the people, entrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed.
And for more than two hundred years, we have.
Through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned that no union founded on the principles of liberty and equality could survive half-slave and half-free. We made ourselves anew, and vowed to move forward together.
Together, we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce, schools and colleges to train our workers.
Together, we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play.
Together, we resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable, and protect its people from lifes worst hazards and misfortune.
Through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all societys ills can be cured through government alone. Our celebration of initiative and enterprise, our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, these are constants in our character.
But we have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. For the American people can no more meet the demands of todays world by acting alone than American soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias. No single person can train all the math and science teachers well need to equip our children for the future, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores. Now, more than ever, we must do these things together, as one nation and one people. (Applause.)
This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience. A decade of war is now ending. (Applause.) An economic recovery has begun. (Applause.) Americas possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands: youth and drive; diversity and openness; an endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it - so long as we seize it together. (Applause.)
For we, the people, understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it. (Applause.) We believe that Americas prosperity must rest upon the broad shoulders of a rising middle class. We know that America thrives when every person can find independence and pride in their work; when the wages of honest labor liberate families from the brink of hardship. We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own. (Applause.)
We understand that outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our time. So we must harness new ideas and technology to remake our government, revamp our tax code, reform our schools, and empower our citizens with the skills they need to work harder, learn more, reach higher. But while the means will change, our purpose endures: a nation that rewards the effort and determination of every single American. That is what this moment requires. That is what will give real meaning to our creed.
We, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity. We must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit. But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future. (Applause.) For we remember the lessons of our past, when twilight years were spent in poverty and parents of a child with a disability had nowhere to turn.
We do not believe that in this country freedom is reserved for the lucky, or happiness for the few. We recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us at any time may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible storm. The commitments we make to each other through Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security, these things do not sap our initiative, they strengthen us. (Applause.) They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great. (Applause.)
The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition, we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries, we must claim its promise. Thats how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure - our forests and waterways, our crop lands and snow-capped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. Thats what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared.
We, the people, still believe that enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war. (Applause.) Our brave men and women in uniform, tempered by the flames of battle, are unmatched in skill and courage. (Applause.) Our citizens, seared by the memory of those we have lost, know too well the price that is paid for liberty. The knowledge of their sacrifice will keep us forever vigilant against those who would do us harm. But we are also heirs to those who won the peace and not just the war; who turned sworn enemies into the surest of friends - and we must carry those lessons into this time as well.
We will defend our people and uphold our values through strength of arms and rule of law. We will show the courage to try and resolve our differences with other nations peacefully - not because we are na#239; ve about the dangers we face, but because engagement can more durably lift suspicion and fear. (Applause.)
America will remain the anchor of strong alliances in every corner of the globe. And we will renew those institutions that extend our capacity to manage crisis abroad, for no one has a greater stake in a peaceful world than its most powerful nation. We will support democracy from Asia to Africa, from the Americas to the Middle East, because our interests and our conscience compel us to act on behalf of those who long for freedom. And we must be a source of hope to the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the victims of prejudice - not out of mere charity, but because peace in our time requires the constant advance of those principles that our common creed describes: tolerance and opportunity, human dignity and justice.
We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths - that all of us are created equal - is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth. (Applause.)
We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. (Applause.) Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms.
It is now our generations task to carry on what those pioneers began. For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. (Applause.) Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law - (applause) - for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. (Applause.) Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. (Applause.) Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity - (applause) - until bright young students and engineers are enlisted in our workforce rather than expelled from our country. (Applause.) Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia, to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm.
That is our generations task - to make these words, these rights, these values of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness real for every American. Being true to our founding documents does not require us to agree on every contour of life. It does not mean we all define liberty in exactly the same way or follow the same precise path to happiness. Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time, but it does require us to act in our time. (Applause.)
For now decisions are upon us and we cannot afford delay. We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate. (Applause.) We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect. We must act, knowing that todays victories will be only partial and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years and 40 years and 400 years hence to advance the timeless spirit once conferred to us in a spare Philadelphia hall.
My fellow Americans, the oath I have sworn before you today, like the one recited by others who serve in this Capitol, was an oath to God and country, not party or faction. And we must faithfully execute that pledge during the duration of our service. But the words I spoke today are not so different from the oath that is taken each time a soldier signs up for duty or an immigrant realizes her dream. My oath is not so different from the pledge we all make to the flag that waves above and that fills our hearts with pride.
They are the words of citizens and they represent our greatest hope. You and I, as citizens, have the power to set this countrys course. You and I, as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time - not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and enduring ideals. (Applause.)
Let us, each of us, now embrace with solemn duty and awesome joy what is our lasting birthright. With common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom.
Thank you. God bless you, and may He forever bless these United States of America. (Applause.)
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 10:33:49
what do you think about him end his speech?
about his success end his oratorical gift
- Dating IgorKXXL (4 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 11:49:38
Questions for discussion:
What images spring to mind when you hear the word dating?
What are the good things and bad things about dating?
What can you remember about your first date?
How do you feel before you go on a first date with someone?
What is your idea of a great first date?
What is the most disastrous date youve been on?
If you could go on a date with anyone in the world, who would it be with and why?
Would you ever use a dating service (online or otherwise)?
Would you ever go on a blind date?
Who pays on a first date?
From what age is it OK to start dating?
Is it a better idea to date someone from your own race, religion, social status, etc?
What are the best ways of making sure a first date leads to a second date?
What should you never do on a first date?
Is dating a waste of time?
Braino   2013-01-26 21:44:54
ok, one by one
What images spring to mind when you hear the word dating?

What are the good things and bad things about dating?
tits and no tits

What can you remember about your first date?

How do you feel before you go on a first date with someone?
i worry if will she has nice tits and let me touch those

What is your idea of a great first date?
blowjob right away

What is the most disastrous date youve been on?
there was no blowjob at all!

If you could go on a date with anyone in the world, who would it be with and why?
some gal with a huge tits

Would you ever use a dating service (online or otherwise)?
sure deal, all the time

Would you ever go on a blind date?

Who pays on a first date?
for a blowjob?

From what age is it OK to start dating?
as soon as you can get it on

Is it a better idea to date someone from your own race, religion, social status, etc?
the best idea is to get a blowjob and cut the bullshit

What are the best ways of making sure a first date leads to a second date?
a great blowjob will do

What should you never do on a first date?
i try to avoid farting

Is dating a waste of time?
no, if the blowjob is there
IgorKXXL   2013-01-30 23:05:09
Замечательный пост))
Возможно, леди ответят достойно?
IgorKXXL   2013-02-06 21:19:34
либо леди
не снизошли до нахала, либо ответить нечем...(((
- Lecture to Oxford Farming Conference, 3 January 2013 IgorKXXL (7 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 13:37:06
Lecture to Oxford Farming Conference, 3 January 2013
Lecture to Oxford Farming Conference, 3 January 2013
3 January 2013 532 comments

