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вместе поём?! Merk Kremont "Sad Story"

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вместе поём?! Merk Kremont "Sad Story"
Sad story, might find it boring
Lost his Mum to a drug named heroin
Father's gone, so Grandma's left with everything

Two grandkids and a daughter's coffin

I never really knew him when he was growing up
But I assumed that it was a little fucked
No parents for him to look up too
Just a brother whom I knew was a dodgy fuck

Shit, I used to think he was a dick
Tried too hard to fit
And never grew out of it

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck

Never left his home town
That's what probably did it
Never saw the other worlds
That he didn't want to go and get it

Occupied by fitting in where minds
A small west, small things
Make the small things feel so tall

Will he ever change?
Well apparently
He reapplied for college and was waiting for his grades
It wouldn't help his case
Oh, I couldn't ever say

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck

But wait with lights out, a night out
Brothers in town, some doubt
A few fights, now kicked out clubs, shit the suns up
One look is all it took
For his girl to cuss at another

Dudes being dudes
They blow at the chest
To impress these breasts
That'd just started this mess
They must protect the damsel in distress
So other girl`s man
Decides to clench his fists

And then he threw and missed
Brothers hit, as did his
Dropped him quick, then one kick to the head
Oh shit other man is dead

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck

And now he's locked away
21 years of age
How many lives will go to waste?
As far as graves
Until I see some fucking change

Oh, and I don't even know how
We can change it too
I want another life

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck

Now he don't talk too much,
Talk too much
He's probably given up, given up
I think he's had enough, had enough
Cause he ran out of luck, out of luck
подробно показан - верный признак монголоидной расы.
у наших, почти европеоидного вида граждан с финской кровью, порой единственный признак, по которому понятно, что они из угорского племени.
как ныне принято
видеоряд не имеет отношения к тексту.

но симпатишная мелодия, согласитесь. и клип милый.

Тук-тук-тук! Кто в домике живет? Наверное, мышка-норушка, как всегда... Ну там еще зайчик-побегайчик, лисичка-сестричка... А вас тама, похоже, нет!

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