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Amor Ex Machina? Maybe.

Ко всем записям блога

Хозяйка дневника: Леди Алатея  

Дата создания поста: 18 ноября 2008, 12:35

из норвежского блога

Dear Thea.
I am a russian woman who wants to marry a norwegian man. My intrests are houskeeping, cooking and cleaning. I have put in an ad in the norwegian paper "Aftenposten", but no one has answeard me. What do you think I should do? Do you know anyone who seeks a good and humble wife?
Russian woman

Dear you, Russian woman.
We have got many Russian women here in Norway, specially in the north. I think that Norwegian men go to Tana in Finnmark, if they want a woman of your kind, because there they can pick the one they like. So, there is no need for you! Sorry! But if you don't want to give up, so go to Sweden. The men there take everything!
Good luck!

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