I want to start with some apologies. For the record, here and upfront, I apologise for having spent several years ripping up GM crops. I am also sorry that I helped to start the anti-GM movement back in the mid 1990s, and that I thereby assisted in demonising an important technological option which can be used to benefit the environment.
As an environmentalist, and someone who believes that everyone in this world has a right to a healthy and nutritious diet of their choosing, I could not have chosen a more counter-productive path. I now regret it completely.
So I guess youll be wondering what happened between 1995 and now that made me not only change my mind but come here and admit it? Well, the answer is fairly simple: I discovered science, and in the process I hope I became a better environmentalist.
When I first heard about Monsantos GM soya I knew exactly what I thought. Here was a big American corporation with a nasty track record, putting something new and experimental into our food without telling us. Mixing genes between species seemed to be about as unnatural as you can get here was humankind acquiring too much technological power; something was bound to go horribly wrong. These genes would spread like some kind of living pollution. It was the stuff of nightmares.
These fears spread like wildfire, and within a few years GM was essentially banned in Europe, and our worries were exported by NGOs like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth to Africa, India and the rest of Asia, where GM is still banned today. This was the most successful campaign I have ever been involved with.
This was also explicitly an anti-science movement. We employed a lot of imagery about scientists in their labs cackling demonically as they tinkered with the very building blocks of life. Hence the Frankenstein food tag this absolutely was about deep-seated fears of scientific powers being used secretly for unnatural ends. What we didnt realise at the time was that the real Frankensteins monster was not GM technology, but our reaction against it.
For me this anti-science environmentalism became increasingly inconsistent with my pro-science environmentalism with regard to climate change. I published my first book on global warming in 2004, and I was determined to make it scientifically credible rather than just a collection of anecdotes.
So I had to back up the story of my trip to Alaska with satellite data on sea ice, and I had to justify my pictures of disappearing glaciers in the Andes with long-term records of mass balance of mountain glaciers. That meant I had to learn how to read scientific papers, understand basic statistics and become literate in very different fields from oceanography to paleoclimate, none of which my degree in politics and modern history helped me with a great deal.
I found myself arguing constantly with people who I considered to be incorrigibly anti-science, because they wouldnt listen to the climatologists and denied the scientific reality of climate change. So I lectured them about the value of peer-review, about the importance of scientific consensus and how the only facts that mattered were the ones published in the most distinguished scholarly journals.
My second climate book, Six Degrees, was so sciency that it even won the Royal Society science books prize, and climate scientists I had become friendly with would joke that I knew more about the subject than them. And yet, incredibly, at this time in 2008 I was still penning screeds in the Guardian attacking the science of GM even though I had done no academic research on the topic, and had a pretty limited personal understanding. I dont think Id ever read a peer-reviewed paper on biotechnology or plant science even at this late stage.
Obviously this contradiction was untenable. What really threw me were some of the comments underneath my final anti-GM Guardian article. In particular one critic said to me: so youre opposed to GM on the basis that it is marketed by big corporations. Are you also opposed to the wheel because because it is marketed by the big auto companies?
So I did some reading. And I discovered that one by one my cherished beliefs about GM turned out to be little more than green urban myths.
Id assumed that it would increase the use of chemicals. It turned out that pest-resistant cotton and maize needed less insecticide.
Id assumed that GM benefited only the big companies. It turned out that billions of dollars of benefits were accruing to farmers needing fewer inputs.
Id assumed that Terminator Technology was robbing farmers of the right to save seed. It turned out that hybrids did that long ago, and that Terminator never happened.
Id assumed that no-one wanted GM. Actually what happened was that Bt cotton was pirated into India and roundup ready soya into Brazil because farmers were so eager to use them.
Id assumed that GM was dangerous. It turned out that it was safer and more precise than conventional breeding using mutagenesis for example; GM just moves a couple of genes, whereas conventional breeding mucks about with the entire genome in a trial and error way.
But what about mixing genes between unrelated species? The fish and the tomato? Turns out viruses do that all the time, as do plants and insects and even us its called gene flow.
But this was still only the beginning. So in my third book The God Species I junked all the environmentalist orthodoxy at the outset and tried to look at the bigger picture on a planetary scale.
And this is the challenge that faces us today: we are going to have to feed 9. 5 billion hopefully much less poor people by 2050 on about the same land area as we use today, using limited fertiliser, water and pesticides and in the context of a rapidly-changing climate.
Lets unpack this a bit. I know in a previous years lecture in this conference there was the topic of population growth. This area too is beset by myths. People think that high rates of fertility in the developing world are the big issue in other words, poor people are having too many children, and we therefore need either family planning or even something drastic like mass one-child policies.
The reality is that global average fertility is down to about 2. 5 and if you consider that natural replacement is 2. 2, this figure is not much above that. So where is the massive population growth coming from? It is coming because of declining infant mortality more of todays youngsters are growing up to have their own children rather than dying of preventable diseases in early childhood.
The rapid decline in infant mortality rates is one of the best news stories of our decade and the heartland of this great success story is sub-Saharan Africa. Its not that there are legions more children being born in fact, in the words of Hans Rosling, we are already at peak child. That is, about 2 billion children are alive today, and there will never be more than that because of declining fertility.
But so many more of these 2 billion children will survive into adulthood today to have their own children. They are the parents of the young adults of 2050. Thats the source of the 9. 5 billion population projection for 2050. You dont have to have lost a child, God forbid, or even be a parent, to know that declining infant mortality is a good thing.
So how much food will all these people need? According to the latest projections, published last year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, we are looking at a global demand increase of well over 100% by mid-century. This is almost entirely down to GDP growth, especially in developing countries.
In other words, we need to produce more food not just to keep up with population but because poverty is gradually being eradicated, along with the widespread malnutrition that still today means close to 800 million people go to bed hungry each night. And I would challenge anyone in a rich country to say that this GDP growth in poor countries is a bad thing.
But as a result of this growth we have very serious environmental challenges to tackle. Land conversion is a large source of greenhouse gases, and perhaps the greatest source of biodiversity loss. This is another reason why intensification is essential we have to grow more on limited land in order to save the rainforests and remaining natural habitats from the plough.
We also have to deal with limited water not just depleting aquifers but also droughts that are expected to strike with increasing intensity in the agricultural heartlands of continents thanks to climate change. If we take more water from rivers we accelerate biodiversity loss in these fragile habitats.
We also need to better manage nitrogen use: artificial fertiliser is essential to feed humanity, but its inefficient use means dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico and many coastal areas around the world, as well as eutrophication in fresh water ecosystems.
It is not enough to sit back and hope that technological innovation will solve our problems. We have to be much more activist and strategic than that. We have to ensure that technological innovation moves much more rapidly, and in the right direction for those who most need it.
In a sense weve been here before. When Paul Ehrlich published the Population Bomb in 1968, he wrote: "The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now." The advice was explicit in basket-case countries like India, people might as well starve sooner rather than later, and therefore food aid to them should be eliminated to reduce population growth.
It was not pre-ordained that Ehrlich would be wrong. In fact, if everyone had heeded his advice hundreds of millions of people might well have died needlessly. But in the event, malnutrition was cut dramatically, and India became food self-sufficient, thanks to Norman Borlaug and his Green Revolution.
It is important to recall that Borlaug was equally as worried about population growth as Ehrlich. He just thought it was worth trying to do something about it. He was a pragmatist because he believed in doing what was possible, but he was also an idealist because he believed that people everywhere deserved to have enough to eat.
So what did Norman Borlaug do? He turned to science and technology. Humans are a tool-making species from clothes to ploughs, technology is primarily what distinguishes us from other apes. And much of this work was focused on the genome of major domesticated crops if wheat, for example, could be shorter and put more effort into seed-making rather than stalks, then yields would improve and grain loss due to lodging would be minimised.
Before Borlaug died in 2009 he spent many years campaigning against those who for political and ideological reasons oppose modern innovation in agriculture. To quote: "If the naysayers do manage to stop agricultural biotechnology, they might actually precipitate the famines and the crisis of global biodiversity they have been predicting for nearly 40 years."
And, thanks to supposedly environmental campaigns spread from affluent countries, we are perilously close to this position now. Biotechnology has not been stopped, but it has been made prohibitively expensive to all but the very biggest corporations.
It now costs tens of millions to get a crop through the regulatory systems in different countries. In fact the latest figures Ive just seen from CropLife suggest it costs $139 million to move from discovering a new crop trait to full commercialisation, so open-source or public sector biotech really does not stand a chance.
There is a depressing irony here that the anti-biotech campaigners complain about GM crops only being marketed by big corporations when this is a situation they have done more than anyone to help bring about.
In the EU the system is at a standstill, and many GM crops have been waiting a decade or more for approval but are permanently held up by the twisted domestic politics of anti-biotech countries like France and Austria. Around the whole world the regulatory delay has increased to more than 5 and a half years now, from 3. 7 years back in 2002. The bureaucratic burden is getting worse.
France, remember, long refused to accept the potato because it was an American import. As one commentator put it recently, Europe is on the verge of becoming a food museum. We well-fed consumers are blinded by romantic nostalgia for the traditional farming of the past. Because we have enough to eat, we can afford to indulge our aesthetic illusions.
But at the same time the growth of yields worldwide has stagnated for many major food crops, as research published only last month by Jonathan Foley and others in the journal Nature Communications showed. If we dont get yield growth back on track we are indeed going to have trouble keeping up with population growth and resulting demand, and prices will rise as well as more land being converted from nature to agriculture.
To quote Norman Borlaug again: "I now say that the world has the technology - either available or well advanced in the research pipeline - to feed on a sustainable basis a population of 10 billion people. The more pertinent question today is whether farmers and ranchers will be permitted to use this new technology? While the affluent nations can certainly afford to adopt ultra low-risk positions, and pay more for food produced by the so-called organic methods, the one billion chronically undernourished people of the low income, food-deficit nations cannot."
As Borlaug was saying, perhaps the most pernicious myth of all is that organic production is better, either for people or the environment. The idea that it is healthier has been repeatedly disproved in the scientific literature. We also know from many studies that organic is much less productive, with up to 40-50% lower yields in terms of land area. The Soil Association went to great lengths in a recent report on feeding the world with organic not to mention this productivity gap.
Nor did it mention that overall, if you take into account land displacement effects, organic is also likely worse for biodiversity. Instead they talk about an ideal world where people in the west eat less meat and fewer calories overall so that people in developing countries can have more. This is simplistic nonsense.
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 13:38:19
If you think about it, the organic movement is at its heart a rejectionist one. It doesnt accept many modern technologies on principle. Like the Amish in Pennsylvania, who froze their technology with the horse and cart in 1850, the organic movement essentially freezes its technology in somewhere around 1950, and for no better reason.
It doesnt even apply this idea consistently however. I was reading in a recent Soil Association magazine that it is OK to blast weeds with flamethrowers or fry them with electric currents, but benign herbicides like glyphosate are still a no-no because they are artificial chemicals.
In reality there is no reason at all why avoiding chemicals should be better for the environment quite the opposite in fact. Recent research by Jesse Ausubel and colleagues at Rockefeller University looked at how much extra farmland Indian farmers would have had to cultivate today using the technologies of 1961 to get todays overall yield. The answer is 65 million hectares, an area the size of France.
In China, maize farmers spared 120 million hectares, an area twice the size of France, thanks to modern technologies getting higher yields. On a global scale, between 1961 and 2010 the area farmed grew by only 12%, whilst kilocalories per person rose from 2200 to 2800. So even with three billion more people, everyone still had more to eat thanks to a production increase of 300% in the same period.
So how much land worldwide was spared in the process thanks to these dramatic yield improvements, for which chemical inputs played a crucial role? The answer is 3 billion hectares, or the equivalent of two South Americas. There would have been no Amazon rainforest left today without this improvement in yields. Nor would there be any tigers in India or orang utans in Indonesia. That is why I dont know why so many of those opposing the use of technology in agriculture call themselves environmentalists.
So where does this opposition come from? There seems to be a widespread assumption that modern technology equals more risk. Actually there are many very natural and organic ways to face illness and early death, as the debacle with Germanys organic beansprouts proved in 2011. This was a public health catastrophe, with the same number of deaths and injuries as were caused by Chernobyl, because E.-coli probably from animal manure infected organic beansprout seeds imported from Egypt.
In total 53 people died and 3, 500 suffered serious kidney failure. And why were these consumers choosing organic? Because they thought it was safer and healthier, and they were more scared of entirely trivial risks from highly-regulated chemical pesticides and fertilisers.
If you look at the situation without prejudice, much of the debate, both in terms of anti-biotech and organic, is simply based on the naturalistic fallacy the belief that natural is good, and artificial is bad. This is a fallacy because there are plenty of entirely natural poisons and ways to die, as the relatives of those who died from E.-coli poisoning would tell you.
For organic, the naturalistic fallacy is elevated into the central guiding principle for an entire movement. This is irrational and we owe it to the Earth and to our children to do better.
This is not to say that organic farming has nothing to offer there are many good techniques which have been developed, such as intercropping and companion planting, which can be environmentally very effective, even it they do tend to be highly labour-intensive. Principles of agro-ecology such as recyling nutrients and promoting on-farm diversity should also be taken more seriously everywhere.
But organic is in the way of progress when it refuses to allow innovation. Again using GM as the most obvious example, many third-generation GM crops allow us not to use environmentally-damaging chemicals because the genome of the crop in question has been altered so the plant can protect itself from pests. Why is that not organic?
Organic is also in the way when it is used to take away choice from others. One of the commonest arguments against GM is that organic farmers will be contaminated with GM pollen, and therefore no-one should be allowed to use it. So the rights of a well-heeled minority, which come down ultimately to a consumer preference based on aesthetics, trump the rights of everyone else to use improved crops which would benefit the environment.
I am all for a world of diversity, but that means one farming system cannot claim to have a monopoly of virtue and aim at excluding all other options. Why cant we have peaceful co-existence? This is particularly the case when it shackles us to old technologies which have higher inherent risks than the new.
It seems like almost everyone has to pay homage to organic and to question this orthodoxy is unthinkable. Well I am here to question it today.
The biggest risk of all is that we do not take advantage of all sorts of opportunities for innovation because of what is in reality little more than blind prejudice. Let me give you two examples, both regrettably involving Greenpeace.
Last year Greenpeace destroyed a GM wheat crop in Australia, for all the traditional reasons, which I am very familiar with having done it myself. This was publicly funded research carried out by the Commonwealth Scientific Research institute, but no matter. They were against it because it was GM and unnatural.
What few people have since heard is that one of the other trials being undertaken, which Greenpeace activists with their strimmers luckily did not manage to destroy, accidentally found a wheat yield increase of an extraordinary 30%. Just think. This knowledge might never have been produced at all, if Greenpeace had succeeded in destroying this innovation. As the president of the NFU Peter Kendall recently suggeseted, this is analogous to burning books in a library before anyone has been able to read them.
The second example comes from China, where Greenpeace managed to trigger a national media panic by claiming that two dozen children had been used as human guinea pigs in a trial of GM golden rice. They gave no consideration to the fact that this rice is healthier, and could save thousands of children from vitamin A deficiency-related blindness and death each year.
What happened was that the three Chinese scientists named in the Greenpeace press release were publicly hounded and have since lost their jobs, and in an autocratic country like China they are at serious personal risk. Internationally because of over-regulation golden rice has already been on the shelf for over a decade, and thanks to the activities of groups like Greenpeace it may never become available to vitamin-deficient poor people.
This to my mind is immoral and inhumane, depriving the needy of something that would help them and their children because of the aesthetic preferences of rich people far away who are in no danger from Vitamin A shortage. Greenpeace is a $100-million a year multinational, and as such it has moral responsibilities just like any other large company.
The fact that golden rice was developed in the public sector and for public benefit cuts no ice with the antis. Take Rothamsted Research, whose director Maurice Moloney is speaking tomorrow. Last year Rothamsted began a trial of an aphid-resistant GM wheat which would need no pesticides to combat this serious pest.
Because it is GM the antis were determined to destroy it. They failed because of the courage of Professor John Pickett and his team, who took to YouTube and the media to tell the important story of why their research mattered and why it should not be trashed. They gathered thousands of signatures on a petition when the antis could only manage a couple of hundred, and the attempted destruction was a damp squib.
One intruder did manage to scale the fence, however, who turned out to be the perfect stereotypical anti-GM protestor an old Etonian aristocrat whose colourful past makes our Oxford local Marquess of Blandford look like the model of responsible citizenry.
This high-born activist scattered organic wheat seeds around the trial site in what was presumably a symbolic statement of naturalness. Professor Picketts team tell me they had a very low-tech solution to getting rid of it they went round with a cordless portable hoover to clear it up.
This year, as well as repeating the wheat trial, Rothamsted is working on an omega 3 oilseed that could replace wild fish in food for farmed salmon. So this could help reduce overfishing by allowing land-based feedstocks to be used in aquaculture. Yes its GM, so expect the antis to oppose this one too, despite the obvious potential environmental benefits in terms of marine biodiversity.
I dont know about you, but Ive had enough. So my conclusion here today is very clear: the GM debate is over. It is finished. We no longer need to discuss whether or not it is safe over a decade and a half with three trillion GM meals eaten there has never been a single substantiated case of harm. You are more likely to get hit by an asteroid than to get hurt by GM food. More to the point, people have died from choosing organic, but no-one has died from eating GM.
Just as I did 10 years ago, Greenpeace and the Soil Association claim to be guided by consensus science, as on climate change. Yet on GM there is a rock-solid scientific consensus, backed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Royal Society, health institutes and national science academies around the world. Yet this inconvenient truth is ignored because it conflicts with their ideology.
One final example is the sad story of the GM blight-resistant potato. This was being developed by both the Sainsbury Lab and Teagasc, a publicly-funded institute in Ireland but the Irish Green Party, whose leader often attends this very conference, was so opposed that they even took out a court case against it.
This is despite the fact that the blight-resistant potato would save farmers from doing 15 fungicide sprays per season, that pollen transfer is not an issue because potatoes are clonally propagated and that the offending gene came from a wild relative of the potato.
There would have been a nice historical resonance to having a blight-resistant potato developed in Ireland, given the million or more who died due to the potato famine in the mid 19th century. It would have been a wonderful thing for Ireland to be the country that defeated blight. But thanks to the Irish Green Party, this is not to be.
And unfortunately the antis now have the bureaucrats on their side. Wales and Scotland are officially GM free, taking medieval superstition as a strategic imperative for devolved governments supposedly guided by science.
It is unfortunately much the same in much of Africa and Asia. India has rejected Bt brinjal, even though it would reduce insecticide applications in the field, and residues on the fruit. The government in India is increasingly in thrall to backward-looking ideologues like Vandana Shiva, who idealise pre-industrial village agriculture despite the historical fact that it was an age of repeated famines and structural insecurity.
In Africa, no GM is still the motto for many governments. Kenya for example has actually banned GM foods because of the supposed "health risks" despite the fact that they could help reduce the malnutrition that is still rampant in the country and malnutrition is by the way a proven health risk, with no further evidence needed. In Kenya if you develop a GM crop which has better nutrition or a higher yield to help poorer farmers then you will go to jail for 10 years.
Thus desperately-needed agricultural innovation is being strangled by a suffocating avalanche of regulations which are not based on any rational scientific assessment of risk. The risk today is not that anyone will be harmed by GM food, but that millions will be harmed by not having enough food, because a vocal minority of people in rich countries want their meals to be what they consider natural.
I hope now things are changing. The wonderful Bill and Melinda Gates foundation recently gave $10 million to the John Innes Centre to begin efforts to integrate nitrogen fixing capabilities into major food crops, starting with maize. Yes, Greenpeace, this will be GM. Get over it. If we are going to reduce the global-scale problem of nitrogen pollution then having major crop plants fixing their own nitrogen is a worthy goal.
I know it is politically incorrect to say all this, but we need a a major dose of both international myth-busting and de-regulation. The plant scientists I know hold their heads in their hands when I talk about this with them because governments and so many people have got their sense of risk so utterly wrong, and are foreclosing a vitally necessary technology.
Norman Borlaug is dead now, but I think we honour his memory and his vision when we refuse to give in to politically correct orthodoxies when we know they are incorrect. The stakes are high. If we continue to get this wrong, the life prospects of billions of people will be harmed.
So I challenge all of you today to question your beliefs in this area and to see whether they stand up to rational examination. Always ask for evidence, as the campaigning group Sense About Science advises, and make sure you go beyond the self-referential reports of campaigning NGOs.
But most important of all, farmers should be free to choose what kind of technologies they want to adopt. If you think the old ways are the best, thats fine. You have that right.
What you dont have the right to do is to stand in the way of others who hope and strive for ways of doing things differently, and hopefully better. Farmers who understand the pressures of a growing population and a warming world. Who understand that yields per hectare are the most important environmental metric. And who understand that technology never stops developing, and that even the fridge and the humble potato were new and scary once.
So my message to the anti-GM lobby, from the ranks of the British aristocrats and celebrity chefs to the US foodies to the peasant groups of India is this. You are entitled to your views. But you must know by now that they are not supported by science. We are coming to a crunch point, and for the sake of both people and the planet, now is the time for you to get out of the way and let the rest of us get on with feeding the world sustainably.
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 13:42:08
БукАв канешна многовато))
За то тема любопытная. Так ГМО уже полезно?
Braino   2013-01-26 16:58:12
too meni leterz
wtf dat's all 'bout? an' what the fuck for?
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 17:10:47
смотри предыдущий пост))
Braino   2013-01-26 21:45:54
enjoy the answers
IgorKXXL   2013-01-29 22:51:42
какой вопрос, такой ответ)))
- А вот, друзья, случилось чудо! IgorKXXL (7 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2013-01-24 21:43:32
А вот, друзья, случилось чудо!
И в связи с этим чудом я стал хозяином домика. Замечу, на минуточку, англоговорящего домика. Ну или англофильского))
Я неплохо говорю по-английски, читаю, понимаю на слух, но пишу по-английски с трудом.
Исходя из этого, уважаемые жильцы, вам придется либо писать самостоятельно по-английски, на что я очень и очень надеюсь. Либо мириться с моими русскоязычными, в основном, постами.
IgorKXXL   2013-01-24 21:44:45
Регулярные очные встречи
поговорить по-английски будут продолжаться по вторникам и четвергам рядом с м. Таганская.
Приглашаю всех желающих
IgorKXXL   2013-01-24 21:47:07
Так же
буду рад, если вы поделитесь секретом зачем вы здесь, в этом домике?
Нас ни много, ни мало, нас 185 человек на сегодня.
Какими были ваши ожидания, когда вы прописывались? Сбились ли они, и почему нет?
IgorKXXL   2013-01-24 21:48:01
В общем
приглашаю всех высказаться в лучших традициях: Кто виноват? и Что делать?
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 00:10:32
В лучших традициях: поговорил с умным человеком))
Witch   2013-01-26 12:07:06
Как всегда, все отмалчиваются))

