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Amor Ex Machina? Maybe.

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The Reality

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ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина  
The Reality
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина
... Once I went book-shopping and could observe a floor manager at work.
A well-dressed lady came up and asked him:
-- Have you got anything new in fiction?
-- Oh! -- he said. -- Golden Dreams is one of our bestsellers now. This love-story moved my wife to sobbing...
And the lady got one. Then a middle-aged gentleman wondered:
-- Is there anything to read on holiday?
-- Yes, Sir, -- was the answer. -- Golden Dreams is the top humorous book of the season. My wife was in stitches over it...
The gentleman assumed 2 copies.
Then the book was promoted as a travel experience journal, as a psychological drama, as something to reflect on, as something to re-read with gratitude and to quote with delight... Every time the floor manager was ecstatic about it.

At last I addressed him timidly:
-- Is it really so wonderful?
-- Sir, I dont know what there is inside, -- he said.
-- But your wife... -- I reminded.
-- I am not married, Sir, -- he said and quitted the conversation.
Клинически счастлива  
Perfectly done
Клинически счастлива
perfectly done work:)
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина  
Thanks ))
ОйТаНуШоВы, Мущщина
(I guess) to Mr. Leacock - it's his plot (repeatedly digested).
Or - were you praising the floor manager?.. )
капитан звездолета  
капитан звездолета
Ha, nothing new, just good salesman... вперит вам прошлогодний снег за 1 минут...

Тук-тук-тук! Кто в домике живет? Наверное, мышка-норушка, как всегда... Ну там еще зайчик-побегайчик, лисичка-сестричка... А вас тама, похоже, нет!

Почему? Да потому что на Мейби нужно сначала зарегистрироваться, а потом подать заявку на прописку в ДоМиКе.

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