Кстати.. Должна пояснить, что решение передать свои полномочия Игорю было принято мной единолично и по многим причинам. В частности, невозможность по жизненным обстоятельствам выполнять ответственную роль хозяйки. Было очень жаль смотреть, как домик медленно умирает.
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 13:40:21
Спасибо, Witch, поддержала)
Радует, что некоторые читают. Таки есть надежда, что станут писать))
- Случилось большое горе Witch (1 сбщ)
Witch   2012-10-09 16:44:31
Случилось большое горе
Пришло известие, что во время крымского похода умер хозяин домика "У костра" Black Eagle. Кто-то его знал, кто-то нет, сейчас это неважно.
Вся беда в том, что для того, чтобы перевести тело из Феодосии в Москву нужны очень большие деньги, которых ни у его матери, ни у родственников просто нет. Очень вас прошу, не пожалейте тысячи рублей, скиньтесь, ведь никто не знает, в какой он завтра сам окажется ситуации. Координаты куда можно отправить в ссылке внизу.. Господа, подумайте о том, что и вам завтра может понадобиться помошь.. Прошу максимального перепоста.
- Dear Fellow-Tutors, Aurette (1 сбщ)
Aurette на метле   2012-10-05 16:09:04
Dear Fellow-Tutors,
How do you like this crossword clue: "Many schools start their school day with it" - 12 letters, the initial "r", contains "str"?
And another one: "An organisation for boys and girls that teaches them practical things" - 6 letters (not "school", because "t" will be the last but one)?
- It Странник (3 сбщ)
Странник   2012-09-12 21:04:42
has been a lovely sunny day today, hasn't it?
Странник   2012-09-12 21:07:04
я так не играю...
Я даже не могу исправить свои ашипки... (((
IgorKXXL   2012-09-22 21:41:25
А чаво
исправлять? Пишешь новый пост и фсе))
- Happy New Year! (New academic year... ;)) ) Странник (5 сбщ)
Странник   2012-09-09 09:50:06
Happy New Year! (New academic year... ;)) )
* Night. A sleeping couple is lying in a bed. Door bell rings. A couple wakes up. Woman: "Quick! My husband is back! " Man jumps out from a window. Flying down he starts to think: "Shit! But I am the husband! "

*A woman got a problem with her closet door - it was falling every time a bus was passing by. So she called a repair man. The repairman comes and sees that indeed, the door falls out every time when a bus passes by. "OK, I am gonna see what is going on, just close the door behind me" and he steps into the closet. At that time the husband comes from work, opens the closet and finds the repairman. Husband: "What the hell are you doing here! " Repairman:"Well, you are not going to believe it, but I am waiting for a bus! "
IgorKXXL   2012-09-10 06:48:15
I am waiting for a bus!
you are not going to believe this, but it is outstanding story))
Странник   2012-09-10 09:45:24
I like it too... )))
IgorKXXL   2012-09-10 22:26:13
another one
Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
Breasts do not have eyes!
Странник   2012-09-12 08:34:30
A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.
He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom.
While he's in there, the husband tells his wife: "Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. " If he wants s*x, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll k*ll us. Be strong, honey. I love you. "
To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!! "
- Закончились каникулы! IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-09-02 10:38:58
Закончились каникулы!
Со вторника начинаем продолжать наши английские встречи! Присоединяйтес! Берегите и развивайте свой английский.
Выучить язык - это как вступить в брак) Если не холить и не нежить время от времени - он уйдет.
И место, и время, и теплая атмасфера остаются на том же месте.
- А вот День варенья IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-08-21 22:48:07
А вот День варенья
У Странника.
Поздравляю от себя лично и участники наших "Meet Friends" - regular meetings присоединяются.
Интересно, Странник, ты о чем молчишь столько времени? Куда твой голос подевался?
Странник   2012-09-03 20:31:14
Да тута я, отвлекся токо немножко...
IgorKXXL   2012-06-23 08:13:38
Gala University
TECH SUPPORT: Yes, how can I help you?
CUSTOMER: Well, after much consideration, Ive decided to install Love. Can you guide me through the process?
TECH SUPPORT: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?
CUSTOMER: Well, Im not very technical, but I think Im ready. What do I do first?
TECH SUPPORT: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?
CUSTOMER: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?
TECH SUPPORT: What programs are running?
CUSTOMER: Lets see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.
TECH SUPPORT: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem.
However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love from being properly installed. Can you turn those off?
CUSTOMER: I dont know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?
TECH SUPPORT: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been completely erased.
CUSTOMER: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?
TECH SUPPORT: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.
CUSTOMER: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error Program not run on external components." What should I do?
TECH SUPPORT: Dont worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.
CUSTOMER: So, what should I do?
TECH SUPPORT: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.
CUSTOMER: Okay, done.
TECH SUPPORT: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.
CUSTOMER: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?
TECH SUPPORT: Yes, that means Love is installed and running. One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. You are welcome to share it with others. Please pass it along!
TECH SUPPORT: Youre welcome, anytime.
Рыбачка Сайли   2012-06-23 10:20:02
Yes :)
The topic will deep in my heart :D
Ма (она же Kora)   2012-08-19 12:10:55
Какая прелесть!!
Простите, я понимаю по-английски. Но думаю всё же по-русски)))

Да и практики сейчас стало меньше.
Надо будет как-то присоединиться к вашим четвергам. (четвергам??)

Спасибо, очень милый текст. Прям в точку! В десяточку! )) Прелесть!
- Female pickup IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-06-02 20:20:18
Female pickup
Womens pickup, the possible use of that debate for many years, can help get answers to questions that concern a lot of women. How to seduce a man? How to fall in love with a guy? How to call a guy want? How to fall in love with a young man? Womens pickup its possible to find the answer not only listed, but also on other issues.

Some men think that womens pick-up can not exist in principle because its aim is too simple and almost immediately achievable. If the pickup for men seeks to seduce every woman, regardless of her self-esteem, the womens pickup, in contrast, teaches girls to seduce all the men in a row, they suggest. Thus, there is a legitimate question, why do we need womens pickup when practically every man is always ready to go to bed any less pretty girl?

In fact, female pickup is markedly different from what is intended exclusively for men, and it is quite natural. If pikaper male wants and tries to seduce the greatest possible number of women, every woman knows the womans pickup truck in order to build a lasting and serious relationship with a man who is most suited her. Consequently, the techniques of female pickup differ significantly from that of men. But, of course, womens pick-up can just as well to impart skills in seducing a girl of any man, although, admittedly, very rare that a woman seeks to exclusively seduction. Techniques and methods of female truck pretty diverse. And their choice depends on the goal that set a girl.

The overriding objective, which should set ourselves is the question of how to get acquainted with a man, and only then think about how to marry him, or how to keep beside him.

The girls, students of womens pickup, just use in my practice the theory of NLP. Nevertheless, it should be understood that not always neurolinguistic programming to help solve all the problems and seduce any guy.

In some cases, the best advice that you can get a recommendation of a temptress, just having a great experience and knows how to seduce any man, and do not hesitate to use these for their own purposes. Our forum female pickup is featuring a chance to ask a question on the topic of interest to other girls. In his discussions involved not only girls who have barely begun to study womens pickup, but those skilled seductress, able to conquer any man.

Womens pickup includes several steps. First of all, you should choose someone who you love most, and then meet with the man you have chosen. Aerobatics is this behavior, when the man himself wants to meet you. Nonverbal gestures, the ability to adjust, easy smile all these actions make it easy to take the first step for a man. In no case do not put ourselves small goals: go on a date and in bed with only those men who are really able to become true companions in your life. Most often, familiarity with the man represents only an initial period on the path to mutual happiness and, perhaps, creating a strong and loving family. Often the situation is such that for dating men women pickup is required. For example, if a guy is learning with you on the same course or working in one of the same company, worried about how to strike up acquaintance with him, do not have to. However, womens pickup, you will need help if you see a guy of your dreams, for example, in a bar or a disco, where the softly and politely to attract his attention is only possible with the help of NLP, or sexual gestures and facial expressions. Its worth noting that often the one inviting smile is enough that the guy paid attention to you and took the initiative in the introduction.

Much more difficult is the answer to the question of how to fall in love with a man. Responding to it, you need to think about that, Is this the man that you need, as the desire fall in love with a man who absolutely does not suit you (and it is easy to be those who perfectly knew the female pickup), can lead to that you not only spend their time in empty, but the risk amass a lot of trouble related to the fact that you have to explain to the man that you are not ready for a long relationship with him.

Besides, this womans pickup will allow you to find answers to some other issues of interest to many women. How to keep a man? How to marry someone who you like or how to marry rich? How to return a man? Techniques female pickup necessarily help you.

Womens pick-up requires constant practice, as well as sharing experiences with others, so do not hesitate to ask, as well as share tips and talk about their practice in a pickup. It is possible that your story will be a revelation for someone else, but will also help some girl to build their own destiny with a loved one. Our forum on womens pick-up this is the true body of knowledge gathered by many women. Ready to share their experiences.
Braino   2012-06-02 20:30:19
that's fine
if you have compiled the text yourself. otherwise, you'd better put (c) thereafter.
- Теперь еще и в Жуковском IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-05-17 22:34:06
Теперь еще и в Жуковском
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Продолжаются наши регулярные "живые" встречи поговорить по-английски!
По прежнему,
по вторникам с 19 до 21, м. Таганская в Москве
и по четвергам с 19 до 21 в Жуковском
Пригалашаем участников с уровнем от intermediate.
Желающие присоединиться
- записывайтесь этой в теме,
- в ССС мне
или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
Ма (она же Kora)   2012-08-19 12:14:31
а-а, вот как
в Москве по вторникам... Ясно.

А бывают какие-то скедьюлы и адженды предстоящих встреч??
И фотоочёты о прошедших)))
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (4 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-02-16 21:27:15
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Продолжаются наши регулярные "живые" встречи поговорить по-английски!
По прежнему, по вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21, м. Таганская.
Пригалашаем участников с уровнем от intermediate.
Желающие присоединиться
- записывайтесь этой в теме,
- в ССС мне
или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
О чем общаемся?
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
-- -- -- --
- Для удовольствия.
- Что бы рассказать свою историю.
- Для того что бы улучшить-убыстрить английский и навыки общения в целом
- Для того, что бы завести новые знакомства и новых друзей.
- Для того, что бы услышать мнение других и сказать свое.
- Для того что бы получить совет или узнать что то новое о себе или "за жизнь".
- Что бы приобрести уверенность в общении, получить поддержку или совет.
- это короткий список ответов постоянных участников встреч
IgorKXXL   2012-03-25 08:31:27
А встречи продолжаются
с завидной регулярностью, не смотря на тишину в домике.
IgorKXXL   2012-09-02 10:40:40
Записаться обязательно
Можно по телефону или в теме по ссылке, или в ссс.
Участие по-прежнему бесплатное
IgorKXXL   2013-01-26 11:47:17
Вот где то так:
People with intermediate through advanced level of English are welcome to our club to practice their speaking and listening skills.
The club has only one unbreakable rule: The members make the rules of the club together. So come and help us improve our club by helping us make the rules:)
- What keeps men and women sexually satisfied? IgorKXXL (11 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-02-04 18:38:16
What keeps men and women sexually satisfied?
Researchers surveyed 1000 couples in 5 countries looking at sexual satisfaction in relationships 1-51 years in length.

Some interesting points:
Men were more sexually satisfied with with their relationship when they had frequent recent sex and fewer lifetime sexual partners: "Lifetime number of sexual partners was a significant predictor of sexual but not relationship satisfaction, and this only for men. Men reported more lifetime sexual partners than women (M = 11. 9 vs. 4. 9). More sexual partners predicted less sexual satisfaction. Searching for a better partner or sexual experience may emerge from or be connected to a lack of sexual satisfaction rather than just a desire for sexual recreation and variety. Alternatively, more partners might indicate different standards based on greater experience.
"For women, however, the impact of duration on sexual satisfaction is both significant and substantial. During the first 15 years of the relationship, women had significantly lower probabilities of reporting satisfaction than men. From year 30 on in the relationship, however, women had a significantly higher probability of reporting satisfaction."
"Men who valued their partners orgasm were more likely to report relationship happiness, with each additional point of valuation increasing the odds of happiness by a factor of 1. 17. Reporting frequent kissing and cuddling and frequent sexual caressing by partner both increased the odds of reporting relationship happiness by a factor of approximately 3."
Country-level patterns indicated that Japanese and Brazilian women were significantly more likely than U. S. women to report sexual satisfaction, net of all other characteristics."
IgorKXXL   2012-02-04 18:40:40
The abstract:
Sexuality research focuses almost exclusively on individuals rather than couples, though ongoing relationships are very important for most people and cultures. The present study was the first to examine sexual and relationship parame- ters of middle-aged and older couples in committed relationships of 151 years duration
IgorKXXL   2012-02-04 18:42:40
Survey research
Survey research was conducted in Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, and the U. S. targeting 200 men aged 4070 and their female partners in each country, with 1, 009 couples in the final sample. Key demographic, health, physical intimacy, sexual behavior, sexual function, and sexual history variables were used to model relationship happiness and sexual satisfaction.
IgorKXXL   2012-02-04 18:44:38
The median ages
The median ages were 55 for men and 52 for women; median relationship duration was 25 years. Relationship satisfaction in men depended on health, physical intimacy, and sexual functioning, while in women only sexual functioning predicted relationship satisfaction. Models predicting sexual satisfaction included significant physical intimacy and sexual functioning for both genders and, for men, more frequent recent sexual activity and fewer lifetime partners.
IgorKXXL   2012-02-04 18:46:05
Longer relationship duration predicted greater relation
Longer relationship duration predicted greater relationship happiness and sexual satisfaction for men. However, women in relationships of 20 to 40 years were significantly less likely than men to report relationship happiness.
IgorKXXL   2012-02-04 18:46:39
Compared to men, women showed lower sexual satisfaction
Compared to men, women showed lower sexual satisfaction early in the relationship and greater sexual satisfaction later. Within the long-term committed relationship context, there were significant gender differences in correlates of sexual and relationship satisfaction, with sexual functioning a common predictor of both types of satisfaction and physical intimacy a more consistent and salient predictor for men.
Braino   2012-02-04 18:58:44
just for diversity
ain't got yer point buddy: what's the use of copying here various shitty stuff day by day? just for diversity, try to create something yourself. gonna be much more interesting and useful, believe me.
IgorKXXL   2012-02-04 20:10:27
can you help me practically?
Braino   2012-02-04 20:21:31
with all due respect:

first: you live in moscow and that makes the task virtually impossible.
second: usually i do it for money and its expensive.

herein i apear just occasionally.
IgorKXXL   2012-02-05 21:21:47
Halfbeak - Give your opinion.
Have you an opinion on this topic or about some others things?
Braino   2012-02-06 16:43:16
the topic itself contains nothing. teenagers know more about sex than the author.

what i mean to say, if you wanna study english, thoughtless text-copying will do you no good. enclose your translation at least and there'll appear something to discuss or correct. this way you can study something.
- What do you think about Андрей (4 сбщ)
Андрей   2012-01-31 13:27:45
What do you think about
Vladimir Putin? )
IgorKXXL   2012-02-01 07:12:37
why, why?
why did you ask for our opinion but never post your?
Лара   2012-02-01 22:53:10
ни фига не думаем.. I do not know why I must think about this kindly man:))) May be you try to tell me about it...
LuckyRFS   2012-06-19 15:42:04
It is high time for him to leave, that is what I think about this "kind man".
I wonder how there can be so many blind people who do not see obvious things.
- Dead Morose! Dead Morose!))) IgorKXXL (3 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-01-29 20:40:15
Dead Morose! Dead Morose!)))
Американские дети, приглашённые на Кремлёвскую ёлку, уделались от страха, когда погас свет и русские дети начали вызывать Угрюмого Мертвеца (Dead Morose! Dead Morose!)
Праздник Каждый День   2012-01-29 22:15:06
хорошо написал
посмеялась от души
IgorKXXL   2012-01-30 21:44:32
и мне понравилось))
Есиб я так сам писал...)
- Best Romantic Ideas for You and Your Partner IgorKXXL (7 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-01-28 11:02:23
Best Romantic Ideas for You and Your Partner
The best romantic ideas to spend time with your life partner:

Remember to tell your partner how deeply you love himher.
Walk in the rain holding hands.
Let your soulmate choose the movie youll watch in the evening.
Make a relaxing massage using special flavored oils.
Prepare a playlist of your favorite romantic music.
Throw a surprise party for two.
Buy a cuddly toy for your sweetheart.
Read each others love horoscopes.
Create the lists of top 5 or 10 things you love about each other.
IgorKXXL   2012-01-28 11:04:05
Read them aloud in your special or secret place.
Make a tattoo with your mates name.
Go camping and dont forget to prepare romantic evening food and take a bottle of wine with you.
Take a shower together.
Send a huge gift basket full of his - her favorite chocolates.
Decorate your bed with flowers and hearts.
Decorate your apartment with flowers or rose petals leading to a romantic dinner table.
Spend your evening watching an old black and white movie with a huge bowl of popcorn.
Role play your first date
IgorKXXL   2012-01-28 11:05:30
Buy two tickets to a special exciting event.
Brighten your partners day with a warm unexpected hug.
Buy something your partner has always been dreaming of.
Send an email just to say "You are special."
Give your one and only a bunch of balloons.
IgorKXXL   2012-01-28 11:06:38
Surprise your partner by serving breakfast in bed.
Wash and wax your lovers car and leave a romantic note there.
Plant a flower together.
Leave a tender message on voicemail.
IgorKXXL   2012-01-28 11:08:07
Rent a bridal suite in a hotel, just because.
Play snowballs like teenagers.
Spend the evening looking at the bright night stars together.
Take your partner to the place you have never been to before (a new restaurant an amusement park).
Do all household chores together.
Put your favorite candy in your partners pockets.
IgorKXXL   2012-01-28 11:09:19
Take a car and go to a drive-in movie.
Record your voice love confession for your partner.
Hide love notes in his - her coat pockets.
IgorKXXL   2012-01-28 11:09:42
Surprise your one and only with a sweet kiss on the neck
Treat each other with unexpected compliments.
Feed each other with your favorite ice cream.
Have a picnic on the floor of your living room.
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-01-23 13:28:24
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Продолжаются наши регулярные "живые" встречи поговорить по-английски!
По прежнему, по вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21, м. Таганская.
Пригалашаем участников с уровнем от intermediate.
Желающие присоединиться
- записывайтесь этой в теме,
- в ССС мне
или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
О чем общаемся?
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
-- -- -- --
- Для удовольствия.
- Что бы рассказать свою историю.
- Для того что бы улучшить-убыстрить английский и навыки общения в целом
- Для того, что бы завести новые знакомства и новых друзей.
- Для того, что бы услышать мнение других и сказать свое.
- Для того что бы получить совет или узнать что то новое о себе или "за жизнь".
- Что бы приобрести уверенность в общении, получить поддержку или совет.
- это короткий список ответов постоянных участников встреч
- If You're Struggling Financially, Weak Social Skills Ma IgorKXXL (3 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-01-20 17:15:08
If You're Struggling Financially, Weak Social Skills Ma
Often when people are struggling financially, they try to make improvements that never quite work out. One reason is that they're working on symptoms while overlooking the real core issues. If I may be direct, much of the time the main reason people struggle in this part of life is because they have very weak social skills. They may think that limiting beliefs about money, or perhaps a lack of self-discipline, are holding them back, but even people with very abundant lives have limiting financial beliefs and self-discipline challenges.
The real problem isn't your financial skills or your beliefs about money. More often than not, the problem is that you're trying to make money in ways that could be described as socially inept.
People who are socially inept don't understand that money is a social tool. Money is communication. Instead they treat money as an object, as something to collect and acquire. But by using money in this way, they don't realize they're actually trying to use people. And trying to use people is a socially inept way of communicating. People generally don't like to be used as tools, so money doesn't easily flow to socially inept people who attempt to relate to others in this manner. If you're trying to get more money, you're behaving in a socially creepy manner, and so you're going to meet a lot of resistance and will most like meet with failure and frustration.
If you're having some difficulty improving your level of financial abundance, let me share a perspective with you that I think will help. This will be a very down to earth perspective -- no need to invoke the Law of Attraction or use terms like "vibrational match" here.

What Is Money?

We know that money is a medium for exchanging value. But what does that mean?
Let's set aside all conspiracy theories for the moment and focus on the practical reality of what money does for us in our daily lives. Money is used for trade. When we use money, we're trading one kind of value for another kind of value.
Using money amounts to trading goods and services, like trading apples for salt, or shoes for a massage.

Now who participates in these trades?
People. Human beings.
Money may seem more abstract than hard goods and services, so it's understandable that people get confused about how to earn it, but imagine what your financial life would be like if there was no money. What would it mean to talk about financial abundance in the absence of money?
Without money in your life, you'd basically have two options for creating abundance. The first option would be to produce everything you desire for yourself. You'd have to grow your own food. You'd have to self-educate. You'd have to design and build your own shelter, harvest all the resources for it, and invent and build your own tools from scratch. You couldn't use anything like a computer or the Internet unless you invented and developed all your own technology, including building your own communication networks. If you wanted to participate in modern society to any meaningful degree, we can safely rule out the go-it-alone approach.
Your second option for creating abundance would be to engage in trades with other people. There are two aspects to this. First, you need to have something to trade. Second, you need to conduct trades, which are social interactions.
So if you go the trading route (which is the only practical choice for most people), there are two fundamental skill sets that will determine your ability to create and enjoy financial abundance:
1. Your skill at creating value such that others are willing to trade for it.
2. Your skill at executing trades with others.
Both of these are social skills. Let's explore this more deeply...

Creating Value
It's common to think about creating value for others in terms of your mental and physical abilities, including your technical and artistic skills. Can you write software, create music, fix plumbing problems, or mop floors?
But how do you learn these skills in the first place? From your parents. From schools and teachers. From books. From the Internet. And probably from many other sources. Ultimately, however, you learned your skills from people. You wouldn't even have the most basic skills of reading, writing, and speaking if not for other people.
Yes, you can also learn through direct experimentation, but I'm sure you'll agree that most of what you've learned so far ultimately came from human beings. People created those resources and chose to share them with you. If not for the help of others, you'd pretty much be an idiot, at least by the standards of our modern society.
Now think about what an upgrade in your social skills could do for you here. If you were even more skilled socially, you'd be able to gain access to more and better educational and training resources.
Despite the massive amount of content on the Internet, a lot of knowledge is still fairly private, including some of the most current info that hasn't yet trickled down to the Internet. The only way to learn certain information is through people. Additionally, some skills are just much easier to learn directly from people than through free resources.
What determines your ability to gain access to the best proprietary info? You can buy it, but in the absence of money, your access will largely be determined by the strength of your social network, which in turn is largely determined by your social skills.
So the better your social networking skills, the more opportunities you have for skill building.
Additionally, how do you learn the relative social value of different skills? How do you learn which skills have high trading value (like performing heart surgery) vs. low trading value (like mopping floors)? You learn this from other people too. Do you have a social network that encourages you to learn and develop skills with high trading value? Or do you have a social network that lets you settle for skills with low trading value? If you have the latter type of social network, why haven't you consciously created the former?
If you aren't able to create much value for others (i. e. high trading value), that will surely depress your income. If this is a problem you're currently experiencing, it means your social network isn't doing a very good job of training you to deliver strong value. And if your social network isn't training you properly, then we have to take a serious look at your social skills, don't we? After all, you're the one who's maintaining your social network. If you wanted to change it badly enough and had the skills to do so, you could certainly do that. Lots of people do.
Some people are just lucky. They're born into amazing social networks that prepare them for lives of abundance. Others have to work at it. Either way, your social network is your responsibility. If it isn't serving you, why not change it?
One again, if your finances are lagging and you'd rather not experience that reality, it means your social network isn't doing its job, which means your social skills are lagging, which means you're not doing your job socially. Financial failure and social failure are the same thing.

Trading With Others
Now let's look at the second aspect of creating abundance. Once you have some value to offer, you can engage in intelligent trades with other people to fulfill the desires that you can't or won't fulfill on your own.
What makes for a successful trade? In the long run, this is also determined by your social network and your social skills. Opportunities for trade will come from other people, largely through your social network. If your social networking isn't bringing you abundance-producing, win-win trades on a regular basis, then again, your social network isn't doing its job. And if your social networking isn't doing it's job, why not? That would imply that you aren't doing a good job of creating and maintaining an empowering network, which in turn points to social skills that are lagging.
My intent isn't to beat you down here. My intent is to help you target the right strategy for growth if you've been struggling to create financial abundance. Some people don't see much improvement even after years of working to improve their finances, and that's largely because they never address the underlying social problems that give rise to scarcity. I think you'll experience a lot more growth if you reinterpret your financial problems as social problems. At the very least, it will give you a new avenue to explore.
IgorKXXL   2012-01-20 17:17:53
How Strong Social Skills Can Create Financial Abundance
So how does abundance result from strong social skills?
Let's revisit our two aspects of trading:
1. Your skill at creating value such that others are willing to trade for it.
2. Your skill at executing trades with others.
Imagine a person who has amazing social skills. What would that look like, and how would it affect the two trade-related skills above?
First, this person would have more educational and skill-building resources than most people. Great social skills can be used to build and maintain an empowering network of intelligent and resourceful friends and contacts. If this person ever wanted help learning anything, there would always be someone to turn to, someone to suggest and offer quality resources.
As great as Google is, there are some questions that are best answered by human beings. Moreover, a human network can provide abundant emotional support, encouragement, and accountability. Google doesn't care if you procrastinate. Good friends, however, do care.
This socially skilled person would also have a better sense of other people's needs. Better social skills means better empathy and listening skills. So she would have an easier time figuring out what to do to create strong value for others, value that people would gladly trade for. The socially inept person, by contrast, would be more likely to create something that nobody wanted, which can be very discouraging.
Next, this highly social person could cultivate a social network that delivers a continuous flow of choice opportunities for quality trades. If this person wanted a job, it could be found through his her social network. If this person wanted to start a business or offer a new product or service, his her social n e twork would provide plenty of assistance to make that a reality, including abundant referrals of new clients and customers.
IgorKXXL   2012-01-20 17:19:54
Suffice it to say that this person would have a serious
Our socially inept counterpart, however, would suffer major disadvantages across the board. S he wouldn't be in the best position for attracting educational and skill-building opportunities, and s he would also miss out on the choicest trading opportunities. Long-term financial scarcity would be the most likely outcome.

My Social and Financial Expansion
When I look back over the past 20+ years of my life, I see a major correlation between my social skills and my experience of financial abundance. During those times when I was the most solo-minded in my thinking, my finances lagged. But when I put some serious effort into social skill-building and expansion, my financial life improved markedly shortly thereafter.
For example, when I decided to become active in the Association of Shareware Professionals in 1999, I went from earning about $300 per month from my computer game sales to more than 10x that within a matter of months. I can directly attribute the improvement in my finances to the education and opportunities that came to me through my expanding social network.
Until I made that commitment to reach out socially in my industry, hardly anyone knew that I existed. I was never invited to speak at conferences. I had no chance of winning awards and getting free publicity for my products. I never had friends emailing me advice and suggestions and sharing resources.
Both in my own life and in the lives of others, I've seen ample evidence to convince me that financial abundance is largely a result of strong social skills and the intelligent application of those skills. Specifically, this includes the following:
1. Your ability to proactively befriend intelligent, resourceful people and add them to your social network.
2. Your ability to inspire people to refer helpful opportunities to you (resources, leads, clients, etc).
3. Your ability to serve as a positive source of inspiration and opportunities for others (maintaining win-win connections).
4. Your ability to prune and release dead-weight relationships (avoiding win-lose and lose-lose connections).
To be very direct once again, people who suffer financially generally make the following social mistakes:
1. They often behave as loners and spend a lot of time alone or with the same few people (social isolationists).
2. The frequently suffer from approach anxiety and low self-esteem, which discourages them from initiating new connections and creating social expansion (social timidity).
3. They clutter their social lives with losers who have little to offer in terms of support, resources, and skill-building (low standards).
4. When they do meet intelligent and resourceful people, they act passively and fail to establish new friendships (lack of intitiative).
5. They remain loyal to a pity posse that consistently blocks good referrals with fear, jealousy, or sarcasm (clinginess).
I know this sound harsh, but pause for a moment to see if any of this resonates with you.

The Good News
The good news is that if you're currently suffering from financial lack, and if you can see and admit that it just might have something to do with your lagging social skills, there's hope for you yet. :)
It will take time to upgrade your social skills and to overcome related fears and limiting beliefs, but this is a rewarding journey to undertake. If I can go from a shy child who used to play alone in the sandbox to a man who thinks of 3-day public workshops as a form of play... and from debt bankruptcy to seeing money show up whenever I need it... then why not you?
As a final thought... the key for me in creating this change was to admit to myself that being a social isolationist wasn't working. So maybe... just maybe... I should try doing the opposite for a while. I was already going bankrupt at the time I made this decision, so I figured I had nothing to lose by changing things up. It seemed worse to perpetuate the patterns I had while sinking into debt, so "do the opposite" seemed like a valid strategy. It took a while to feel comfortable with a more active and varied social life than I was used to, but it worked -- faster than I expected. In fact, on the Myers-Briggs test, I actually flipped from an INTJ to an ENTJ during that time, meaning that I switched from an introvert to an extrovert, at least according that that particular personality test.
- Spice Up Your Married Life In 5 Steps IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2012-01-19 18:41:12
Spice Up Your Married Life In 5 Steps
You might think that your relationship with your spouse is doing well simply because you are not having any occasional fights like most couples do. But the question is this - Do you think you and your partner is still happy with your marriage? Perhaps, you feel jaded about your boring relationship now, so here are the most effective ways to bring back the spice back in your married life.


The best advice in keeping your married life exciting is to set aside some time together as a couple. But do not just be contented with going out for a simple dinner at a restaurant or watching movie together. Book an overnight stay at a first class resort, or take a leave from work and travel to some faraway country for several days or weeks!

Socialize with Other Married Couples

Attending dinner parties along with other married couples could actually help to bring back the spice in your marriage. Experts say that seeing your partner socialize with other people in a crowd could help to remind you of the things that attracted you to himher. Looking at your partner talking, laughing and interacting with other people could help to rekindle the memories when you were still in the early stage of your relationship.

Have Some Intimate Moments

Intimacy is necessary in every marriage, so you must always make time for intimate moments with your spouse regardless of how busy you are. Intimacy is what makes couple feel attached to each other, and such attachment is very important to keep the love alive. You may choose to schedule your intimate moments together if you both feel too tired to think of doing it during busy workdays.

Make them Feel Special

Sometimes, married life can become so dreary that we tend to ignore the sweet moments that we are suppose to enjoy with our spouse. Despite how busy you may be at work, you should still maintain the romantic gestures that you and your spouse once shared. So send thoughtful text messages every now and then, or perhaps, leave flirty voice messages on his cell phone.

Work as a Team

Another way to keep the fire burning within the relationship is to consider each other as a teammate. So always instill teamwork in everything that you do and in every decision you are going to make. And in the event that you two do not go along with your decisions in life, always be open to discuss things with your spouse, just like team members would do.

They say that married life is just good on the first few stages. Well, this is not always the case if you just knew how to keep the love burning despite of how long you two are together. So follow these tips now in order to have an exciting and long lasting married life.
- What is the difference between an elephant and a flea? IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-12-29 20:50:30
What is the difference between an elephant and a flea?
What is the difference between an elephant and a flea?
An elephant can have fleas but a flea can't have elephants!

Why did the elephant paint his toenails red?
So he could hide in the cherry tree!

How do you know when there is an elephant under your bed?
When your nose touches the ceiling!
IgorKXXL   2011-12-29 20:56:12
elephant camel
An elephant asks a camel : " why are your breasts on your back?"
" Well " says the camel, " I think it is a strange question from somebody who's dick is in his face"
- Common Mistakes Women Make in Relationships IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-12-28 20:59:41
Common Mistakes Women Make in Relationships
Snooping around through your spouses emails is not a good idea and you know that but you still continue doing it because you are hoping for different results each and every time. This is a relative definition of insanity hoping for different results each time you do something you know is wrong. Here are a few other mistakes women tend to make while in a relationship.

1. Making a big deal out of email or phones As mentioned above, snooping around his emails and text messages is not only psychotic, but also you will find yourself making your own distorted views on certain messages. A simple "k got it thx" doesnt mean "lets have crazy sex right now", so go easy on the stalking and just learn to trust him. If he is cheating on you, you will know in due time.

2. Displacing an argument If you are mad at him for not taking out the garbage, then tell him exactly why you are mad at him and dont turn it around into some huge commitment issue argument.

3. Hoping for only a fairy-tale romance You wont settle for anything less than fairy-tale romantic love stories, but you will never get one because they are just what you call them, fairy tales. Be realistic about your relationship and just observe how other happy relationships behave and work because that is truly what your goal should be in a relationship, mutual happiness.

4. Forgetting all about friends when we fall in love Dont lose your friends just because you found true love. You need your friends to help reassure you about your situation, give you advice when you are angry with your spouse, and anything else that you need to talk about that you just cant tell your spouse.

5. Remaining quiet If you have an issue, talk about it. Your spouse cant read your mind, so dont give them a silent treatment.

6. Not relying on him Relying and depending on him is actually a sign of romance and love. It is also grounds for a healthy relationship. Show him you appreciate him and rely on him and dont ever feel like you are leaning on his shoulder all the time.

Do you often make mistakes in relationships? What is the biggest mistake that women tend to make? Are friends really that important to hold onto while in a deep committed relationship?
PureFiction   2012-02-04 21:29:52
wisdom and tea-cups
I would say remaining quiet is sometimes good for a woman in a relationship (depends on the situation of course), I guess I was too emotional and straight-forward with my ex-partner, if it were now, I would certainly avoid discussing certain topics with him. I fully agree that we shouldn't "forget all about friends", men either, I was too wrapped up in the person, I finally realized I was loosing myself, my friends, my interests, all those things which made me unique. One more thing about living together, women often forget that their men are big boys already, with their own character and personality, basic things about them JUST WON'T change-) this teacher-like inclination to change the world around you just won't work-) if he drinks tea and leaves his tea-cup on the table, no matter how much you insist on putting it in the sink, there's high probability he'll go on doing the same, so think it over - maybe you can cope with it?-)))
- What Makes Someone Good-Looking? IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-12-17 00:29:17
What Makes Someone Good-Looking?
What is it about our partners that make us so attracted to them? Is it their symmetrical features? Perhaps they even look like you a bit. Its fascinating to study the psychology of human attraction and what makes us attracted to our partners. What is it about human attraction that makes us find certain people good to look at?

One thing is that we love symmetry and symmetrical features. Symmetry symbolizes good genes and health development. These kinds of people are also prone to produce offspring which are immune to gene manipulations.

Women like a powerful, protective man with a larger jaw. When a woman is during her menstruation, she tends to be more attractive to a man who will give her beautiful and healthy children and take care of them and her. This means that she will be attracted to a man who is powerful and who is dominant and behaves maturely. Women are generally also attracted to men with larger jaws as this shows that he has more testosterone.

Men, on the other hand, are attracted to women with prominent eyes and an hourglass shape. The waist to hip ratio counts as being more attractive than the weight, with a 0. 7 ratio being the most attractive. Having this "hourglass" shape shows the man she is capable of reproduction. Women who have shorter chins and foreheads mean they have more estrogen, making their eyes more prominent. This makes the eye shapes a more attractive feature that men find in women.

Men like to have their jokes laughed at, women like to a guy who can tell funny jokes. That being said, a woman is generally attracted to a man that has a great sense of humor and can make her laugh. Men like women that will actually laugh at his jokes. Also, the younger the perso n, the more attractive they are. According to a Time study, men found girls at the age of 15 more attractive than 19 year old women. Humans are naturally attracted to those who retain their juvenile features and smooth skin as adults.

There are some other theories about how we are attracted to people, one being reciprocal liking, meaning that we like someone just because they like us back and that makes us feel good and attracted to them. Also, you might be surprised to find out that people tend to be attracted to true, romantic love more than sex. However, those women who are on birth control pills wind up being more attractive to men who find these kinds of women in control of their hormones. This can also be a turn off as men might also want a woman who is fertile. Another theory is a positive association attraction, which means that a woman mind find a man attractive when doing something like helping out at a charity organization but might not find him so attractive when playing baseball.

We tend to be attracted to people we see regularly as well. Those that we bump into often on the streets or see someone everyday in class or at work can often become a potential hookup. We also like those who are similar to us. Those with a similar genetic makeup tend to be more attractive to us and studies show that it is more likely to wind up being married to them longer and staying away from child abuse. A final reason and possibility of a cause of attraction between people is we want a mate that will resemble our parents. Girls will want to find a man who will resemble their father and boys will want to find a woman who will be like their mother. Even if they look like our parents it might cause some attraction.
капитан звездолета   2011-12-17 01:05:00
a lot of notes
Look: man and woman will have chemistry between them or not. Simple like a world. all other ideas and speculations are just road dust...
- Witch - С Днем вареньея! IgorKXXL (6 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-12-17 15:04:58
Witch - С Днем вареньея!
Поздравляем хозяйку домика!
Witch, спасибо тебе, что организовала домики, что вдохнула в него душу.
Спасибо за многие и многие безценные грамматические посты. За демократический, свободный дух и доброжелательную атмосферу в дому)
Желаю тебе сохранять прежнюю энергию и оптимизм.
Глядя в твои задорные глаза и левой рукой касаясь твоей волшебно тонкой талии, правую руку я держу у своего сердца, что бы в очередной раз спросить, бываешь ли ты в Москве?
Возможно, таки ты примешь участие в одной из наших живых московских встреч?
Witch   2011-12-17 16:22:54
Я в Москве последний раз в сентябре была) Проездом из отпуска) А так -редко))
IgorKXXL   2011-12-17 16:38:53
тогда на новые посты в домике))
avant propos   2011-12-18 18:55:21
с днем рожденья
всем любви и счастья
капитан звездолета   2011-12-19 19:53:06
in English, my friend
Why, the heck, you are writing in russian - do it in English. Witch - happy birthday and nice flight On A Goat.
Witch   2011-12-26 23:30:22
Спасибо всем большое)
- How to Make Your Man Happy in Bed IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-12-11 20:15:18
How to Make Your Man Happy in Bed
Its not a big secret that guys like sex, and a lot of it. As his partner, you need to provide a lot of it for him in order to make him happy. If you notice he is acting different, unusual, or that he has taken interest in another woman, pornography, or a different hobby, then you might not be giving him enough sex to bring his interest back onto you and the relationship. Here are a few things you can do in bed to get your man interested and happy with you.

Make it a priority. Dont put sex off cause you are tired, you have to get up early in the morning, or anything else that is getting in the way of your sex life. Make sex with your guy a number one priority. Quality time with your man is most important to having a happy and successful relationship and marriage.

Make the first move. Guys are used to initiating sex, why dont you jump his bones for once? Take control and take the initiative in bed. He will enjoy it a lot.

Do it in the morning. Morning sex is a luxury and also a great start to the day, for both couples actually. Before work, having a bit of sex before waking up is the best way to start a wonderful day. He will feel loved, relaxed, and ready for anything that day. You will also feel the rewards of morning sex as well.

Make things interesting. Do a little dress up, play with some toys, go crazy while giving him oral, try something new or do a fantasy that he always wanted. Experimenting is the best way to make him feel that he is needed and wanted and his desires are fulfilled.

Show some interest. Finally, make sure you arent like a dead fish in bed and make him do all the work and dont be obvious that you are doing this just for him. Get into it, even if you have to force yourself. Talk about it and show genuine interest in sexual activity in bed.

What do you enjoy in bed? What makes your man happy in bed? Write your comments below!
- Have fun!)) Смешинка (6 сбщ)
Смешинка   2011-12-06 23:55:53
Have fun!))
Английский за три урока
Первый урок, английский для начинающих:
"Три ведьмы разглядывают трое часов "Свотч". Какая из ведьм
разглядывает какие часы?" Теперь по английски! Three witches watch
three swatch watches. Which witch watches which swatch watch?
Второй урок, английский для продвинутых учеников:
"Три ведьмы-трансвеститки разглядывают три кнопочки на часах "Свотч". Какая из ведьм-трансвеститок разглядывает какую кнопочку на часах "Свотч"?" Теперь по английски! Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch?
Третий и последний урок, английский для абсолютных профессионалов:
"Три швейцарских ведьмы-сучки, желающих изменить свой пол, разглядывают три кнопочки на часах "Свотч". Какая из швейцарских ведьм-сучек, желающихизменить свой пол, разглядывает какую кнопочку на часах "Свотч"?" Теперь по английски! Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swisswitch-bitches, watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch-bitch, which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch? (c)
Смешинка   2011-12-06 23:58:38
and some more...
В инязе идет экзамен по переводу с английского.
Чувачок слушает текст (на английском).
Что-то про большую любовь. Довольно прилично переводит. И тут слышит следующую фразу: "She really venerated Jim".
Чувачок, не моргнув глазом, переводит: "Она действительно заразила Джима венерической болезнью".
Преподы и присутствующий народ начинают медленно сползать на пол от хохота.
Ведь на самом деле сия фраза гласит: "Она просто боготворила Джима (англ. to venerate)".
Об этом сообщают чувачку и слышат в ответ: "Одно другому не мешает!"

Cын в 6-ом классе. Сегодня сидим с ним и делаем его английский, в учебнике фраза из рассказа: "When I get home I'm alwaуs tired".
Сын переводит:
- Когда я возвращаюсь домой я... замешательство... усталая ПРОКЛАДКА?

I have a bottle of russian vodka. Will you?
- Я ща тебе вылью!

Do you happen to know any other jokes like that?
IgorKXXL   2011-12-07 16:08:22
шутки) Я посмотрю в запасниках)) Может что то выложу.
IgorKXXL   2011-12-07 21:09:27
three envelopes
A fellow had just been hired as the new CEO of a large high tech corporation. The CEO who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes. "Open these if you run up against a problem you don't think you can solve," he said.

Well, things went along pretty smoothly, but six months later, sales took a downturn and he was really catching a lot of heat. About at his wits's end, he remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, "Blame your predecessor."

The new CEO called a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO. Satisfied with his comments, the press -- and Wall Street -- responded positively, sales began to pick up and the problem was soon behind him.

About a year later, the company was again experiencing a slight dip in sales, combined with serious product problems. Having learned from his previous experience, the CEO quickly opened the second envelope. The message read, "Reorganize." This he did, and the company quickly rebounded.

After several consecutive profitable quarters, the company once again fell on difficult times. The CEO went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope.

The message said, "Prepare three envelopes."
IgorKXXL   2011-12-07 21:12:22
Now I understand what marketing is:
You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. You approach her and tell her: "I am very good in bed". That is Direct Marketing.

You are at a party with a group of friends and you see a very pretty girl. One of your friends approaches her and tells her: "That guy over there is very good in bed". That is Advertising.

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. You ask for her phone number. The following day you call her and tell her: "I am very good in bed". That is Telemarketing.

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. You recognize her, you approach her and refresh her memory by telling her: "Do you remember how good I am in bed?" That is Customer Relationship Management.

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. You get up, fix your tie, pour her a drink, open the door for her, pick up her bag when it falls and you tell her: "I am very good in bed". That is Public Relations.

You are at a party and you see a very pretty girl. She approaches you and tells you: "I heard you are very good in bed". That is BRANDING!!
IgorKXXL   2011-12-17 16:44:02
Touch it gently...
Touch it gently...
Put your finger inside...
If hole is big put three fingers...
Rub it up down gently...
... ... ... ... ..
that's the right way of
washing the glass!!!
- How to Show Your Wife You Love Her IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-12-05 22:05:59
How to Show Your Wife You Love Her
After being married for some time, the spark might seem to die or you might be longing for that awesome cloud 9 feeling. Here are a few simple but powerful things you can do to show your true love for your wife.

1. Understand love
First, you should mentally prepare yourself. You cannot love someone if you dont understand the love that you have for someone. That being said, remember the reasons why you got married to your wife and remember all of the great times you spent together. Remember your commitment and values you share in the marriage. Giving love first starts with understanding it.

2. Tell your wife every day that you love her
The typical thing to do, but most often overlooked, is to tell your wife every day that you love her. Many men fail to do this even though it is so simple to just remind her every morning after you wake up and every evening before you go to bed.

3. Tell her that she is beautiful
After you tell her that you love her every day, dont forget to remind her how beautiful she is. Make sure your compliments are genuine and sincere and not just randomly said at an awkward moment.

4. Get random presents for her
Pick a random day this week to give her some chocolates, flowers, love notes, and other clich#233; romantic presents. Maybe at the end of the month, take some time off of work and go on a trip some where for the weekend.

5. Help out around the house
Does she do dishes and laundry every day? Why dont you get up earlier than her and get those things done and get her breakfast in bed on top of all of that. Imagine how relieved she will feel when she hears that all of her chores for the day are done before she can even roll out of bed.

6. Put her before you
When you put your wife before you in a relationship, your relationship becomes love centered and she naturally and automatically pleases you without you even expecting it or having to ask. The household is pretty much tension free as long as you keep your wife happy.

What other acts of love can you give to your wife? As a woman, what do you expect your husband to do for you and what can he do to really make you feel loved and happy? Can a household really survive if the man puts himself first before the woman?
Праздник Каждый День   2011-12-05 22:25:01
Wanted! Right now!!! :)
You described an ideal husband.
- Keeping the Relationship Alive IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-11-27 15:44:44
Keeping the Relationship Alive
Many times a relationship will lose its fire and eventually die out. In order to prevent that from happening, there are a few things you should keep doing for your girl to keep the relationship and her both happy. Here are a few essential pointers in order to keep the relationship alive and fun.

1. Listen and be there for her
The most important yet simplest thing to do to make your girl happy is to just listen to what she has to say, pay attention, avoid distractions, and interact with her. Let her know you are there for her, understand her, and share her emotions. Relationships are built on emotions and understanding them and caring for her emotions will help keep the fire burning in a relationship.

2. Honesty
You dont have to tell her everything about your past, but at least be honest about things going on in the present. Even though the truth might be difficult to face, you must be honest because without it a relationship will never last.

3. Stay in shape
Keep your stomach from growing and develop a six pack, girls hate fat stomachs. By staying in shape you will feel good and your girl will also be proud to walk with you.

4. Be chivalrous
Hold her hand, hold the door for her, push the chair in for her at a restaurant, bring breakfast in bed, massage her, and do all of those other nice things that girls love. Genuine romance will go a very long way in a relationship.

5. Have an open mind
Be interested in her hobbies, interests, and her activities. Respect them, learn about them, and even participate in them.

6. Write to her
Email and phone can get boring and overrated at times. Why not try some old fashioned pen and paper, write a letter, and mail it to her? This will be more personal and seeing your handwriting can provide much more effect than typed letters.

There are many other creative ways to keep a relationship alive or to bring back the fire in a relationship. Remember, a simple call to say that you were thinking about her can do the trick. Actions also speak louder than words.

What do you do to bring back the fire in a relationship? Have you ever had a relationship that died but you brought it back?
- What Men Want in a Woman IgorKXXL (9 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-11-26 16:27:48
What Men Want in a Woman
Although many men have different tastes of women, there are a number of qualities that most men look for generally that attracts them the most to a woman. Here is a list of the most common qualities that most men look for in women.
IgorKXXL   2011-11-26 16:28:45
1. Confident
This might come at a surprise for many but most men actually want a woman who is confident about her looks, walks tall, and knows she is attractive. A woman with low self esteem can eventually come off as depending on the guy way too much for moral support and that can be a real turn off for many men.
IgorKXXL   2011-11-26 16:29:15
2. Looks feminine
This one comes at no surprise since guys are looking for a feminine and a beautiful woman. Guys become turned off when their woman starts looking and acting more masculine and manly. The less hair, the better as well groomed women look more feminine.
IgorKXXL   2011-11-26 16:30:20
3. Good sense of humor
A man wants a woman who knows how to laugh and have a good time. No one wants to be with someone who is always dull all of the time.

4. Honest
Why would a man want a woman who always lies to him? Honesty and faithfulness comes at a high importance to most men when looking for a woman. They want someone who will be completely honest with him all of the time and also always be there for him.
IgorKXXL   2011-11-26 16:30:53
5. Educated
An educated, well-spoken and mature woman shows the man that she is interesting and fun to talk to. A woman who uses a lot of profanity can become a huge turn off for some men.

6. Easy going
Uptight women tend to turn off a lot of men. A girl who is relaxed and easy going and doesnt protest or complain a lot to new ideas and suggestions is the exact kind of woman most men would want to date.
IgorKXXL   2011-11-26 16:32:20
7. S u p portive
Men want a supportive woman who is interested in a long term relationship. Even if the guy is struggling with his career, she is there to help get him going. He needs someone who he can go to and tell anything to.
IgorKXXL   2011-11-26 16:33:40
What You Want in a Woman?
What qualities do you find most attractive when looking for a woman?
What is the most important quality and what is the least important?
Is it really the inside qualities that matter over the looks and beauty?
LuckyRFS   2011-11-26 19:14:44
Not all men want their woman to be feminine.

Mine wants me to be muscled and sportive. He tells me all the time that he likes my arms, though I find them a bit too big. I say to him that it is not feminine to have muscled arms, but he says that he does not care whether it is feminine or not; the most important thing is that he likes it that way.
IgorKXXL   2011-11-27 11:52:20
you are beautiful in every way end every appearance
Just be yourself
- Common Mistakes Women Make in Relationships IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-11-23 22:33:05
Common Mistakes Women Make in Relationships
Here are a few mistakes women tend to make while in a relationship.

1. Making a big deal out of email or phones
As mentioned above, snooping around his emails and text messages is not only psychotic, but also you will find yourself making your own distorted views on certain messages. A simple "k got it thx" doesnt mean "lets have crazy sex right now", so go easy on the stalking and just learn to trust him. If he is cheating on you, you will know in due time.

2. Displacing an argument
If you are mad at him for not taking out the garbage, then tell him exactly why you are mad at him and dont turn it around into some huge commitment issue argument.

3. Hoping for only a fairy-tale romance
You wont settle for anything less than fairy-tale romantic love stories, but you will never get one because they are just what you call them, fairy tales. Be realistic about your relationship and just observe how other happy relationships behave and work because that is truly what your goal should be in a relationship, mutual happiness.

4. Forgetting all about friends when we fall in love
Dont lose your friends just because you found true love. You need your friends to help reassure you about your situation, give you advice when you are angry with your spouse, and anything else that you need to talk about that you just cant tell your spouse.

5. Remaining quiet
If you have an issue, talk about it. Your spouse cant read your mind, so dont give them a silent treatment.

6. Not relying on him
Relying and depending on him is actually a sign of romance and love. It is also grounds for a healthy relationship. Show him you appreciate him and rely on him and dont ever feel like you are leaning on his shoulder all the time.

Do you often make mistakes in relationships? What is the biggest mistake that women tend to make? Are friends really that important to hold onto while in a deep committed relationship?
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-11-10 17:59:03
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Продолжаются регулярно наши "живые" встречи по вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21. м. Таганская. От intermediate.
Желающие присоединиться
- записывайтесь
этой в теме,
или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
О чем общаемся?
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
-- -- -- --
- Для удовольствия.
- Что бы рассказать свою историю.
- Для того что бы улучшить-убыстрить английский и навыки общения в целом
- Для того, что бы завести новые знакомства и новых друзей.
- Для того, что бы услышать мнение других и сказать свое.
- Для того что бы получить совет или узнать что то новое о себе или "за жизнь".
- Что бы приобрести уверенность в общении, получить поддержку или совет.
- это короткий список ответов постоянных участников встреч
- 5 Things Not to Write About IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-10-16 14:53:42
5 Things Not to Write About
Have you ever faced the situation when the guy you met online disappeared after exchanging just a few emails with you? What was wrong with him, or maybe that was you who shared some private information too quickly? Have you ever heard about TMI? Too much unnecessary info about your habits or previous relationships may make any would be partner want to run over the hills.

Men in their turn also make the same mistakes and maybe even much more often than women do. So, lets look at the ways to make on-line communication something more than a pleasant pastime, something that will lead you to a real relationship.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-16 14:55:37
=5 tips for men to succeed in online dating=
1. Women are not interested in the details of the relationships with your ex as well as in your problems at work and all other stuff like that.
2. If you send your potential life partner long emails that sound too sweet the woman sitting behind the other side of the screen may think you are not interested but desperate. Being reserved in your first messages will obviously help you to start your conversation and melt the ice of your first communication.
3. If the goal of your search is just a short fling maybe online dating website is not the right place to look for a partner?
4. Being too picky can also prevent you from finding your one and only. Its great when you know what you want, but dont forget that we live not in a fairy tale. Thus, instead of looking a princess try to pay your attention to just interesting women.
5. Dont move too fast! If you want to know our contact info, well this is not the issue. But asking for our phone number in your first or second message is not the right time.
Hope this short but really effective tips will easily help you to start the conversation with the woman you liked. Be yourself, show your best and stay with --- to get the lasted info about the world of on-line dating.
- What a Man Should Be Truly Honest About IgorKXXL (8 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-10-15 22:21:20
What a Man Should Be Truly Honest About
Women want genuine and sincere men in their lives and want to hear real compliments. The usual "you are beautiful" and the typical "you dont look fat in that" are nice, but arent exactly what a girl really wants from a man. A man should be political but also honest and genuine in a few very important things. Here is a short list of them.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-15 22:21:53
1. What you want from the relationship
Dont say what the woman wants to hear, say what you truly want from a relationship. This will help share your goals together and really see if a relationship is feasible or not. You dont want to tell her that you are ready to settle down when you are dating 4 or 5 other girls at the same time. Show and mean that you are serious about what you truly feel about a relationship.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-15 22:23:04
2. Friendships with girls
Be sure to tell the truth about your friends that are girls. Dont say that your friends are truly platonic when you actually dated a few of them. Girls will understand that you will have friends from the opposite sex so just be clear with them from the start about the history you have with them.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-15 22:26:43
3. Her looks
3. Her looks. == Girls should know that men want to see their genuine look without makeup. =
Don t be too pursistant to see what she looks like without all of that makeup and mascara but also show that you are genuinely anxious in seeing more of her.
Compliment her with original and unique compliments that she will appreciate.

4. Your past and history
You shouldnt try to force to bring up your past nor should your girl bring it up either, but if it does come to a situation where she is questioning you about past exes or anything else, be sure to be completely honest as not only will you feel relived that you have no hidden skeletons, but if the past comes back to bite you then you will at least be prepared for it and it wont as much hardship.

5. Your opinion of her friends
Her circle of friends will be just as important as your circle of friends are to you, so be sure to be on good terms with them. When she asks what do you think about her friends, let her know that you sense some animosity between one of them and maybe she can help explain why that is so you can fix that. Being on good terms with her friends is key especially when things are going bad between you and her since they will be there to convince her to stay with you.

Honesty is really important and it is essential to build a foundation of trust and honesty from the very beginning. Dont keep any secrets or even worse, lie about anything.

What do you think is better, to tell the truth or to keep something hidden in the past that you know might never come up in the future? Is it really that important to make sure you arent holding anything back so early in dating? Write your opinions below!
IgorKXXL   2011-10-16 08:40:17
What do you think is better,
What do you think is better, to tell the truth or to keep something hidden in the past that you know might never come up in the future?
Is it really that important to make sure you aren't holding anything back so early in dating?
Write your opinions, lady end gentleman!
Лара   2011-10-16 15:05:07
I don't understand
why you must drag your past into a new relationship.. This is something that has already passed, and if it still owns you, then you are not ready for a new relationship yet... in my opinion
IgorKXXL   2011-10-16 16:21:52
It is truth if you already finished it in your mind
If you're not...
You still need to discuss it with someone
Лара   2011-10-16 17:07:56
it will be need to find with whom... so if you make your choice do not correctly you can have any more problems
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-10-09 17:37:25
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Продолжаются регулярно наши "живые" встречи по вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21. м. Таганская. От intermediate.
Желающие присоединиться
- записывайтесь
этой в теме,
или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
О чем общаемся?
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
-- -- -- --
- Для удовольствия.
- Что бы рассказать свою историю.
- Для того что бы улучшить-убыстрить английский и навыки общения в целом
- Для того, что бы завести новые знакомства и новых друзей.
- Для того, что бы услышать мнение других и сказать свое.
- Для того что бы получить совет или узнать что то новое о себе или "за жизнь".
- Что бы приобрести уверенность в общении, получить поддержку или совет.
- это короткий список ответов постоянных участников встреч
IgorKXXL   2011-10-09 17:40:41
как с maybe так и "посторонние" граждане.
МальчеГов обычно больше чем ДевАчек.
- Jealousy in Relationships IgorKXXL (4 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-10-06 21:56:51
Jealousy in Relationships
The number one reason that jealousy occurs is fear. The fear of losing someone we care about can make us paranoid and jealous. This is not an excuse though to be jealous of our partners since lack of trust also constitutes jealousy.
Some might say that they trust you but they dont trust the people you work with or socialize with. This can be translated as they dont trust you with making decisions about your conduct and behavior with other people when your partner is not there.

If jealousy exists in a relationship, then the first thing to do is talk about it and address it and the reasons why the jealous feelings come up. The partner should then make it clear to their partner the situations that make them jealous and what can be done to make them feel more secure.

Jealous feelings can also occur judging from the past relationships that the partner had. For example, if an ex cheated on you and you are now jealous at every guy or girl who looks at your partner, then you should realize that this is a new relationship and isnt the same as the past one. You are basically bringing jealous feelings from your previous relationships into your current one and this could be disastrous.

Jealousy is a natural feeling but there are times where we find ourselves being jealous for no apparent reason at all. You need to have a talk with your partner about your jealousy and fears and come up with a strategy to deal with these feelings in the future.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-06 21:59:05
Dealing with Jealousy
Jealousy is best defined as the fear or worries that someone who you love or who you have an emotional relationship with might experience some attraction towards another person. These feelings are often followed by sadness and rage. Anger occurs after being sad worrying that you might lose the one you love and want to get them back. Being jealous is perfectly normal and even healthy in a relationship. If one is not jealous, then that is an indication that something is missing in the relationship.

The first step to do when dealing with jealous feelings is to recognize your jealousy and understand why you are feeling jealous. Its better to admit you are jealous rather than keeping it to yourself then exploding a few weeks or months later. Assess your feelings thoroughly in order to control them.

Once you have recognized your jealous feelings, try to share them with your partner. It is important to express your feelings appropriately. Be aware that when you express your jealousy, you are saying two things; that you care about your partner enough to be concerned and jealous, but also you are saying that you dont trust them. Its hard to express jealousy in a calm manner, but you should try your best rather than exploding full of anger.

On the other hand, some people like it when their partner gets jealous and even become flattered. It lets them also know that you have been paying attention to them and that you care about them. Some women also worry that if the guy isnt jealous then he might not care enough about her and that will lead to her to try on purpose to make her man jealous, which is something no one really wants to be part of.

The overall point is to try to control your jealous feelings by recognizing them, expressing them, and understanding them with your partner. If you can be in full control of your jealous emotions, then you can expect to have a prosperous relationship.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-06 22:00:12
Jealous Much? Learn How to Overcome It!
!Ссылки Запрещены!munication is a very powerful tool to use when overcoming jealousy.

What do you think about jealousy? Have you ever been jealous? Do you know someone who had their relationship ruined over jealousy or know someone who has overcome jealousy?

Share your thoughts and comments below!
Лара   2011-10-07 22:52:33
about jealouse
Jealousy destroys the one who is jealous... in my mind

I'm not sober, but not drunk, terrible jealousy the trap
- GOOD MORNING! Лара (4 сбщ)
Лара   2011-10-05 07:50:29
Gjjd morning my dear freinds! And have a nice time today!!!
IgorKXXL   2011-10-05 19:49:08
Good evening,
thank you for coming)))
introduce yourself
Лара   2011-10-05 23:18:18
Good Night!
Have good night my dear freinds sweet dreams! I tell you about me early in the morning!!!
May beee!!!
IgorKXXL   2011-10-06 22:04:05
Share your thoughts
Where's your a new interesting theme for discussing?
- Common Myths about Men IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-10-03 21:56:30
Common Myths about Men
Many women think they know everything there is to know about men. However, there are quite a few stereotypes and common mistakes that women have over men. These myths have been the norm of what women expect out of men and most of them are simply not true.

For example, many women believe that if you have sex with a man on a first date then he wont respect you anymore. This is far from the truth as respect and sex have nothing to do with each other. Even if you had sex with him on the 20th date he will still not respect you if that is the kind of person he is. Every situation is different and every person is different as well but when it comes to sex, respect has nothing to do with how soon you go to bed with him.

Another common myth that is spreading throughout women is the idea that men love a good chase and cant resist it when women play hard to get. This might sound nice in a movie, but in real life this is the worst thing you can do to attract a guy. Of course you dont want to seem desperate but showing genuine interest without presenting mixed signals is the best way to attract a guy. After a guy builds up courage and asks you out, the last thing he wants to hear is you trying to make him catch you and sound qualified to be able to take you out.

There has also been a myth going around that guys like being left to imagine things, like for example imagining you in a sexy outfit or wrapped around in a towel. Guys arent as complex like women are. Instead of imagining it, guys prefer just to see it and skip the imagination.

It is also often said that guys are intimidated by independent women. While some probably are, most actually enjoy socializing with younger and powerful, independent women. Of course, men like to feel like providers and supporters, but a self confident guy will be proud of his independent partner and not feel emasculated by her.

There are many myths out there today that are simply not true. Do you know of any that youd like to share? Have you thought any of these were true until reading this article? Do you still think some of these myths are true? Share your responses and thoughts below.
Лара   2011-10-05 23:25:44
I did not understand
why nobody discussed this questions? Where are you ayyy?
- From Terry Cleary: IgorKXXL (6 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 11:27:18
From Terry Cleary:
!Ссылки Запрещены!rely the phrase should be the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 11:27:46
A Indeed it should.
However, the version you quote is a form that has been appearing with increasing frequency in books and newspapers, so we ought not to single out the BBC for censure. As another recent instance, the Boston Herald had this in its issue of 3 February 2004: "While the teams first Super Bowl victory back in 2002 could be explained away by some skeptics as a fluke, the second victory is the proof in the pudding in cementing the Pats status as the cream of the NFL crop."

But examples can be found in American newspapers at least as far back as the 1920s and it became relatively common from the middle 1950s onwards. Slightly different versions also turn up from time to time, such as this about a charity considering its links with Michael Jackson, "Until theres some proof in the pudding, we will continue to remain neutral" (The Grand Rapids Press, 30 November 2003), and about an election in Canada, "I guess that the proof in the pudding will be on Oct. 2" (Toronto Star, 29 September 2003).

The principal trouble with the proof is in the pudding is that it makes no sense. What has happened is that writers half-remember the proverb as the proof of the pudding, which is also unintelligible unless you know the full form from which the tag was taken, and have modified it in various ways in unsuccessful attempts to turn it into something sensible.

They wouldnt make this mistake if they knew two important facts. The full proverb is indeed the proof of the pudding is in the eating and proof has the sense of "test" (as it also has, or used to have, in phrases such as proving-ground and printers proof). The proverb literally says that you wont know whether food has been cooked properly until you try it. Or, putting it figuratively, dont assume that something is in order or believe what you are told, but judge the matter by testing it; its much the same philosophy as in seeing is believing and actions speak louder than words.

The proverb is ancient - it has been traced back to 1300 and was popularised by Cervantes in his Don Quixote of 1605. Its sad that it has lasted so long, only to be corrupted in modern times.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 11:39:02
Первый пост был
From Terry Cleary: I have heard BBC
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 11:40:11
Продолжение было:
reporters say the proof is in the pudding.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 11:41:35
и только затем:
Surely the phrase should be
=the proof of the pudding is in the eating=
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 11:42:44
понять что этому автоматическому цензору
не нравится невозможно. что он за ссылку примет - никогда не догадаешься.
- Welcome to the Autumn Party! IgorKXXL (6 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 18:59:43
Welcome to the Autumn Party!
Добро пожаловать на осеннюю вечеринку Autumn Party!
В развлекательной программе вас ожидают конкурсы, зажигательные танцы от ди-джея, море позитива и отличное настроение, и конечно самое главное у вас есть уникальная возможность попрактиковать английский в непринужденной обстановке, продемонстрировать свои таланты (спеть, станцевать ) и найти новых друзей
Участники от intermediate
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 19:01:27
Ждем Вас и ваших друзей!
Дата проведения: 2 октября с 13. 00 до 18. 00
Место проведения:
Ресторан: Арт.- кафе "Выставка". Москва, ул. Новослободская, 361, стр. 1. м. Новослободская, Менделеевская
Стоимость билета: 1000 рублей
По всем интересующих Вас вопросам, звоните по телефону 89161995333 Галина
Лара   2011-10-03 18:40:00
ну вот
опять не успела:))
IgorKXXL   2011-10-03 21:17:32
а здря))
Народ был с разными уровнями.
И весело было.
Праздник Каждый День   2011-10-03 21:44:36
было не просто весело,
а очень весело :)
Лара   2011-10-03 21:52:06
ну так заранее предупреждать нужно
я только сегодня увидела сообщение
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (7 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-09-30 22:28:59
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Продолжаются регулярно наши "живые" встречи по вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21. м. Таганская. От intermediate.
IgorKXXL   2011-09-30 22:30:03
Желающие присоединиться
- записывайтесь
этой в теме,
или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
IgorKXXL   2011-09-30 22:40:24
О чем общаемся?
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
-- -- -- --
Для удовольствия.
Что бы рассказать свою историю.
Для того что бы улучшить-убыстрить английский и навыки общения в целом
Для того, что бы завести новые знакомства и новых друзей.
Для того, что бы услышать мнение других и сказать свое.
Для того что бы получить совет или узнать что то новое о себе или "за жизнь".
Что бы приобрести уверенность в общении, получить поддержку или совет.
- это короткий список ответов постоянных участников встреч
IgorKXXL   2011-10-01 11:08:22
Угу, Правильное решение. Прежде чем идти
нужно подумать, пару лет подготовиться, а уже затем...)))
The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Праздник Каждый День   2011-10-07 21:41:29
была в четверг на встрече
и получила огромный заряд положительных эмоций! Два часа непринужденной болтовни на любые волнующие темы - это просто здорово. Хорошо способствует переводу пассивного словарного запаса в активное его использование. Спасибо за предоставление такой редкой возможности - совместить приятное с полезным :)!.
IgorKXXL   2011-10-08 00:41:24
Шо собсно приятно?
Шо в приятном полезно?
Luna, Вашу версию можно поподробнее?
Праздник Каждый День   2011-10-09 15:39:00
а думала, что это очевидно:
Приятно - общение с интересными людьми, и весьма полезно - делать это на английском :).
- What's matter??? Андрей (4 сбщ)
Андрей   2011-09-29 11:11:05
What's matter???
Where is all??? )
Лара   2011-09-29 11:16:28
All have left on front
That is all in an ambush
Праздник Каждый День   2011-09-29 23:38:06
that's right! we are there :)
waiting for a new interesting theme to discuss.
IgorKXXL   2011-09-30 22:23:32
Be Free and Creative!
Where's your propositions? Where's your topics?
Do what you please. Be Free and Creative!
- Программы для изучения языка Tiny (8 сбщ)
Тепло Солнца   2011-09-14 21:47:14
Программы для изучения языка
Посоветуйте эффективную программу для изучения английского, желательно бесплатную. Спасибо!
IgorKXXL   2011-09-15 06:25:28
На мой взгляд
лучше подкастов из бесплатного ничего нет.
Сразу тебе и словарный запас и разговорный и произношение.
Грамматику только придется отдельно. На ВВС например, есть уроки.
IgorKXXL   2011-09-15 23:48:19
А словарь
я бы ABBYY Lingvo порекомендовал
Праздник Каждый День   2011-09-25 15:11:41
Я тоже за ВВС.
Чтение книг и просмотр фильмом тоже хорошо помогают и словарный запас расширить и в принципе язык подтянуть. Но это конечно для тех кто не с нуля. А если грамматику подтянуть, то English Grammar in Use by Murphy - is the best.
RainySunday   2011-09-28 00:41:38
Еще вариант - это
собрать группу из желающих сходного уровня и пройти вместе, например, New Headway либо любой учебник по коммуникативной методике, т. е. любые британские (Oxford, Cambridge, McMillan, Longman и т. д.) издания.
Такой вариант годится, как для начинающих, так и для продвинутых "пользователей":)
Праздник Каждый День   2011-09-28 22:17:50
Approved! :)
Это я про групповое изучение :). Надо на следующей встрече клуба подробнее обсудить...
IgorKXXL   2011-09-30 22:26:45
Давайте обсудим. Может быть что то интересное добавим в формат встреч.
avant propos   2011-12-18 18:57:34
я как бы
тоже беру оригинал и читаю но все зависит от уровня и словарного запаса
- Europes forgotten "religion" Prev IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-08-31 13:08:55
Europes forgotten "religion" Prev
Hundreds of millions of people in Europe alone are "non-religious", but non-religion remains an understudied field. To mark the launch of a new journal on the subject, associate editor Lois Lee discusses its significance and its role in defining the identities of the "silent majority" in Europe.

A non-religious position is never a position of neutrality."

-Lois Lee
Although it is often reduced to its most visible form rationalist atheism "non-religion" describes a range of perspectives. More widely understood, the term refers to the positions, perspectives and practices of vast numbers of people in Europe and elsewhere. Understanding their views should be essential to understanding European cultures and diversity, but they are only just beginning to be treated as such.

Statistics give some sense of the scale of the problem: In famously "secular" countries, like Sweden, Norway and Denmark, over 70% of the population are non-religious. In many other countries, however, it is barely less over 60% in Hungary, the Netherlands, Britain and others. Even in less secularised Catholic countries, non-religion is statistically significant, with 11% in Poland, 30% in Italy and 46% in Portugal.

This is not a reflection of levels of atheism in these countries in fact the numbers who classify themselves as atheist remain marginal. "Non-religion", however, can be understood in a broader sense as meaning atheism, agnosticism, non-religious secularism, or simply religious indifference as well as other outlooks that are harder to classify and record.

Understood this way, the number of non-religious people extends into the hundreds of millions in Europe alone. Yet in spite of this, non-religion had attracted little serious study by social scientists before the turn of this century, and it remains of marginal interest in many quarters. This is partly because non-religion has been another casualty of the dominating Enlightenment view of modernity which sees modernization as involving the steady rationalisation of peoples and thought, causing, in turn, religion to decline.

This view of modernity has been widely challenged since it emerged, often in critiques which defend religion as having an important role in modern society. Amongst other things, these critics contend that religion is less vulnerable than we had anticipated it would be, and that it is potentially more rational than we thought. Interestingly, this becomes a debate purely about religion itself it reinforces the idea that religion is the sole issue at stake and remains a singular oddity that needs to be explained.

A small, but growing number of non-religion scholars take a different view: We argue that the study of religion does not have to be about religion alone. This sounds like a contradiction in terms, of course, but actually it reflects how far language has become strait-jacketed by the idea that religion is a unique phenomenon. We are so accustomed to the idea that religion is singular and without alternative, that we have yet to developed a more generalised term for the collected perspectives of religion, spiritualism and non-religion as, for example, we use the term "gender" to include men, women, intersex and transgendered positions.

This is not just an academic issue or one of quibbling about categories. The tradition of treating non-religion as a non-entity means that we gloss over some significant social issues that diverse and pluralist societies should be addressing.

One example is the dialogue between faith and non-faith groups. Taking the idea of non-religion seriously involves taking seriously the idea that religious and non-religious communities co-exist and are likely to co-exist indefinitely. The way these groups interact has, in a globally communicative world, become important in national and international politics, civil society and personal relationships. They can either treat one another with tolerance and understanding, or with fear and misunderstanding. A non-religious position is never, however, a position of neutrality.

The idea that religion is something, and non-religion is nothing, can have different practical implications. It is, on the one hand, related to the idea that religion is strange and problematic whereas non-religion is normal and benign. On the other hand, the same stance can also lead to the view that religion is diverse, rich, communitarian, meaningful and therefore positive; while non-religion lacks the same capacity to enrich human life. Thus, by separating the two on this basis, we give both sides a legitimate cause for grievance and impair attempts to facilitate more positive relationships between them.

Given the lack of research and discussion about non-religion, there are important and urgent questions to be asked about it. For example, cognitive anthropologists and psychologists studying the cognitive conditions for theism have begun to notice that their work is incomplete unless they also understand the cognitive conditions of non-theism. In social anthropology and sociology, researchers have begun to explore the role of symbolism and communal aspects of non-religious life, helping us to understand more about contemporary human societies and challenging the view that symbolism and ceremony have a special relationship with religion.

For students of politics and international relations, questions relate to the relationship between non-religious perspectives and political secularism, liberalism and democracy the same questions, in fact, that are currently being asked of religion. And in religious studies in general, establishing what constitutes non-religion is helping to answer fundamental questions about the nature of religion itself.

All of this is of practical significance. Answering such questions will impact upon peoples understandings of themselves and others. Given the importance of inter-cultural and intra-cultural dialogue in diverse, pluralist societies, the existence of a large, silent majority as the non-religious are, especially in Europe is a problem. Initial findings from my own research, for example, indicate that different non-religious groups perceive religiosity in different ways. This and work like it, which recognises non-religions as participants in "religious"conversations, is necessary to facilitate real and productive dialogue.

Lois Lee is founding director of the Non-religion and Secularity Research Network, a doctoral candidate at the University of Cambridge, and was a Junior Visiting Fellow at the IWM Institute for Human Sciences in 2010. She is an editor of the new journal Secularism and Nonreligion. More information about non-religion research can be found at
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (6 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-08-29 06:47:02
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Продолжаются наши регулярные "живые" встречи по вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21. м. Таганская. От intermediate.
IgorKXXL   2011-08-29 06:47:36
Желающие присоединиться
- записывайтесь в теме, в ССС или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
== == == == ==
О чем общаемся?
-- -- -- --
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
-- -- -- --
Для удовольствия.
Что бы рассказать свою историю.
Для того что бы улучшить-убыстрить английский и навыки общения в целом
Для того, что бы завести новые знакомства и новых друзей.
Для того, что бы услышать мнение других и сказать свое.
Для того что бы получить совет или узнать что то новое о себе или "за жизнь".
Что бы приобрести уверенность в общении, получить поддержку или совет.
- это короткий список ответов постоянных участников встреч
IgorKXXL   2011-09-21 07:02:20
Мероприятие бесплатное
Клуб работает на общественных началах))
Праздник Каждый День   2011-09-25 15:16:11
а встречи еще проводите?
RainySunday   2011-09-28 00:46:48
приятно было поучаствовать сегодня!
IgorKXXL   2011-09-28 23:07:08
в этот раз зажгли)))
Так держать!)
- В Видениях Блейк пишет: IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-08-27 08:31:30
В Видениях Блейк пишет:
Till she who burns with youth, and knows no fixed lot,
is bound In spells of law to one she loathes?
And must she drag the chain
Of life in weary lust?
- New Relationship Advice for Women IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-08-20 21:23:45
New Relationship Advice for Women
The first few months of a relationship might seem perfect to you as a woman. There is a lot of physical attraction and the guy seems like a great guy to be with. But how do you know that he is really after a relationship? Can you really be sure that this guy has a relationship on his mind with you?
1. Its common to see a woman getting closer to a guy and the moment after they sleep together or sleep together for a few times then the guy starts to distance himself from her. Just to get one point across, a few phone calls, dates, and overnight stays do not equate to a relationship. He is still not your boyfriend even after all of that.
2. What can you do about this then? How can you start a real relationship with the guy? First you have to find out if he is truly ready for a relationship or not. To find out, ask yourself, is he genuinely treating you well? Is he doing nice things for you and going the extra mile to make sure you are happy? Is he holding your hand in public and opening up his own life to you? If he is doing all of these things, it is probably safe to say that he is after a relationship and you can probably call him your boyfriend.
3. You need to do things for yourself though as well, whether or not he seems like relationship material. One thing is to be yourself and always be yourself. Dont change or expect him to change for you. The right guy will love you for who you are and will never expect any change from you. Try not to be a control freak either or too pushy about being in a relationship. Relax and let things go at their own pace.
4. You also want to be a fun girl. Remain that same fun girl that you were when you first started dating. The most important thing is that neither one of you being to act differently just because you are in a relationship. Again, you want each other to fall in love for who you are truly and never change that, so the best advice is for you to just be yourself.
This is just general advice when starting a new relationship with a guy. Make sure you are thinking clearly and dont let love blind you. Make sure he is opening up to you the same way you are to him and let the relationship form on its own.
Do you have a habit of jumping into a relationship too fast? Do you find that many guys leave you or distance themselves from you after going on a few dates?
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (4 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-08-20 21:11:27
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Продолжаются регулярно наши "живые" встречи по вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21. м. Таганская. От intermediate.
IgorKXXL   2011-08-20 21:12:04
Желающие присоединиться
- записывайтесь в теме, в ССС или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
== == == == ==
О чем общаемся?
-- -- -- --
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
-- -- -- --
Для удовольствия.
Что бы рассказать свою историю.
Для того что бы улучшить-убыстрить английский и навыки общения в целом
Для того, что бы завести новые знакомства и новых друзей.
Для того, что бы услышать мнение других и сказать свое.
Для того что бы получить совет или узнать что то новое о себе или "за жизнь".
Что бы приобрести уверенность в общении, получить поддержку или совет.
- это короткий список ответов постоянных участников встреч
Просто Баудикка   2011-08-21 16:30:59
I don't remember if I ever asked this question. Do you practice meetings with native speakers or these groups are just a good company of Russian-speaking supporters?
IgorKXXL   2011-08-27 10:09:31
Нэтивы бывают изредка
Если честно, некому заниматься их приглашать.
Где взять знаю, если готова приложить небольшие, но регулярные усилия, то будут "регулярные" иностранцы
- Shes Still Just Not into You IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-08-08 21:29:09
Shes Still Just Not into You
There are some women out there who have just given up on finding Mr. Right and will just settle down with anyone. The problem is that they arent really in love with the man, but really in love with the man that they wish he would become. Here are some more signs to look out for when wondering if your partner is one of these types.
You have stopped seeing your friends. Her attempt to isolate you and have total control over you comes with intimidating your friends. Your friends will stop coming over and stop inviting you out more often. Pretty soon, you will see your friends almost never.
Her schedule is more important. If she wants to see a movie on Tuesday and you want to see one on Friday, no matter how much you compromise or say that you are busy and have things to do, you will still see the movie on Tuesday. Your schedule doesnt matter anymore because it is either her way and her schedule or nothing.
You are the only one that supports her. You are always there for her when she needs you and needs your support, but is she ever there for you? Many of these types of women tend to not return the favor and when you are in need of support from your partner, she is never there for you. She will instead make you feel bad, guilty, and point out your faults and the sympathy will always be absent.
Keep a look out for these signs and pay attention if you are dating someone who wants you to change and is in love with someone who you are not.
- Types of Women to Avoid IgorKXXL (1 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-07-29 06:59:11
Types of Women to Avoid
Everyone already knows that they probably wont have a romantic long lasting relationship with a woman who is a stripper, for example. But besides this more obvious type of women, there are a lot of women whose character can hardly be compatible with yours, so just think twice if you are really ready to build up a long term relationship with them.
The Control Freak
This type of woman attempts to control every aspect of your life. It might start with picking out a shirt for you to ordering your dinner and telling you what to do and eat as well as what friends you can see and when you can see them. Sooner or later you will find misery in your life being involved with a control freak. Worst of all, if you speak up and express your discomfort or refuse her demands, she will deny sex as a punishment.
This type of woman is pretty self explanatory. She shows up unannounced to your work and says she was just in your neighborhood. She checks your phone messages, text messages, emails, computer files, may even hide in your bushes at night. This type of girl will lead a relationship with her waiting on the porch for you to come home every night.
When talking to a desperate girl, you can hear her constantly complain how she is the last one of her friends or family to get married and how she thought she would have been married 15 years ago. She thinks of you as her last hope. Although it is difficult to avoid a desperate girl, you shouldnt let someone pressure you in or make you feel bad to get married to her. You should get to know the person first before she traps you at the alter and you are stuck in a miserable marriage.
You will spot an insecure girl rather later after a few dates. She will seem nice and more attractive than usual. Once you start dating, you will get calls from her every hour or so regarding your whereabouts. She isnt calling to hear your voice, she wants to know your exact position, who you are with, what you are doing, and constantly in need of hearing that she is attractive.
Rushed Wedding
Much like the desperate types, those who see themselves as a bride already want to immediately find their own personal Prince Charming. She will tell you she loves you by the end of the first date and the second date will consist of visiting her parents, find out how many kids you will have, and looking at houses already. She has already picked out her wedding dress and has her dream wedding in mind. These kinds of women dont know the reality of the situation and it is best to avoid otherwise she will be nagging you every day of your life.
- Требуется переводчик сна английский bill (2 сбщ)
bill   2011-07-20 11:50:36
Требуется переводчик сна английский
Для перевода проектной документации (строительство в нефтегазовой отрасли). Знание корейского приветствуется. Продолжительность проекта - больше года
Witch   2011-07-22 23:46:28
Где требуется, какие условия, цена вопроса?
- "Meet Friends" - regular meetings IgorKXXL (2 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-07-18 21:59:56
"Meet Friends" - regular meetings
Наши "живые" встречи по вторникам и четвергам с 19 до 21. м. Таганская.
IgorKXXL   2011-07-27 22:19:30
От intermediate
Желающие присоединиться - записывайтесь в теме, в ССС или по телефону 8 926 997 49 39
== == == == ==
О чем общаемся?
-- -- -- --
О важном, о том, что дает повод задуматься.
-- -- -- --
Для удовольствия.
Что бы рассказать свою историю.
Для того что бы улучшить-убыстрить английский и навыки общения в целом
Для того, что бы завести новые знакомства и новых друзей.
Для того, что бы услышать мнение других и сказать свое.
Для того что бы получить совет или узнать что то новое о себе или "за жизнь".
Что бы приобрести уверенность в общении, получить поддержку или совет.
- это короткий список ответов постоянных участников встреч.
- Пикник с иностранцем IgorKXXL (3 сбщ)
IgorKXXL   2011-07-09 17:50:23
Пикник с иностранцем
10 июля международный пикник со стажерами AIESEC!
Встречаемся в 12. 00 в Царицыно у входа со стороны фонтанов.

Веселые подвижные игры;
Импривизированный театр под открытым небом;
Шутки, конкурсы и увлекательное общение с иностранцами и не только

Условия участия: бесплатно, но в качестве входного билета принеси какое-нибудь блюдо и напиток, которым можешь поделиться с другими участниками. Это может быть как оригинальное блюдо, так и просто свежие фрукты, соки или морс. Главное правило еда должна быть здоровой;)
IgorKXXL   2011-07-09 17:51:01
По всем вопросам:
Светлана 8 915 3867642
Ярослав 8 926 4700415

Парк Царицыно, вход со стороны фонтанов, Царицыно, Москва, Россия
Андрей   2011-07-20 10:47:49
а как там отличить иностранца от дешевой китайской подделки сэра Робинзона? )


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